Chapter 80: Your world sucks

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 80: Your world sucks

The small body of the best doggo hits my chest, making me let out a quiet groan of pain. Yet, I still hug the corgi and keep him close to my chest while carefully petting him with my now slightly healed arm.

(Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!)

Yes, yes, I missed you too.

Also, we will have to put some parental control on your access to the community; you are learning bad words from those guys there.

“Master wanted me to buy this creature from Henry as well.”

Oh no. Do I want to know?

“He did cost 10 gold,” she says anyways.

“How much did you pay for real?”

“Two gold? Henry wanted 4 but I blackmailed him, knowing that he sold you to Emeric to die.”


“You must be super rich, why don ́t you invite me for dinner?”

“Maybe if you grow your hair a bit and dress up nicely,” she giggles and comes closer to also pet Biscuit and he lets her, just like that.


Seeing something on my face, Ruby says, “I fed him a bit from my dinner and he immediately became super friendly.”

Biscuit! Stranger danger!

“So how did you find me?”

“Master left a Resonance Imprint on you and gave me your mana signature and I just tracked it.”

The heck? That sounds so cool!

“Can you teach it to me?”

“That's what interests you? You are not complaining that we are tracking you or asking why I went to take you back?”

“I expected something like tracking and you either went after me because you wanted something annoying or master told you to do so. It also could be because you felt my state and didn ́t go to check on me.”

But it doesn ́t matter.

“Please teach me.”

“Maybe in the future, I will use it as my bargaining chip,” she smirks and lets go of Biscuit who sends a message to her.


Good boy! Go and get her!

“Your dog... creature is kinda rude, you know that?”

Hey! He can hear you! Do not listen to her, Biscuit; you are perfect the way you are.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

“He keeps saying that, I almost threw him out of the window when he said “Food, Asshole!” but never mind that. We will be leaving Stonehaven.”

“Can you tell me why?”

“Yes, it's because of the war. Frontlines will move here soon enough and Master doesn ́t want to get caught in all of that. Simple as that.”

I continue to pet the corgi, who is slowly closing his eyes and his breathing is calming as I continue to hold him.

“I heard a few things here and there, but can you tell me who is fighting against who? I would rather have accurate information.”

She thinks for a second and then just nods.

“We are currently what is known as the Mana-Infused kingdom and we are at war with the Solaris Empire and to be honest this kingdom is kinda screwed.”

Once again, it makes me curious how many floors the tutorial has. It's hard to guess now, but after the end of the second floor, we should have a better idea.

Now I only have to find out how to survive this war.

From how it looks now, it seems that the Champions and Paragons will go wild and mess up as much as they can while the mad emperor, Sophie lookalike, will mess with the remaining few.

But, can you call that the end of the world?

Just humans will disappear and after a few years, life will continue as the planet will still be here.

I bet the system did cook up something really spicy.

It fills me with curiosity and worries at the same time. The end of this floor will probably be the most dangerous, just like the end of the first floor.

Well, at least I have some time and the option to get stronger.

Lvl 39

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 46

Mana: 100

My stats are nice to look at, but I need to level up a bit more to get those spicy side quest rewards.

Floor quest:

Witness the end of the world.


Skill upgrade token

20 stat points

Increased daily limit of community usage

Tutorial Difficulty change token

Side quest: Reach level 50

Reward: Trait strengthening token

I still haven't received another side quest instead of the one I got my skill upgrade from, but as always, I can only wait and train.

Even now, I continue to practice moving my mana. With upgraded [Mana Manipulation] it has become much better and I can somewhat ignore the missing mana circuit part in my missing arm.

It's still a mess but it's much better now and my flow has improved.

Somehow, I also think that dealing with all these troubles with the missing part of the mana circuit is helping me level up [Mana Manipulation] a bit more. Still, I want my arm back.

So, Lily, you'd better put some effort into it so I can freeload on your amazing skill.

I also found out a bit more about healers and it looks like they are totally like nobles among gifted people. Most of the time, powerful nobles snatch them up, the king also keeps one or two, and the rest are taken away by the temple that uses them to prolong the lives of people that are rich enough to pay.

Yup, it seems like healers can get to such a level that they are able to prolong lives. If Lily gets back to Earth, she will either become insanely rich or they will try to kidnap her or use her.

But for that, they will have to go through me.

Now, seeing how useful healers can be, I am even more decided to keep her close to myself and risk a bit more to keep her alive. At least I will try. I am not that good at dealing with people.

But hey, she can use me to stay alive and I will use her for healing. It's a win-win situation.

I just need to hope that she will see it that way as well, and for that, I need to become more powerful. Strong enough that she will feel safe next to me so I can keep her by my side without letting anyone lay hands on her or take her away.

So, that's that. I know what I want, and I'm sticking to the plan. One step at a time, let's see where this crazy tutorial takes us.