Chapter 141: Two question mark monsters

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 141: Two question mark monsters

Tess receives five javelins made from my mana. I made them a bit denser this time so they should last around twenty minutes. She says they're a bit harder to control because they're made of mana that isn't hers, but it's not that bad.

I also give around a hundred small orbs to Kim, which are also made of my mana, and Hadwin gets a mace. That's how we reach the wall and stop in front of it.

I can feel mana all over its surface and it's towering like a skyscraper over us, all around the horizon. There are no holes, no gate, the wall is smooth and it doesn't even seem like it was made from bricks. It's just a single massive piece of... something. To test it out, I create and shoot one javelin at it and it burrows itself into the wall, yet the damage is minimal.

“Okay, as we said before. Nathaniel and I go first, Tess will support us. Kim, if you will.” Hadwin says.

For the last time, he checks if everyone is ready and then we stand on the massive piece of iron platform that Tess and Hadwin did twist and connect from multiple iron doors, pieces of the roof, and materials we found.

Kim then uses his [Gravity Well] and everyone gets affected by it, feeling lighter as well as the platform that he now starts moving slowly up, controlling it so no one will lose balance.

I grab Hadwin and propel us far high into the air, much quicker than the platform. Transforming the kinetic energy of my heart, I propel us a few more times until we reach the top of the wall where I lower the output and we land softly. Quickly joined by Tess further away from us who did something similar with her [Psychokinesis].

Then I look at what lies behind the wall.

Down there are beautiful vast fields full of flowers and with white trees that have almost golden-like leaves. There are no houses as far as I can see and in the distance, yet another wall towers towards the sky. This one is of a beautiful blue and intertwined by veins of lighter blue, seemingly all of this creating some patterns.

There is also something a bit more interesting. A shallow stream of water that flows through vibrant green fields full of colorful flowers and golden leafed trees. But there might be a problem.

[Undead Deer- lvl ??]

[Undead Bear - lvl ??]

[Undead Wolf - lvl ?]

[Undead Wolf - lvl ?]

[Undead Boar - lvl ?]

Damned system.

“I can take them,” I say.

“You just said two of them seem to be around level 150, Nat.”

“Yup, I can take them.”

All of us are already on top of the wall, looking deep down at beautiful fields and immensely strong undead monsters that continue to walk around in the distance, some of them powerful enough to kill all of us if caught unprepared.

The javelin is already getting denser and longer, easily twice my length, "Yes?"

"What are you doing?"

Wisps of light blue mana start flowing through the weapon as I infuse more and more mana into it, "Sparrow Obliterator 4000."


Wisps of purple mana appear, and I feel the javelin becoming heavier, the weapon as thick as my upper arm and longer than ever before. I [Focus] a bit more and twist it, shape it a bit so when it flies through the air, it will start spinning, the spinning stabilizing its trajectory. I also add a bit more weight to the middle to balance it better.

"It's easy, get ready to jump off the wall to get back behind us, Mrs. Mindblender will control the wolves in case they all rush us and somehow climb the wall. Twin jerks can use their skill to create some illusions to our right in case the monsters get up top," I say.

"That's not a very detailed plan," Hadwin joins, but I see him stretching slightly.

"Nothing ever goes according to plan, Haddy, just get ready to bullshit our way out of it if something happens."

"Haddy..." the older man shakes his head.

The javelin starts humming, and I put all of my attention to holding its shape and stop the mana from exploding while I redistribute and infuse more into it. The tricolored mana wildly swirls inside the weapon, and I realize that I've reached my current limit, so I release my Mana Regulator a bit more, and my heart beats loudly.

I control both, the kinetic energy flowing through my body as well as the javelin that threatens to explode and probably kill us all.

"They don't seem to feel your mana," Tess says.

"That's quite good, isn't it?" Now then, slowly breathe in, infuse a bit more, a tiny bit more. Good.

Ignore the notification. Good.

Grab all the kinetic energy. Good.

And this time, don't push the javelin from behind, try to apply all the energy to the front of the javelin where it's heaviest to make the kinetic energy pull it instead of pushing and wasting so much of it. No, tot like this, this is way too inefficient. I quickly correct the way I do it. Now anchor it, let the mana flow.

Oh, and control the mana a bit more, the weapon almost exploded. Good.


The javelin disappears, and I get thrown to the side almost falling down from the edge of the wall because of the shockwave from shooting the weapon. Hadwin grabs me and helps me stop, and while changing my regulator again, I look towards the javelin that is already stabbed inside the deer's hind leg, glowing white and about to explode.

The undead deer's antlers start glowing too and his eyes turn towards the top of the wall where we are, and then he takes a step and disappears into his own shadow. That leaves the javelin behind to explode in the place where the deer used to stand.

My eyes immediately turn to my own shadow, and it starts growing bigger, much bigger. Inside of the shadow one of the Undead deer's giant eyes appears