Chapter 97: [Dawn]

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 97: [Dawn]

I close the notification screen and think a bit more. For a short moment, I glance towards where Lily is, and my decision becomes cemented. If it works the way I think it works... good, it's decided. I'll wait a bit longer before using it.

I push myself up with absorbed kinetic energy and shake off the stiffness from my arms and body. My mana is already close to full, and it flows so beautifully through my body, it can't even be compared to before. Together with my two passive skills and high leveled mana manipulation and trait, I almost don't feel the pressure on me.

Still, my body complains a bit and it's physically difficult and dangerous to handle all of it and keep using so many skills, yet I always knew about it.

My current road leads to a build that could be called a glass cannon. It's something I picked myself up after thinking about it a lot and knowing the consequences. It's something I could have easily avoided, yet I push even harder.

If I die, it will be my fault. If I reach my goal, it will be only thanks to me.

That's how it should be and if the time comes I won't blame anyone, only myself. But not for picking this way. I'll blame myself for not putting enough effort into it.

POV Tess Hansen

“Follow me,” I say shortly to Maya and this time I do not smile. Thankfully, she listens to me, hearing my serious tone.

I use a prepared excuse to the guards and we pass by them, and then by another pair. Soon we are almost out of the camp and I lead us away from it.

It's all as we theorized. The notification we got before Community closed was a signal that only a few days remain, in the same way it happened on the first floor with the disappearance of the suns and when the rain came.

Staying with the others is not safe anymore, numbers mean nothing in the face of what the system has prepared.

“Tess...” Maya starts, but I gesture to her to stay quiet as we meet the last pair of guards.

“Oh, hello Tess,” the woman smiles at me. She is 10 levels higher and someone I was able to befriend.

Words stop in my mouth as I see her face and read her expression. She knows something I do not.

“I'm sorry, I can't let you leave. Orders. Do not bother trying to give me some fake orders.”

So that's it.

“Miriam, please, just let us go,” I give her one more chance because of the nice way she always treated me.

“I'm sorry.” Miriam says.

I'm sorry too.

A projectile, composed of mana and lightning that I had been preparing, pierces through her forehead. This instantly kills her and the same attack strikes the man who had been guarding alongside her.

[Lvl 65 > Lvl 66]

I ignore the notifications and turn to shocked Maya while I feel a mana wave from the camp, leaders informed of two killed guards.

“Follow me,” I say one more time and I enter the forest, boosting my movements with [Psychokinesis]. I do not even look back, knowing that she will do just that.

POV Sophie Martinez

[Geas] works the way I wanted it to and the woman with a question mark over her head leads us outside of the main city of the empire. She is the strongest one from the group that was able to escape and I was able to put [Geas] on her after using [Mana Infusion].

“About Lily...”

“I said it already, I can't help. I'm not a healer but from a quick look, I can say that it's an aftereffect of using a too-strong gift or something similar. They can be quite taxing.”

Biscuit is already on the bed, laying against the girl, looking around almost protectively. I look towards her once more and leave the room together with Ruby.

Hadwin, Kim and the twins are finishing their monster when it happens.

A wave of mana washes over me and then another, it repeats multiple times, each wave stronger than before. They are not targeted at anyone in particular, just rushing through the air at a terrifying speed.

I feel an urge to vomit due to the overwhelming amount of mana, and when I glance at Ruby, her face appears sour.

“So that's how it ends.” Ruby says.


Another wave of mana hits, and this time even the ground shakes while the sky darkens. Suddenly, an orange hue appears out of nowhere, making it look as though the sun is about to set—a beautiful dawn. Then, I also hear it: a deep, reverberating noise that sounds as if the very air itself is vibrating.

“Ruby, what's happening.” even I myself don't recognize my voice, it's tense.

Am I scared?

“That's Tristan's [Dawn]. To reach so far with it he must have powered it with the 'Sword of Aeons'."

She turns to me as if knowing what I'm thinking.

“The 'Sword of Aeons' is the greatest Mana Capacitor there is and yes, Tristan is on a different continent.”

The mana now starts to roar louder and louder, like a beast waking from a deep sleep. Like a bomb slowly charging up to explode.

“Nat, whatever happens. Thank you, I've enjoyed our time together.” Her face is happy and sad at the same time as she looks at me. “You are the first person that I can call a friend in a long time.”

What are you even talking about? Don't mess with me. Be clear!

A tear opens in the air and Ruby's master steps through. Her clothes are charred and torn; her arm bleeds and a chunk of flesh is visibly missing. Behind her, within the tear, I notice a man's body. I recognize his face—it's the same as the statue I saw with Ruby. Champion Keiron. But this time, it's not carved stone but real flesh and skin, and the man is dead.

"I'm glad we became friends, despite how it all started." The smile she offers is the most genuine I've ever seen on her face.

Ruby, don't talk like that.

The gray-haired woman steps closer, her mana circulating around her.

It all sounds too much like final words.

Ruby extends her hand towards me and the tips of her fingers brush against my cheek. She caresses it gently. "I hope you came to enjoy..."

"Yes," I say hastily, a feeling of unease washing over me. Despite this, she smiles.

Just then, her master's mana surges towards us.