Chapter 285: Old Facility

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 285: Old Facility

We havent been using the tank you filled because it's too big and requires too much mana to operate. It's one of the older ones too, so its not very efficient.

I listen to Darren and then answer, Yeah, I noticed. The inscriptions were quite bad.

He keeps staring at me.

What? Its getting creepy. Should I tell him Im not into men or something? Does he want money from me?


Yes, that's my name.

The tank you filled should be able to supply us with water for half a year, and if we use it for showers, watering plants, and other stuff, it will still last for months. Do you even realize how much help youve been?

If you have a few more tanks like that, I can fill them too. Maybe four or five? As I say that, Darren just opens and closes his mouth like a goldfish. Yet out of all the people surrounding me, he seems to be the least surprised.

The annoying part is that this kind of help still hasnt completed the quest, but I guess that much is to be expected. The reward is 1,000 shards, filling one tank with water wont be enough.

I will fill five more and then I will take all filtered from the last one for myself, I offer. That amount of water should be able to last quite some time.

Something tells me that using an epic item as a glorified water flask would make some people beyond shocked.

I take the opportunity to ask for more, I also want to see the other facilities, the ones you guys were unable to activate.

W-why would you help us so much? Darrens voice sounds moved, and I notice that some other people are close to crying.


I feel bad for being so suspicious of you. I apologize

What? Why is he talking like that and why are they looking at me? Its creeping me out. I just want to finish the quest and check out some cool facilities.

Such a good man. So people like that still exist, someone else whispers.

I can't understand. It's just a bit of water.

Well, whatever.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

After filling the five more big tanks and taking one for myself, I'm being led through the city by Nina once again. A few people already seem to know what's happening, so a crowd has gathered, cheering and trying to swarm me.

Vega doesnt seem to like it either and moves closer to me, her body twitching at every loud noise and sudden movement. Nina seems to notice and guides us down roads with fewer people, and she even sends some orders into the transmitter.

After she puts the transmitter away, she looks at me, You probably still don't realize how much this means to us. There are days when we barely drink water because groups sent to collect it had to avoid the monsters. There is also constant worry that some of the water collectors will die, and they do sometimes. I dont think theres a single family that doesn't know a water collector who died or isn't worried about someone they know.

When she says it like that, it really gives me a new perspective.

Eventually, we come to a door embedded in the wall of the main cave. There are already a few men removing some sort of barricade.

Seeing what I'm looking at, Nina explains, This door leads to one of the older parts of the Sanctuary, and we have long since blocked them. Once every few years we go in there to see if theres anything we can do.

Damn, is she some sort of hype woman? Its looking more and more interesting by the second, and Im starting to forget where we are.

Master a small voice whispers next to me.

Oh. I come back to myself and start disrupting my disciple's mana again. Vega fights against it and, even though I'm limiting my output, she gets slightly hurt every time she tries to manipulate her mana too wildly. There are already dozens of small wounds all over her body, but she doesn't seem to mind at all. Every time she gets hurt, she only tries harder and rarely repeats the same mistake twice.

I thought she would hate me or treat me differently, I'm hurting her, am I not? I was prepared for that and even expected it. Part of me even wanted it to be that way, it would have made the end of the floor easier. Yet, the little half-demon weirdo doesn't seem to hold it against me, she even seems thankful.

Nina had long since noticed our activities, but this time she turns to me, Isn't that sort of training cruel?


"I'm Vega."

"How is your progress?"

"There is a part that is really difficult, the one with a twist at the end."

Oh, I remember that one, "What's the problem with it?"

"It's hard to... twist mana that way? It's always slipping by."

That's weird, minion, that twist is similar to the pathway you are using to strengthen your feet.

What? Vega looks up at me, her red eyes full of surprise.

The stone I gave you should help to improve the strengthening of your body through the Mana Circuit trait you got. Especially the legs and feet. I also noticed that you stopped sensing your surroundings when you got the stone.



It's my fault.

I check the amount of mana I hold now and it seems to be enough, but before using it I turn to Vega, It's fine if you are curious, but even though this feels safe, don't forget where we are. We dont know these people and no matter how nice they are right now, they may turn against us. We are just strangers theyve known for a few days. This place feels safe but this world is dangerous and can change anytime.

I myself keep sending my senses as far as I can, no matter what I do and how much I concentrate on other tasks. This is Hell difficulty and even though there are times when it is safe, danger always lurks around the corner.

You tend to rely on me at times and that's okay in moderation. But disciple, I won't be here all the time. Always expect the worst and danger right behind the corner. Try to be somewhat polite even to people weaker than you, but always expect them to stab you in the back.

But master, isn't it hard? Being nice to people?

Of course it is hard. It is very hard, but what isnt? Not that long ago I was a lot meaner and cruel and it was easy, but at the same time, it felt off. I try to be different now, not because Im being forced to or because of the way I was raised. I do it because I want to.

I grab her tiny horn and use it to shake her head gently, I might regret this decision later, I might even change my mind. But if I do regret it, I will be the only person to blame, because it was my decision. Oh, and there is also an exception to acting nice. If someone betrays you or hurts you or people you care about, show no mercy. Fuck them up and stomp what remains into the ground.

Master is amazing. Vega doesnt even try to make me let go of her horn and her eyes are full of admiration.

Such a weird half-demon.

I am, am I not? So, my first disciple Vega, do you want to make your master look bad?

No! She shakes her head and kicks my shin. She strengthens her body to do so, yet there is still barely any damage.

When I let go of her she returns her focus to the stone as she keeps watch over the area and the stone. The strain on her is obvious and I know the pain she is feeling right now.

Ready, I turn my attention and channel my mana through the mana stone and into the circuits that feed it, and from there to one of the mana crystals.

I release some of my hold on my mana and it rushes out like a raging river, but only where I want it to. None of that mana touches my disciple, none reaches beyond this room. All of it powers the facility. The light on the ceiling blinks on, along with several mounted on the walls of the room. A hint of a change occurs as the vents activate and start to filter the air.

Gradually even the circuits on the floor start glowing faintly and start releasing a bit of heat, most of it seems to come from the hole in one of the other parts of the facility. In the end, even the tables, covered by an old drop cloth, light up.

Ninas expression is fun to look at.

I want to talk with Darren, I have an offer for him. This place is a mix of a forge and an enchanting workshop, I would like to play with it.

I will try crafting some items and examine the other facilities. Three days. That's how long I will be staying here.

It's as much time as Im willing to sacrifice. After that, I will take my disciple and head to Bastion and the Valley, and on our way there I will level her up.

But for now, let's try having some fun and creating items. I have some materials from the 4th floor.