Chapter 269: 5th Floor

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 269: 5th Floor

Congratulations! You have cleared the 4th floor of the Hell difficulty tutorial. Welcome to the 5th floor: Mentorship

You have acquired:

Unique Passive skill

Skill upgrade token

2000 Shards

60 stat points

Access to other Communities

Well, there goes my 6 thousand shards for killing Myrra.

Do I regret it?

Not even a bit, nope, not even slightly. The system can go and delete its System32 folder, or step on a Lego, or something.

I confirm my decision by flipping the bird at the screen in front of me and laying down on the grass. The sky above me is beautiful and as far as I can sense there are no humans or monsters around. The 5th floor seems peaceful so far.

My thoughts keep going back to the 4th floor and the mana stone I left behind. I wonder, will it help? Will the system ignore it and delete the floor instantly? Will the stone trick it, even a little? Have things changed because of Lissandra? The stone might only prolong Myrra's suffering, yet I still find myself hoping.

Lying there I open the community.

Noname (Hell, group 4) - so how is it?

Grumpy (Hell, group 4) -Nat! I'm happy that you are safe!

Noname (Hell, group 4) - Who is Nat?

Grumpy (Hell, group 4) - oh, sorry! But don't worry, there is no one else, just our group

Noname (Hell, group 4) -how can you know that?

Grumpy (Hell, group 4) - no one else has talked so far!

Oh boy, maybe all the hits she took on the left some damage she couldn't heal.

Izzy (Hell, group 4) -hello, Noname! what a terrible name!

TheStrongestOne (Hell, group 4) -long time no see

Sset (Hell, group 4) - welcome to the 5th floor

I talk for a while, and greet group 4 members. After not talking to them for a few weeks it feels weirdly nice and I feel myself pushing my feelings about what happened with Myrra and the end of the floor to the back of my mind.

For now, I will hope. I will allow myself to expect the best. I will trust that Cockroachsandra is as scary as she likes to think she is.

Noname (Hell, group 4) -so has everyone been split up?

Sset (Hell, group 4) - yes, from what we found so far everyone is in their own instance of the 5th floor. They seem to be identical to each other, but it looks like we won't be able to meet each other.

TheStrongestOne (Hell, group 4) -I have to go, my disciple is getting impatient!

Huh, disciple?

Sset (Hell, group 4) - I will be going as well. Don't forget to check the Community every hour, stay safe everyone

FoodFood (Hell, group 4) -Food!

We exchange a few more words and I close the Community.

Well, it looks like I will be on my own for a while. Min-Jae said he had a disciple, so what is this floor about?

Floor quest:

Raise and protect your disciple



Skill upgrade token

5000 Shards

100 stat points

Trait strengthening tokenThis chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Welcome to the 5th floor! Your disciple will be summoned in 24 hours. The disciple will be chosen from the tutorial database, specially for you.

If your disciple dies on the 5th floor you will be severely punished.

If your disciple dies outside of the 5th floor you will lose a certain amount of shards.

Time until the appearance of the disciple: 23h 51min 10s

That's a lot to unpack.

The user's thoughts are incredibly complex and protected, rendering them near immune to mind-reading, scrying, and mental intrusion. This skill also confuses anyone attempting to manipulate their thoughts or memories.

So, let's go through them one after one.

I probably got Basilisk Gaze because I like to use my mana for intimidation lately. I don't like it much because it is passive and walking around with a field like that sounds annoying. But now that I think about it, I'm capable of turning off my passive skills so it should be fine, turning this passive into a semi-active skill.

The effect is most likely really strong because it's a passive skill, but I would rather deal more damage and kill my enemies quickly rather than scare them and kill them slowly. So this ones a pass for now.

Mana Overload Absorption is similar to a skill I was offered a while ago, the old one was only of rare grade. I like this one a lot, a lot a lot. If I don't change my mind Ill pick this one.

Mana Forge is also interesting and would strengthen my [Regalia] a lot and would probably make it easier to create the mana mecha armor I already used a few times. Yet I hesitate, as it's something I will slowly get to on my own and I don't need [Regalia] to become much stronger, it's really strong already and I'm even using [Infusion] to give it an even bigger boost. This one is also a skip for now.

Energy Conversion sounds interesting. Does it mean the passive is capable of turning heat into strength and stamina? Maybe even cold? Would a higher rarity skill be capable of turning sunrays into more power? That does sound incredible. A being with such a passive? Turning sunrays, cold air, hot air, strong wind, gravitational force, and other energies into physical stats?

The effect likely won't be that strong otherwise the skill would be straight-up broken and this asshole system wouldn't allow that, but I should keep it in mind.

Labyrinth Mind is probably something similar to my Mantle and Reinforcement constructs. I also like it a lot, but with my immense mana, I should be able to protect my mind on my own, which was confirmed when Sophie wasn't capable of Manipulating the First One while he was releasing a lot of mana.

Well, Mana Overload Absorption it is, the question is what skill should I replace?

Thinking for a while I sell Cerebral Harmony for 200 shards and replace it with the newest one. I think the boost Cerebral Harmony gives to my mind and mana connection is too weak at this point to even notice so it should be fine.

As expected the pain is terrible and it feels like my mana channels are burning, a feeling almost as bad as when I got my first trait. The worst part of it is how long it takes. Minutes of burning pain that is made worse by the feeling of it coming from inside my body.

Using [Focus], I try to filter it out and examine the changes being to my body.

As many times before I can't even feel the source of the changes or what is guiding them. I'm also incapable of feeling mana or anything else applying the changes. It's just happening.

The system is truly as scary as it is assholish.

Epic passives being dealt with, there is one thing I want to check before testing them. Something I was really, really curious about ever since the start of the floor.

I open the community, click on Easy Difficulty, and type my message.

Noname (Hell, group 4) -hey, what was your floor quest for the 4th floor?

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) -oh, another one from group 4! Welcome!

Sami (Easy, AFK) - lol, another loser from Hell. Only on the 5th floor, lol.

Maria (Easy, AFK) -Ignore Sami, he likes to think he is funny.

Potato (Easy, Royals) - Noname, did you meet Ligma on the 4th floor?

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) - our floor quest was to kill some abomination ant. I couldn't even see his level, but he had two question marks. One group killed him a few months ago; we went to the 5th floor.

Sami (Easy, AFK) -we even have people who went to the 6th floor two months ago, lol.

Potato (Easy, Royals) - did you learn about Updog?

Sami (Easy, AFK) -they might be on the 7th or 8th floor already. I bet they could take you on. I don't trust that Sset guy at all. There is no way there are three question mark monsters.

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) -what's your level, Noname?

Noname (Hell, group 4) -Sami, I will see you during the tournament. Thanks for the answer, Channeler. Is Mana the best stat? I will keep my level to myself.

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) -oooo, I like you! Mana rules! Are you also a mana build? I'm 2 parts mana and one part constitution, and people call me crazy, heh. What are you? 3 mana 1 con? Or maybe even 4 mana 1 con?

I check my stats.

Constitution: 246

Mana (Stage 1/3 - Vast Mana): 782 + 782

Noname (Hell, group 4) - something like that. Can I ask you a few questions?

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) - sure, but you will have to answer some of mine - well, the ones you can.

Im really starting to like the guy.

Noname (Hell, group 4) -will do.

I ignore other messages as there are at this point a dozen people chatting, and I don't have that much time with my limit for community and need to save some for later.

Noname (Hell, group 4) -how many groups are there in Easy difficulty and how many people started in each? Can you tell me your floor quests and your average levels?

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) -heh, Sset asked the same questions. 10 groups in total, each group with 200 people, but plenty of them moved to normal difficulty. One group nearly all died and only 1 person survived out of all 200. We think he killed everyone else though. First floor - survive for 30 days in the forest, there were goblins and some wolves, all low level. The second floor was to stop a powerful mage mass murderer, the third floor was some post-apocalyptic city with zombies, and we had to reach the Saint and help to fight it, the fourth floor was to kill the abomination ant, two question mark monster.

Nice answer, short and to the point.

Noname (Hell, group 4) -thanks, what would you like to know?

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) -did you really have to fight 5 calamities one of which was a giant ant with wings that was over level 250 and led tens of thousands of ants?

Noname (Hell, group 4) -only 4 Calamities and the ant didn't have wings, he made them with mana. And yes, he was around that level.

Channeler (Easy, Steakhouse) - heh, I was testing you. I wanted to compare your answer to Sset's. Thanks. My limit is gone so see you later!

After Channeler leaves, I skim through a few messages and turn off the community. Tomorrow I will check the normal one.