Chapter 599: First Sally Against Dayin

Name:Wayfarer Author:
Chapter 599: First Sally Against Dayin

Within an ordinary city of Dazheng, Xiao Nanfeng and Wen Zhong were having tea in the governor's manor.

"You've caused quite a commotion this time around, Your Majesty," Wen Zhong said, smiling.

"What do you think of my strategy to destroy Dayin, Mr. Wen?" Xiao Nanfeng had a sip of tea.

"Others might call me a genius tactician, Your Majesty, but you must have ten times my genius."

"Hardly," Xiao Nanfeng demurred immediately.

Wen Zhong shook his head. "It's the truth, Your Majesty. Though I may be able to devise plans of such complexity, I would have needed to spend far more time on setup. On the other hand, your plan is well poised to take down Dayin quickly. Worry not, Your Majesty. I shall carry out your plan perfectly."

"I would prefer to go with a slower, stabler plan like yours, Mr. Wen, but there simply isn't time. We'll have to take this risk. I trust your skills, Mr. Wen, and I believe you're the most suitable candidate for carrying out this plan." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

"It's a pity that Dazheng's still too small. I suspect it won't be able to devour Dayin all by itself," Wen Zhong replied, sighing. Cheêck out latest novels on n/o/ve/l/bin(.)c/o/m

"I'm aware. Once war breaks out between Dazheng and Dayin, the other forces all around will eventually join in. Everyone will see what a feast this is, after all. However, we must be positioned to claim the largest portion of Dayin," Xiao Nanfeng emphasized.

"I'm sure we will, Your Majesty. Our preliminary move has already demonstrated its efficacy. With the public denunciation in play, the forces all around will surely hesitate in choosing a side and instead spectate for the time being. That is sure to lose them opportunity and initiative."

"Dayin is going to retaliate in kind for this denunciation, I'm sure."

"We're prepared for the counterattack, Your Majesty."

Just then, ten figures appeared above the city as a frightening aura emanated from them.

"To think Yin Shenhua would send ten Immortals to a small city like this one," Xiao Nanfeng murmured, smiling.

Wen Zhong looked up, narrowing his eyes. "There are five thousand cities in Dazheng. If Dayin is sending ten to each one, that's fifty thousand Immortals in all—and just as a preliminary salvo. The reserves of a divine empire are truly frightening..."

"Fifty thousand, you say? They might as well all remain behind," Xiao Nanfeng replied expectantly.

Just then, an Immortal in the air shouted, "Everyone in the city, listen up! The emperor of Dazheng, Xiao Nanfeng, has challenged and insulted the divine empire of Dayin. On our Immortal Emperor's orders, we shall destroy Dazheng. When you die, remember that the one who killed you was Xiao Nanfeng!"

The citizens of the city gaped at the Immortals in the sky as they began to panic.

The ten Immortals struck simultaneously, sending glowing palms descending toward the ground. Countless people were suppressed by the pressure; a looming crisis befell them all.

"No! Don't kill me!"

"You're all demons!"

"Save us, Your Majesty!"

Countless people cried out in fear.

Suddenly, ten rays of golden light emerged from the city and struck at the Immortals.

The ten Immortals' attacks were completely repelled as a frightening surge of energy erupted in the air, terrorizing the region. The entire city quaked.

"Aren't the Martial Aspects on bad terms with Xiao Nanfeng? Why would they assist him?" an official fumed.

"Keep scouting," Yin Shenhua commanded.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry. Clearly, he had other plans up his sleeve.

"Understood!" the guard replied.

Back in Yongding, in the hall in which Ao Canghai was currently situated, he asked, "Has Dayin's counterattack started?"

"It has. We have our own subordinates keeping track of what's going on. To think Xiao Nanfeng would dare to provoke Dayin—this initial counterattack alone would be enough to destroy Dazheng!"

"Dazheng would fall to a single blow from a divine empire."

"With fifty thousand Immortals gathered, even Xiao Nanfeng won't be able to make his way out of this disaster!"

The Martial Aspects laughed at the calamity Xiao Nanfeng was about to suffer.

Just then, the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost rushed into the hall. "Eastern Aspect, something's wrong. We've just received word that Xiao Nanfeng has ten Immortals stationed at every city in his empire."

"Every city?" Ao Canghai asked.

Beside him, another Martial Aspect said, "You must be mistaken. Dazheng has five thousand cities. Do you claim that Xiao Nanfeng has fifty thousand Immortals in his employ? What a joke! There were only thirty thousand purple-furred monsters to begin with. Where would the other twenty thousand Immortals have come from?"

"We've been keeping an eye on the Imperial Court as well. There haven't been any reinforcements. Could you be mistaken?"

The Martial Aspects were clearly dubious of this claim.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost shook his head. "That's what I'm hearing from all my sources. Ask your subordinates if you don't believe me."

The Martial Aspects hurriedly rushed out to make inquiries of their own subordinates, then returned with dour looks on their faces.

"Is it true?" Ao Canghai asked, frowning.

"It is. Our subordinates' avatars are reporting the same thing."

"So Xiao Nanfeng has twenty thousand Immortal subordinates in addition to the thirty thousand purple-furred monsters? How did he accomplish such a feat? Why didn't we know about this at all?" One Martial Aspect was clearly very discomfited.

"What else is he hiding?" Ao Canghai murmured.

The Martial Aspects all seemed unhappy with how the situation had unfolded.

Just then, Xiao Nanfeng's voice could be heard from outside the hall. "Is the Eastern Aspect present?"

"Come in!" Ao Canghai replied.

As the Martial Aspects watched on, Xiao Nanfeng walked into the hall. He looked toward Ao Canghai. "Eastern Aspect, Martial Aspects, as promised, I'm in charge of the imperial war, while you'll deal with individual Golden Immortals from Dayin. Dayin's army is on its way, and its commander is a Golden Immortal. We've figured out his location, so please make your move." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

The Martial Aspects: ...

They had agreed to Xiao Nanfeng's proposal because they thought his plan foolish enough that it would never come into effect. Was it already time for them to strike?