Chapter 39: CrimsonWolf

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 39: CrimsonWolf

The wolf's skill propels him like a rocket, and I barely manage to attack him as he passes by me. While bracing myself and strengthening with mana, I ram into his side with my shoulder first, using enough force to push him to the side just in time to give Tess an opportunity to reposition.

She moves further back, and several spears start floating around her, ready for her to grab and throw.

I am once again pushed away by the monster's skill, and he dashes at her again.

Immediately, three spears come flying at him. While moving incredibly fast, he ducks under one, dodges the second, and activates his skill again to push away the third spear.

A light flashes on its teeth, and it opens its terrifying maw and propels himself again with a dust cloud trailing behind him.

Tess holds her position up until the last moment, and when he is about to reach her, she activates her [Psychokinesis] at full force.

For a second, two similar skills clash, creating a shockwave that hits me and causes the trees to creak under pressure as if a strong wind is hitting them. The ground beneath them cracks, and dust comes flying away from the place where their skills met.

The girl's face is focused, and she gives it her all, and her mana shines beautifully in my [Mana Perception], but in the end, she is thrown away by the Crimsonwolf's skill.

But I am there right after, with my sword back in hand and the blade coated in wildly oscillating mana.

My attack is about to hit the monster when it gets stopped, and then, as I am unable to hold it, the sword flies away from my hand with an insane push from the wolf.

Not wasting a second after losing the sword, I dodge under the monster's bite and stab at the wolf with my fingers while using [Oscillation].

Again, a strong push of mana throws me away, but this time I miss the tree and just roll on the ground to reduce the impact.

I hear a roar, and when I look up, there is a spear sticking out from the wolf's left hind leg.

Immediately, I rush back at the wolf while keeping my body as low as possible while still being able to run fast.

My heart pumps like crazy and sends wave after wave of mana through my body. I immediately take it and send it through my muscles.


Faster.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

Take it, use it, expend it.

My body starts heating up, and I jump to the side, feeling something with my [Mana Perception].

The force of the wolf's attack barely misses me and makes me stagger a bit, but I quickly regain my balance and continue.

The monster's eyes stay glued to me. They are still calm, wild, and dangerous.

Another spear flies at him, but he deflects it without even turning around and then propels himself towards me with his mouth wide open.

I duck and roll under the wolf, and behind me, I hear the terrifying noise of its mouth shutting down.

As I pass under the monster, I put more mana into my finger and make a deep wound on his belly with [Oscillation].

My body feels so hot. I feel my Mana Circuit working in overdrive. It's as if the blood is boiling in my veins, and I feel as if I am about to lose control of my mana.

So, I [Focus] more.

[Focus Lvl 4 > Focus Lvl 5]

While letting out a scary noise, a spear passes by me, and the wolf dodges it while turning back to me.

Even wounded, he still looks composed and charges at me again without any hesitation.

She shakes her head.

"It felt different from mine. He was much stronger, but he could only push."

I see. Well, it's not like it matters that much now.

Tess says what I'm thinking.

"I think the monsters with names such as Cinderbear or Crimsonwolf are much more dangerous than just a normal wolf or bear."

And I agree with her. Let's be a bit more careful, even if the monster is at a lower level.

Hmm, what now? I really don't feel like skinning the wolf.

The thought of skinning its corpse feels... not good.

Sure, I can do it, but I won't if I don't have to.

Let's leave it.

We don't lack animal hides right now, and the meat of wolves doesn't taste that good.

"Did you level up?" As we unanimously start walking back to camp, I ask Tess, and the answer is just a short nod.

Now I am curious.

Not only about what she will pick but also about the traits themselves. Just the description of the trait can be a hint as to what should be possible to do with mana. So we both impatiently rush back, and after drinking some water and eating some food, we go into the corner of the cave, and Tess tells me about her traits.

Unlike me, she got offered only seven traits:

Mana-Infused Musculature (Passive)

The user's muscles are imbued with mana, providing them with increased strength and endurance. This trait enables them to perform feats of physical prowess beyond the capabilities of ordinary individuals.

Accelerated Recovery (Passive)

The user's body is able to recover from injuries and fatigue more quickly than normal, thanks to an infusion of mana that accelerates their natural healing processes. This trait allows them to maintain peak performance during extended periods of physical exertion.

Farsight-Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

The user's farsight ability is integrated with their reflexes, enabling them to respond to threats and react to changes in their environment with exceptional speed and precision. This trait grants them a significant advantage in both offensive and defensive situations.

Psychic Shielding (Passive)

The user's psychic abilities generate a protective aura that shields them from mental attacks and psychic intrusions. This trait grants them increased resistance to mind-altering effects and enhanced mental fortitude.

Kinetic Absorption (Passive)

The user's body is able to absorb and store kinetic energy from impacts, allowing them to reduce the damage taken from physical attacks. This stored energy can be released in a burst, enhancing their own attacks or movements.

Mana-Enhanced Agility (Passive)

The user's agility and dexterity are amplified by their connection to mana, allowing them to perform acrobatic feats and evade attacks with ease. This trait improves their overall mobility and responsiveness in combat.

Psychic Focus (Passive)

The user's ability to concentrate and maintain their psychic powers is significantly improved, allowing them to utilize their abilities more effectively and efficiently. This trait enhances their overall control and precision when using psychokinetic powers.

In the end, Tess decides on Psychic Focus and I leave her so she can get over the pain of acquiring the trait on her own.