Chapter 391: An Unwise Bargain

Name:Wayfarer Author:
Chapter 391: An Unwise Bargain

In Dazheng's imperial study at Yongding, Xiao Nanfeng's avatar was reading through a series of documents while You Jiu reported to him.

"Mr. Wen's actions might be shrouded in secrecy, but his subordinates aren't as skilled. We were able to identify everything that they did," You Jiu said.

Xiao Nanfeng didn't even lift his head. "No. Mr. Wen never intended to hide their actions from you."


"Continue. What did Mr. Wen do?" Xiao Nanfeng asked, even as he continued perusing his paperwork.

"He established a large formation over the islands all around the ancient draconic palace in the Eastern Sea. He labored extensively over the formation and simultaneously spread the news to some of the larger Immortal sects across the Eastern Sea, stating that the ancient palace contains an endless amount of treasure. The Immortal sects have all sent many batches of disciples toward the palace, but the majority perished."

"Mr. Wen's trying to make a big move. Show me the formation he laid out," Xiao Nanfeng said, smiling as he put down his brush.

You Jiu proffered a map. "This is an approximate chart of the formations based on what we were able to see. Each node of the formation is shrouded in fog, and he even laid out many fake nodes to cover up the real ones. He's truly meticulous."

Xiao Nanfeng glanced at the map seriously. "The Formation of the Complete Heavens..." UpTodated novels at


"It has to be. I once studied the Star Map of the Complete Heavens, and I won't be mistaken about this. He must have used the star map as the basis for laying out this formation. It's rather comprehensive preparation." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

"Is this formation particularly astounding?" You Jiu asked.

"It's the strongest formation of the spirits' Imperial Court. How could it be anything but? That said, I suspect Mr. Wen won't be able to draw out its full strength."


"Formations are easy to pick up but near-impossible to master. Mr. Wen is skilled, but his skills lie in a different domain. I'll likely have to send Blue Lantern out this time."

"Do you intend to help Mr. Wen, Your Majesty? It seems like he's rather guarded against us..." You Jiu worried.

"No, he isn't guarded against us anymore." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.


"The fact that you were made aware of his plans means that he's feeling rather helpless at the moment. The cultivator he has to take down is far stronger than he anticipated. He too can sense that something is amiss; that's why he wants our assistance."

"He's communicating with you through me?" You Jiu exclaimed.

"More or less. Furthermore, Ao Zhou hasn't returned from his expedition to the ancient draconic palace with Croak and Warble. I'm worried about their safety, and was intending to head there myself regardless.

In the Eastern Sea, within the ancient draconic palace surrounded with black fog, the commotion of fighting could be heard from all over as a large group of cultivators fought off countless cursed slaves.

"The cursed slaves here bear Immortal relics, just like the rumors said!"

"Senior Brother, I saw other Immortal sects' disciples find an Immortal sword over there, and now they're heading over here!"

"Those bastards! We already established our respective domains. They'd better not fight us for this relic. Come on, we have to claim this one before they get here!"


The fighting grew more and more intense.

Behind a large boulder was a group of people. In the lead was, of course, Ao Zhou. Thirty of his subordinates followed behind him, all currently humanoid in form. Beside Ao Zhou was a couple in black.

Ao Zhou frowned at the couple. "Xiao Nanfeng's a scoundrel. He said he'd send a batch of his subordinates to help me investigate the ancient draconic palace, but all he sent were the two of you! I shouldn't have agreed to a fifty-fifty split initially!"

"Talk to Xiao Nanfeng about it, not us. We're not responsible for negotiating the terms," the woman in black said.

"We've been discovered!" Croak cried out.

"Don't worry. He's the only one around. We simply have to get rid of him. I can sense that there's a particularly valuable treasure in the hall he came from." Ao Zhou's eyes lit up.

"Ao Zhou, don't lie to me. How would you be able to sense that?" Warble clearly didn't believe his claims.

"Dragons make the best treasure hunters, and I'm even more impressive. I can sense treasure with just a sniff. Believe me—take him down!" Ao Zhou cried out.

Croak and Warble clearly remained dubious. Just like Xiao Nanfeng told them, they took a step back.

Ao Zhou stiffened. Were these two spirits really going to go against him? He thundered, "Take them down! Otherwise, I won't split any of the treasure with you!"

"Tell Xiao Nanfeng about it. We won't concern ourselves with the distribution of spoils," Croak replied, shaking his head.

Ao Zhou thundered in outrage.

Not far away, the man in the draconic robes stilled, not expecting the group to start fighting among themselves.

"All of you, charge and attack!" Ao Zhou commanded his subordinates.

The dragons roared, transforming into giant dragons as they charged at the man in black brocade. The dragons were fierce and exuded strong killing intent.

The man's eyes brightened. "Dragons? How timely. You'll all be useful to me." [1]

The man reached out for them. A giant paw of black fog condensed and caught the dragons swarming toward him.

"Save us, King! We can't move!" the dragons shouted.

The man still wasn't satisfied. He launched another hand at Ao Zhou, Croak, and Warble.

"Run!" Croak croaked.

Almost immediately, the three spirits were caught by the hand. None had managed to escape.

"What? How could this be?!" Ao Zhou howled.

"Ao Zhou, didn't you say there wasn't going to be anyone strong? For him to have caught us so easily, he has to be at least a Heaven Immortal. What did you expect us to do?!" Croak croaked.

"Ao Zhou, if you don't know what you're doing, don't pretend you do. Look at what you've done!" Warble warbled.

"How was I to know?!"

"I was wondering where I would find new dragons, only to have all of you appear. You should be honored to serve me." The man in black brocade smiled.

Before them, as the ground rumbled, a hall rose into existence from underground in hissing clouds of black smoke.

"What dense cursed spiritual power!" Croak exclaimed.

"That hall's called... the Yanluo Court?" Warble murmured.

With a creak, the door to the Yanluo Court opened. The interior was an abyssal black. The spirits felt a preternatural fear.

"Senior, I only passed by unintentionally. Please spare us!" Ao Zhou cried out.

The man in black brocade ignored Ao Zhou's pleas as he tossed them all inside.

The door to the Yanluo Court swung shut.

1. He refers to himself as an emperor. ☜