Chapter 345 - Chauncey and Yang Part 10


"Be quiet," Chauncey said angrily. "Why did you have to go this far?" Since he came here he was well behaved, he didn't think of doing anything.

"Because your true colours are black just like mine. Don't pretend to be a good person when your obviously a bad guy."

"She doesn't have to know."

"I think she does," Yang looked at him with a disgusted look on his face. "Don't think you can trick her any longer. I will tell her and I'll do so when you least expect it."


Two hours later - Rise TV aStation -

In the entertainment industry, there are many factors needed to be successful. First is being able to write songs and play music that will sell, and attract a large range of people. The power to ' feel.' Secondly, it's appearance. Although it's a rather superficial condition, it's definitely needed. Even if someone can fulfill the first condition, if they are a bland and average looking person, the image of them singing will not s