Chapter 291: In really bad mood

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 291: In really bad mood

A day passes, and I remove the rubble from my body, which is now in a better state. However, it still bears plenty of wounds: cracked bones, not fully healed muscles, and a significant chunk of my leg is still missing.

It's raining once again, and I exit the building, letting the deadly rain fall on my skin, disrupting it with my mana.

[Perception] looks around, and I start walking. I do not use anchors, worried they might be tracked, and I use only a little mana, not knowing where the monster is. Just a bit to keep my body strengthened, allowing me to move faster and cross the rooftops.

It takes a bit longer, but I reach the old grannys place. At first, I pass by it a few times. As wrecked as my body is, I cant locate the place with the field that surrounds it. It's either that or the granny changed the field a little.

When I finally locate it, I enter the rooftop and, triggering a signal, the old woman comes out of the house. Walking between the flower pots, I stop in front of her, standing on one leg and my mana prosthetic.

She opens her mouth to say something, but that's when my skill activates. [Redistribution] absorbs her kinetic energy and stops her mouth from moving.

"I will be brief," I tell her. "On another day, I wouldn't mind a bit of bickering, but right now, I am in a really bad mood. So now, I will let you go, and you will tell me what you want from me in exchange for healing, or tell me to fuck off."

I let go of her, and she staggers backward. Her expression turning serious, "I will heal you. We can talk about what you did later. If I ask for something annoying, you can refuse."

After that, she heads inside the house, and I follow her. She sends out a pulse of mana, which deactivates the item radiating the tranquilizing field. I sit on the chair as she gestures to me.

Her hands touch my shoulder, and warm mana flows into my body, healing me for the first time.

"What the fuck," she gasps, and I sense her skill observing my body.

She checks the wounds, feels the imbalance between my attributes, and peripherally senses my constant control over my mana.

"WHAT THE FUCK," she repeats, getting a better image of my body before she starts healing me.

I feel my body sway and my mind spin, but I force myself to stay awake and carefully observe the entire process. Ready to react if she tries anything suspicious, I observe the way she moves her mana. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from her; that's what I hope for. But in the end, her healing is similar to Lily's. Yes, weaker and clumsier, but its the same at its core.

As shes healing me, she uses nearly all of her mana. Her healing doesn't restore my leg. Not because she is incapable, but because she heals the other wounds first. My Phoenix Embrace has healed a lot and given enough time, it would heal the rest. But there are advantages to having an active healing skill, even though she is much lower level than I am.

When she is done, she moves back and sits on the couch in the corner, catching her breath. Meanwhile, I start generating thermal energy with my Thermokinetic Mana Heart and sending it to the places where I'm still hurt and towards my leg. It slowly continues to grow with the help of the passive.

The old woman doesn't ask anything or bicker with me. When I look at her, she simply says, "I will ask later."

With a nod, I push myself back onto my feet and turn to leave. Outside of the house, I take a deep breath and jump over the edge of the roof, landing on the road. I absorb the energy of my fall and start running, transferring some of that energy into strengthening.

I head towards the Sanctuary and am close to exiting the city when I feel a signal from Vega. It's a signal I told her to send only if she needed help.

Disregarding the chance that the guardian will track and follow me, I use [Tether] and teleport to the anchor.

Reappearing in our room, I find Vega in the barrier I made for her. She is fine and holding a knife in her hand, the one I created with [Regalia]. Her heart beats, generating kinetic energy that flows through her body.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Slowly, I turn towards the intruders in the room.

We were worried! We kept calling for you, Darren says. You didn't answer for close to two days, and when we tried to open the door, they were blocked, so we got inside. The

She is good at reading peoples moods. She had to learn to avoid catching beatings. She also knows that I, like her, prefer when people act honestly rather than pretending.

Her eyes examine my missing leg, Does it hurt?

Not really.

Will master have to live without a leg now?

It will regrow.

Is master a gray lizard?

The last time I checked in the mirror, I was not a gray lizard, minion. What even is that?

Her fingers poke a skin that has grown over the wound. She looks at me, It's a monster that lives in the forest near my village. They are said to be really tasty, but theyre fast. They can regrow their legs if they lose them.

Do you have healers? There are people with skills that can regrow limbs as well.

Vega nods, I only heard from songs. They don't come to the places where people like me live.

Of course, they don't. Something tells me that there will be much more trouble for Lily.

Minion, if you find a healer by chance, try to keep them for yourself as much as you can. Learning some healing skills would be good if you get the chance.

I'm Vega, but I will master!

Good, something tells me you will need a lot of healing, the same as me.

My minion gives me a confused look but then glances at my leg and probably remembers the wounds she got while training.

Understanding flashes across her face and then determination follows, Will do! she repeats but this time more firmly.

Smart girl.

Did you get beaten up, master? her question hits me where it hurts, but she asks so innocently that I don't even get too annoyed.

A bit, I admit.

She turns around and rushes to her bag, taking out some food and pieces of cloth, That's okay! Master will surely win the next time. As master said, it's fine to lose, the winner is whoever is alive in the end!

I have no answer for that and she smiles at me.

After putting two pieces of the cloth on the ground, she turns to me, Will master eat with me?
