Chapter 13

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 13

Almost as if by habit, I am once again on the left, Damon on the right, and Sophie in the back as we follow Hadwin.

After just a few minutes of us clumsily sneaking, we stop at Hadwin's gesture. He just points in front of us, slightly to the left.

I frown.

I didn't notice anything.

I don ́t like it.

Leaves around a stone's throw in front of us start rustling, and I hear Sophie screaming in warning as the enemy also appears from behind.

Green creatures surround us while growling and showing their teeth.

Two level 2, two level 3, and one level 5 goblin shaman.

Not good.

Actually, it's pretty bad.

Really bad.

I get ready to run away when it becomes even worse.

A car sized wolf appears from behind the goblin shaman.

[Reanimated Wolf, lvl 2]

He's big, brown, and bloodied, but the most eye-catching thing is the iron pipe sticking out of its blinded eye.

I enter the deepest focus I ever have.

The world around me quiets, colors lose some of their vibrancy, and my mind filters out useless information.

My and the goblin shaman's eyes meet, and I swear he looks like he is laughing.

The goblins don't seem to be surprised to meet us at all.


Someone screams.

We don't even get time to run as the animated wolf rushes at us.

Hadwin makes the first move, and I can hear gunshots.




All of them hit, but the wolf keeps charging and only slightly staggers after every gunshot. There is no blood.


Another shockwave throws me to the ground. The world around me starts spinning, and I feel blood in my mouth.


I let mana flow through my body and crawl back on my legs. They are not broken, but one of my arms is, uselessly hanging along my side. That leaves my iron pipe uselessly on the ground. The spear I picked up is broken, and I am just holding its upper half.

As expected, the level 3 goblin is already next to me, and this time, I am unable to fully dodge it's swift stab.

The spear grazes my side, and the goblin grabs my broken arm, sending a painful impulse through me and making me scream in pain.

But I stay focused.

I keep mana flowing through my body.

Even battered like this, I feel confident.

He will die.

My heart is beating like crazy, pumping mana and blood through my veins.

My breathing is ragged but steady.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.


Even in such a state, there is not a single speck of doubt in my mind.

I will win.

Then I kick the goblin between his legs.

He lets out a painful groan and bends slightly.

I swing with my hand holding a broken spear and stab into the goblin's neck.

My spear doesn't enter too deeply, but with a loud scream, I pull back and thrust again and give him another kick between his legs.

He lets out a suffocating noise as blood starts flowing from his neck and mouth. He bends more while trying to cover his lower parts, and as he does so, I kick his lower chin with my knee.

Even in such a state, my kick is powerful enough, and I see consciousness disappear from his eyes.

As he falls down, I fall on him and stab his neck a few more times.

In the back of my mind, I hear a notification.

While holding a bloodied, broken spear in my hand, I stand up.

One more.