"Mom, Lee Rui didn't read this book for nothing, right?" Once he walked out of the auction house, Wang Ke couldn't wait to ask his mother this question. Wang's mother's face darkened, and reprimanded: "Child, you aren't watching me make fun of you, are you?"

He was almost carelessly duped into smacking the incense. Wang's mother was obviously not in a good mood if he was angry, he was simply angry.

"This Ma fella is also not a good person. As the boss, how dare his son play with him in public. I think he's courting death!"

"That's why we should hurry up and leave so that we don't get into trouble." The Wang's father laughed.

When he thought about the so called 'master crafting incense', Wang's mother was still very angry. Now she finally understood that the so-called Master was probably just showing off his face. This whole thing was just a scam!

"What is this? How unlucky, to actually let me meet such a prodigal son." Wang's mother chattered.

Lee Rui was concerned: "Auntie, it's alright, we didn't get it, and we won't be addicted to it. "However, if you absorb it a few times, you'll definitely become addicted to it. As for you, you can be considered a natural talent, and will be able to turn the situation around just like that."

The young man can talk. Wang's mother's ashen face turned slightly better, as he nodded his head: "Little Rui, luckily we have you on the scene. Otherwise, we would really be screwed."

"Heaven is to be reckoned with." Lee Rui smiled as he repeated himself.

If one did not earn merits, if one was not arrogant, then Lee Rui was such a person. Wang's father secretly nodded to himself as he watched. This kind of child was indeed worthy of Ke Er in terms of character.

It was no wonder that he had an unbeatable confidence, an upright posture, and a professional knowledge. No matter where such a person went, he would be able to remain calm and unperturbed. Since he had a card up his sleeve, he didn't panic.

"Ke Er, do you really not want to go abroad?" Wang's mother asked.

"Mom, I still want to stay by your and dad's side for a while to be more intimate with each other." Wang Ke cried as her filial piety was exposed.

Wang's mother looked at Wang's father and nodded slightly.

In fact, he wasn't really that keen on his daughter going abroad. What he was most curious about was who could enter his precious daughter's eyes. Now that he saw that this brat truly had some ability, he was slightly relieved.

The Wang's mother waved his hands. "Alright then, you don't have to go abroad, but you have to go study for an economics graduate. Our family's small business is going to flourish in your hands, in the future, my father will have some good fortune."

"No problem!" "Come on, mom, let me kiss you!"

The mother and daughter pair were beaming with joy and love. Seeing that, Lee Rui could not help but sigh, he also missed his mother.


After dinner, Wang's father drove Lee Rui and back to school. Along the way, Wang's mother kept reminding Wang Ke to pay more attention to her studies, read more and do less work.

Parents, rich or not, have almost the same attitude toward their children. Mom loved to nag, and Dad supported. Returning to the school, Lee Rui bid his farewell to them.

"Yes!" "Awesome!" Not long after Wang's father drove away, Wang Ke laughed out loud. She never thought that this matter would be settled so easily.

"If I had known that you were so effective, I would have brought you to see them!" Wang Ke shouted.

Lee Rui was exasperated, "I was just testing my luck. If it were another time, I might not have been able to make aunty make this decision. Actually, the most important thing is that even they can't be at ease with you. "

"That's true." Wang Ke deeply thought so, and then suggested, "It's still early, why don't we take another look."

"Well, I have nothing to do anyway."

Lee Rui was walking in front while Wang Ke was at his side. The two of them walked to the playground. Circling around the sports field, this was probably the most emotional lyrical way of the students' era. It was hazy and indistinct, as if there was some sort of hidden emotion within it.

"Let me tell you, when you go to work in a city in the future, you have to tell me."

"I just wanted to buy a house near you. Think about it. With a bookworm like him, I won't be able to do anything else in the future. I can ask you."

"Of course I do. Haven't you heard? The inventors who had contributed the most to the world were actually lazy people! It's precisely because they're lazy that they have to invent it! "

The night was beautiful, and cool as water. Unknowingly, Wang Ke's excited mood had calmed down. For the entire night, she was the only one talking. Lee Rui listened quietly. Occasionally, she would say something with her venomous tongue, but she would always laugh.

It was rare for his to quieten down, so Lee Rui opened his mouth and said, "Actually, sometimes it's really difficult for me to become good friends with a girl like you. In the past when I was looking for someone, I only dared to find those who weren't too outstanding, and that was when I had a sense of identity. "

"Is there a need to consider so much?" Wang Ke asked.

Lee Rui nodded his head: "I used to need it, but now, it is more or less unnecessary. Only when a person has confidence will he dare to be so carefree. "

"Hmph, you make it sound so easy. Then let me ask you, do you dare to chase after me?" Wang Ke suddenly asked with a bit of disdain.

Lee Rui did not fall silent, and did not stop his steps because of this: "Good love should be when two people attract each other, chase after. I do not like the word" chase ". Because chasing means there will always be someone looking down on you from above. "

"Even if I were to chase after you, I wouldn't want to spend that effort trying to please you or someone. I would rather believe that in the future, I will naturally find the person I like. "

"For example …" Wang Ke frowned, she thought, and asked in surprise: "Miss Zhang?"

Lee Rui was shocked, "What are you thinking? Do you think that the love between teacher and student is just a game?"

"Don't you have a good relationship with her? Or is it July? You have a good relationship with her." Wang Ke counted them one by one and really did manage to count a few.

Lee Rui sarcastically replied, "Is my relationship with you bad?"

"We are friends, friendship, do you understand?!" Wang Ke's face was flushed red, she was so excited that she was dancing and wanted to explain, "I'm different from them!"

"Yes, it's different. You have more money." But you don't have the Miss Zhang's culture, and you don't have the strength of July. "

"Do you really think I'm rich in your eyes?!" Wang Ke was angry, her voice unconsciously raised a few notches.

"Isn't that your biggest characteristic?" Lee Rui didn't understand why she was so angry.

Wang Ke was even more furious now. She looked at Lee Rui with a cold face.

"I thought I wasn't just wealthy in your eyes, but you actually saw me with money. It looks like you are no different from Bao Fu and the rest, you are just a disguised, more exquisite egotistical person! Forget it, I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Wang Ke left in anger.

Lee Rui's face was confused. What was going on, why was he suddenly angry?

"The heart of a woman is truly a needle from the bottom of the sea. No, it should be a needle from the bottom of the ocean!"

Lee Rui was also a little unhappy, but he choked for no reason, and refused to copy the answer for you tomorrow, hmph!