Chapter 105: Fragments of Lost Memories

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 105: Fragments of Lost Memories

Easy difficulty: 1368/2000

Normal difficulty:903/1000

Hard Difficulty:293/500

Hell difficulty:54/250

Community tournament (currently unavailable)

The community's numbers look like this.

Even Hell difficulty gained some new people, although some of them died. Looking at it, around 200 people moved from easy to normal, around 60 from normal to hard, and around 10 from hard to hell.

Our group gained 3, and they seem to be pretty active in the community. To my taste, they seem to be too confident and cocky, making fun of Hell Difficulty and saying that they are the strongest ones from Hard Difficulty, not even understanding why they didn't get here instead of Hard.

But hey, you do you. If you do not bother me, feel free to do whatever makes you happy.

I sent one more message to the others. I describe to Tess and Sophie where I am, even though the city barely has any points to use as landmarks.

And I also made sure that Kim and Lily are safe before turning it off.

Now when I think about it, Sophie is with Tess and Dennis, so should I be worried about Tess getting under control of Sophie?

Pff, as if. Knowing Tess, I would be more worried about her making a harem out of Maya and Sophie. That girl is scary; it's almost funny that she asked me for help back on the first floor.

“I'm hungry,” I hear a quiet voice next to me.

“Hello Hungry, I'm Nathaniel.”

The girl didn't understand and only looks at me, slowly blinking.

I'm not appreciated here at all.

Now I'm hungry too and already regret poking fun at the little girl. Sure, I can handle it easily for more days but it's kind of annoying to walk around with an empty stomach.

One of my best characteristics is that I become grumpy when I'm hungry. Yup, I said the best.

Anyway, even hours later we continue to be in the same city. Just in case, I did leave a few marks here and there and it doesn't seem that we are moving in circles - hopefully.

The city is vast and no matter how many times I propel myself high into the sky, I can see no end to it, but hey, at least it makes the little girl laugh and scream with excitement.

And no, I won't do it again, the view is not even that good.

Nope, I don't know where the doggo is.

No, I don't know if he would like you.

I'm hungry too, but hold on there, a few more monsters and another reward will be here.

Yes, it's getting colder and darker.

I don't know where Sophie is. Shouldn't you be asking it a bit sooner? Maybe before asking where the doggo is?

Yes, yes, also now I'm worried about putting you together with Biscuit. Seeing how you act now and knowing that suspiciously smart dog, I'm sure he would have a bad influence on you.

“Do you think Soph is pretty?” An atomic bomb of a question comes flying, and for a moment I can only stare at the girl.

“Ehm? What?”

“Yeah, I think shorter hair did fit her better," she continues.

What are you even going on about?

“Do you not remember me or Soph at all? Soph going to the same gym as you all the time, and long ago you even met me here waiting for her and you taught me to use the water dispenser thingy.

I can't remember at all.

The girl disappointedly shakes her head while I think over it. I do realize that I tend not to care about people or useless stuff, quickly forgetting them, but I should remember at least a bit of it. I also didn't remember Damon.

What comes to mind is that Sophie, while putting a construct on me, deleted some of my memories, probably not even knowing and by mistake.

As I think about it, cold sweat runs down my back, having nothing to do with the weather outside and the strong rain that runs along the streets.

There is one scary question that stays on my mind.

How much did she delete by messing with my mind? What did she take from me?

“You feel scary,” Isabella's voice is quiet and pitiful as she says so, and I force myself to calm down while clenching my teeth.

I remember my mom and I remember my sister, these are the most important. I also remember my father but he's long dead, and I'm happy that it is that way.

Everything else doesn't matter that much.

I open the community and type.

Noname (Hell, group 4) -Sset, how many family members or friends do I have? Or people that are important to me?

I'm sure she would know at least something and thankfully she is there.

Sset (Hell, group 4) -You have a mom and a sister, and I think they are both really important to you. No friend I can think of, no pet, no other family you are close to.

Slowly my beating heart calms down and murderous thoughts that flash through my mind calm down.

I do realize that I might be missing some important memories, I do realize that. But at least somewhat I trust Tess, and what she says is the same as what my current memories are.

I breathe out, noticing that my breath is shaking.

Noname (Hell, group 4) - Thank you.

Sset (Hell, group 4) -No problem, hang in there.

When the community turns off, I look back at the little girl that continues to look at me with big eyes.

She still seems not scared but disturbed, “You can't hate Sophie,” her voice is so soft, so quiet.

And for that, I have no answer, so I don't say anything.