Chapter 297: Sneaky mode

Name:Weapons of Mass Destruction Author:
Chapter 297: Sneaky mode

Is Vega taking too many cues from me? Sure, Ive noticed her copying a bit of my behavior, but this is too much.

Maybe it's her demon part? Demons seem to be obsessed with strong hearts and beings. Maybe she sees these things in me and instinctively tries to emulate me. No matter what she went through or how she behaves at times, she is still just a kid, so it makes sense.

Well, whatever, another thing for future Nathaniel to deal with. Hes done nothing so far, well he couldn't really, so he can deal with this at least. Screw you, future Nathaniel, I bet you will be an even bigger weirdo.

With Vega in my arms and mana flowing under my skin, I head towards the Bastion.

Sneaky Mode is on once again, the same one I used against Nina and Darren. Yup, I'm once again just another normal guy with a totally normal mana.

POV Vega

As always, the master's heart beats strong and calmly. He is not scared at all, not even when so many humans look at him and scream at us to stop. His heart doesn't even react. It's just one calm, confident beat after another.

I look up to him and, as always, he wears the expression he puts on when were with others. It's colder, and his eyes look different. It's hard to notice, but Ive learned how!

While he talks with some weak human, I continue to send my senses into our surroundings. I can't sense it, but I'm sure the master is trying to catch me hesitating.

I'm sure of it!

I will do the same. My master can get distracted when he finds an interesting item or gets an idea to improve his skills.

It's fun, and I'm thankful to the master. Ive never gotten to play like this before. Even if I fail, it won't get hurt, and I won't go hungry. The master is just that kind.

One of the humans asks, Someone attacked the Bastion just a few hours ago, do you know anything?

Even though this human is so weak, he looks down on my master. I think the only reason hes so brave is because he has so many people backing him up, but I want master to show him his place.

Attack? We just got here. A few hours ago, we were still scouting to avoid all the monsters. Maybe one of them attacked? he replies. His pretty eyes show not an ounce of hesitation.

Sure you did, the man snorts, where are you from?

I came from the Sanctuary. Do you know Darren or Nina? They were both here in the Bastion, ten years ago. I have a few items to trade and I left some food back in camp for trading.

Their names sound familiar, but I can't remember everyone. Okay, you said your name is Nathaniel, right? Well send you to customs, you will pay for your stay in the Bastion and you will get a three-day pass. After that, you will either leave or go through customs again. According to your behavior or usefulness, we will decide what to do with you.

Thanks, sir, that sounds very reasonable.

I think so too, the man answers and turns to one of his men.

When I look at my master, hes still releasing mana in that weird way. It's hard for me to describe, but it feels very scary. It shows how amazingly good at controlling mana the master is. He did it before too, while talking with the human flesh-eaters, Nina and Darren, and now the master is doing it again.

I'm not sure why the master calls it Sneaky Mode when I can see how much it scares some of the humans, but there must be a deep meaning behind it.

Master is smart and powerful and I want to be like him. I'm already trying to learn Sneaky Mode but it's so difficult.

"Sneaky Mode successful," Master whispers as we pass through the gate, and I nod and smile.

It's so much fun being around master.

Well, that was easier than expected. Some of the guards with better mana senses seemed a bit scared, so maybe the attack from before made them a bit nervous. Not my problem anyway; their commander can deal with it.

As for entering the Bastion, I expected them to be more careful given that they don't know me at all. But maybe they have some other defenses for dealing with stronger people if they should try to start a fight. Maybe the defenses did drive off one of the Veil Guardians years ago. Better be careful while I'm here with Vega.

I also force myself not to examine the barrier. If it works even a bit like the Veil, it could detect my touch and cause me trouble.

But at least I completed the quest and can now get some food and water. Not like I need them, but I could sell them.

"Touch this stone; it will measure your physical stats and mana," the man accompanying me through the gate points at the stone. He says somewhat respectfully.

There are a few more men around us, and all of them are ready. The stone they are pointing at is embedded in the wall and perfectly flush. It looks like it's made from transparent white glass.

Let's be careful. I need to control my mana a bit. Okay, maybe a lot, not just a bit. It seems like people over level 200 are usually the ones who survived the war, and survivors rarely reach that level because of the Veil so I can try to act like someone born after the war.

When my hand touches the stone, I quickly grab a hold of my mana and cycle it, letting as little as possible pass into the stone.

"Strength is at around 100," one of the men says after checking some item in his hands.

"That's low for a traveler," another one answers.

"Dexterity is at a similar level," the first man reads again.


Im already drained by all the people walking through the streets, so I ask an older woman for a place to find lodging. Then I spend five minutes answering her questions. Stuff like, "We didn't get a mana courier or traveling merchants, is the wilderness getting dangerous? Oh, The Sanctuary, how is it nowadays? Who is this cute little girl? Are you married, young man, I have a daughter"

Things like that.

In the end, she shows me a kind of symbol that people draw on their houses when they want to offer a room for the night, and so we walk through the streets, searching for one. I pass by a few because I don't like the location, but deeper in the city, I find a nice one. In one of the original towers.

The moment we enter it, I know it will probably be expensive, but I don't mind that much. The inside is big without being empty and it feels nice and cozy. There are mana stones all around for heating, inactive, and ready to be used when needed.

People here are generally better clothed than those outside, and even average levels are slightly higher. Most of them seem like they know how to fight.

We reach the bar where a woman glances at me, "Token," she says simply.

I take our entrance tokens and put them on the table.

She examines them, "Entrance token, three days. So you two are new to the Bastion. Are the roads as bad as they say?"

Huh? Not really. Just a few level-two-hundred monsters and mostly lower-level ones. But such an answer would probably get an annoying level of attention.

"Even worse than what you heard. Monsters are everywhere," I complain. "We barely made it here."

The woman nods solemnly, "Damned monsters. It's been years since the courier guild was able to get any rare spices to the Bastion, and people keep asking for them," she sighs. "Single room, two beds?"

"Yes, with a nice view if you have any."

"What can you pay?"

"Plenty, what do you prefer? It's my first time in the Bastion."

"Oh really, welcome. If anyone talks shit, forgive them; we are not too used to travelers. As for the payment, an uncommon item, a higher end mana stone, a piece of conductive crystal or rare metal ore, even some rare monster parts."

"Would this be ok?" I place one of the worst mana stones that I have in front of her, which Ive inscribed to radiate heat.

"Oh, a heating stone, and its really well made. Probably from before the war, people nowadays are rarely capable of this," she glances at me. "This single stone is too much, but I can give you one of the rooms on the highest floor and add dinners and breakfast, and a few baths. Sounds good?"

"Sure," something tells me that she might be scamming me a little, but not like I mind.

It also seems to tell her something about me, being willing to part with such a valuable item, and her behavior seems a bit more respectful.

"Fabian, get your ass over here and take this good sir to room four, and make sure they get some food delivered to them."

Led by a young boy, we walk upstairs and receive a mana stone to unlock the door, and we enter the room.

There is a rug on the floor and two beds, a big one and a smaller one in the corner. The furniture is nice, if simple, and the room is a little worn but its well-kept and clean.

I let Vega examine a mirror on the wall and open the balcony. There is a flower pot with a smaller tree and two chairs next to a small table. The view doesnt face the middle of the city, where the higher towers and buildings are. Rather it faces the outside. It overlooks the smaller buildings and all the people below.

I can see the small wall surrounding the city and the nature outside of it. When I look to the left, I can see most of one of the mountains that surround the city. At least I'm lucky enough to find places with a nice view.

After returning to the room, I jump into the bed.

"Minio Vega, tell me why being around so many people drains me."

"Maybe it is Bambi's curse, master!"

"Maybe. But I don't want much. A place to become stronger, and level up my skills and stats. Some interesting items to play with and places to explore. Most of the time people are an inconvenience, especially when they decide to bother me."

"Even me?" She asks as she climbs onto the bed and lays next to me.

"Nah, youre fine."

"I see!" she smiles happily. "But I couldn't notice it at all. Master is really good at talking with people."

"Silly disciple, there are two kinds of people. The ones that become stronger the more time they spend with other people. Then those that grow weaker when they have to socialize and then need to recharge their energy. I'm the latter."

"Maybe there are passive skills or traits for that."

I just poke my cheeky disciple and when she jumps from the bed to examine the room I go through the system shop.

Just in case.