Chapter 125: Sharing pain together

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 125: Sharing pain together

She then doesn't say anything and only stares at me. The others are already gone and now there is only this girl, a head and something shorter than me. Her small face is framed by black hair and a tiny nose rests in the middle of it.

Ehm? Please say something.

She does not. Her eyes are piercing me as she grabs my left hand, the one she sacrificed her own left arm to restore. It's still pale, hairless, and both wounded all over.

Without uttering a word, she sends her mana inside it. That warm mana of hers, feeling like a nice breeze in the hot summer. My arm starts itching immediately and I can feel it healing bit by bit along with my body.

Finally, she lowers her gaze and focuses a bit more on what she does, and I breathe out in relief.

It takes 10 more minutes and Lily stops only when she is totally out of mana, even I can feel that. There is barely any mana left in her body. The mana she could use to continue to restore her left arm.

When she looks up at me her bangs are sticking to her forehead that is wet from the effort she put in. And it was worth it, my body is better now. Not nearly close to being fully healed but I don't feel like I'll drop dead the second I stop focusing on my skills.

“You are so stupid,” she says.

The heck?! “You are stupid,” I say in defense. Who is more stupid? Someone that fights to survive or someone that sacrifices their own arm?

Yeah, I thought so. Stupid girl.

“You are stupid or I will not heal you anymore,” she says sharply.

“I'm stupid,” I say.


“I am stupid!” I say loud enough so everyone in the room can hear it and the girl finally smiles at me. A small, tired smile. Her petite body moves and she gives me a short hug and then she leaves, running back to the others.

Silly girl.

This is the first time I see Sophie cry as she hugs and holds Isabella, constantly apologizing to her. The little girl cries too and both sisters then spend another hour sitting in the corner whispering something to each other, still in a hug.

After a while, Sophie stands up and comes up to me, her eyes still slightly red and her nose bloodied and still broken as Lily is out of mana.

She opens her mouth to say something and then pauses, going with a shorter version “I owe you,” she says simply, to which I only nod shortly.

She then leaves to rejoin Isabella who smiles and waves at me, holding poor Biscuit in her arms. The best doggo on the third floor already gave up on his fate and just lays there, to be used as a toy by a little girl.

“Well, that was unexpected, “ says Tess, who is sitting near me, her javelin resting against the wall behind her.

Kind of? But yeah, I still don't trust her.

“Still, be careful around her,” I say to her and Tess nods to that.

“Obviously, I'll be,” her eyes then check my state again and she asks, “How long do you think it will take you to heal?”

“Around two days if Lily only heals me and every time she gets some mana back? But you shouldn't wait for me. Go out and hunt, natives have some trap that they use to catch sparrows, they also know where to find a bit of water. A jerk named Cipher will tell you more, he did spend some time with them.”

I continue to tell all the info I collected up until now and she listens carefully, only here and there asking a few questions.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

“I'll try to hunt these sparrows with my skills, maybe my ranged attacks will be able to do it,” as she says so, I can hear some hint of pride she has in her own skill.

Yet, remembering the sparrow I tried to hunt, I can't help but smirk inside. She will be so surprised.

“Yeah, you can try that. It might work with you,” I say out loud.

Suffer, suffer the same way I did. Be beaten to the pulp by pigeon-sized sparrows and then come back, ashamed and with a broken spirit.

Strength: 25

Dexterity: 27

Constitution: 86

Mana: 265

[Primary Class:Mana Channeler]


Active skills:

Focus (Dual Focus) - Lvl 31

Mana Manipulation (Advanced Mana Manipulation) - Lvl 32

Perception - Lvl 25

Oscillation - Lvl 23

Redistribution (Symbiotic Transference) - Lvl 22

Armament - Lvl 27

Mana Surge - Lvl 18

Disruption - Lvl 18

Mana Infusion - Lvl 8


Reinforcement (Construct)

Kinetic Mana Heart (Construct)

Mana Regulator (Construct)

Passive skills:

Mana Flow (rare)

Cerebral Harmony (rare)

[Upgrade token:1]

[Difficulty change token:1]

My first goal is to finally reach level 100 and finish the side quest that will reward me with a body upgrade token. The next step is to get [Armament] to level 30 and complete the second side quest that will reward me with a skill upgrade token.

I also need to level up Lily a bit and my body is already itching to finally test out my new construct.

There is so much to do.

Savant (Hell, Alone) -Hey Noname, guess who is already level 100?