The reporter followed closely behind Gu Yi, and the cameraman was not idle either. Carrying the camera, he followed them.

"Hello, can you tell me your name?"

The reporter held Gu Yi's mobile phone in one hand and a microphone in the other.

Gu Yi turned his head, the corner of his mouth almost reaching his temples.

The reporter's legs went weak with fear. She had never seen such a creepy smile.

Gu Yi placed a finger on his lips and shook his head.

"Can't you speak?"


Gu Yi chuckled weirdly and continued walking.

The cameraman, having a better intuition than the reporter, vaguely felt that there might be something ominous below.

"Maybe... we shouldn't go down? I feel like there's a monster in there."

"Are you even a man? Follow me!"

The reporter didn't care much and quickly followed Gu Yi, her mind filled with thoughts of reporting big news and not considering the danger.

The cameraman had no choice but to follow the reporter.

The three of them came to a huge blast-proof door. Gu Yi looked around comically.

"Mr. Clown, what's behind this door?"

Ignoring the reporter's question, Gu Yi once again reached into his trousers.

The reporter awkwardly looked away and focused on the phone screen.

"Stupid woman, you're blocking the view!"

"Don't block our view of the clown."

"What treasure is he going to pull out this time?"

"This is a blast-proof door. It can't be opened without an access card. What is he trying to do?"

The screen was flooded with comments.

The reporter glanced at the number of online viewers. There were already more than 50 million, and every minute, another million would join. The broadcast had only been live for less than ten minutes, but the clown's channel had already topped the popularity charts.

The technical team of the streaming website was stunned. They had never seen such an overwhelming data flow.

At this moment, the staff of the website were discussing the clown's broadcast intensely.

"Holy crap, does this clown actually have superpowers?"

"Don't be ridiculous; there are no superpowers in this world," said the head of the technical team. "Higher authorities are asking to shut down this broadcast, claiming it promotes feudal superstitions."


But despite their attempts, the broadcast wasn't shut down and instead surged in popularity.

"Boss, it seems our site has been hijacked by hackers."

"Boss, same here!"

"Even restarting the server is useless. All broadcast rooms are now automatically broadcasting the clown."

"What the heck?"

Everyone turned to the screen.

The clown chuckled sinisterly and pulled out an inflatable hammer from his trousers, which was as tall as two people and had "100t" written on it.

The hammer wobbled, looking very light.


Gu Yi chuckled weirdly and lifted the seemingly lightweight inflatable hammer.


The hammer slammed into the blast-proof door.

Both the reporter and the cameraman instinctively covered their ears and opened their mouths in shock.

With a thunderous noise, the blast-proof door shattered into eight pieces in the blink of an eye, and the inflatable hammer drooped down.

Gu Yi turned his head to look at the two people behind him.

The cameraman, paralyzed by fear, had shattered the lens of his camera.

The reporter, shaking and trembling, managed to stand up only with the support of the wall, holding up the phone.

The barrage of comments in the live broadcast went wild again, covering the entire screen.

However, Gu Yi's clown image eerily floated above the comments. The streaming website didn't have a feature to detect and position of human figures, so it was impossible for anyone to float above the comments.

— The clown was using his weird abilities to alter the rules of the livestream.

Gu Yi continued smiling, gesturing for the reporter to come closer with a beckoning finger.

The reporter and the cameraman, deeply captivated by him, followed without hesitation.

Da da da--

Gu Yi's large leather shoes hit the corridor floor, producing rhythmic footsteps.

Suddenly, the reporter felt goosebumps all over her body. When she looked up, she saw several strange-looking people at the end of the corridor. They stared blankly with dead, lifeless eyes, resembling zombies.

"Zo... zombies?"

For some reason, the reporter was reminded of the zombies from horror movies.

The zombies roared and charged forward, many of them even armed with handguns.

"Hide, quickly!"

The cameraman quickly pulled the reporter back, shielding her with his body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots echoed in the narrow corridor. The cameraman could even feel the vibrations from bullets ricocheting off the floor and walls.

No one knew how long the gunfight lasted.

Turning slowly, the cameraman found the entire corridor stained red.

The corpses of zombies had transformed into pixelated blocks of varying colors. The clown, however, still stood motionless, making a gun shape with his right hand, and bizarrely mimicking gun sounds with "biu biu biu". The scene was surreal.


Gu Yi laughed eerily, snapping the dazed cameraman and reporter back to reality.

"What were those things?"

Instead of speaking, Gu Yi imitated wolf howls and dog barks, pulling terrifying faces.

"You mean... they were wolf-hearted people?"


Gu Yi nodded, giving a thumbs-up, and continued to venture deeper into the corridor.

The reporter continued to hold the phone up.

At the end of the corridor were two signs: one pointing to the "Living Area" and the other to the "Breeding Area."

Gu Yi tapped the sign for the "Breeding Area", his smile a tad stiff. He then turned around, took out two balloons from his pocket, and made them into crowns which he placed on the heads of the reporter and cameraman.

"What's this for?"

Gu Yi put his hands together and bowed slightly with a smile.

The reporter touched the crown on her head, "You mean, this is for our protection?"

Gu Yi nodded, mimicking the act of filming with a camera.

Holding up the phone, the reporter nodded determinedly, "Rest assured, I will capture every move of yours."

For some reason, even though Gu Yi hadn't spoken a word, the reporter could always accurately understand his intentions. There was a unique charm about him, making people trust and rely on him involuntarily.

The closer they got to the "Breeding Area", the more anxious the reporter felt. Whenever she shivered, the crown on her head would warm slightly, dispelling her mental discomfort.

After about ten minutes, Gu Yi finally halted.

The reporter turned her phone, aiming the camera at a grotesque and bloody hall.

Even though she had mentally prepared herself, the sight of the ghastly and cruel scene made her retch uncontrollably.


The phone in her hand fell to the ground.

The shaky cameraman picked up the phone and refocused the lens on the women and children who were being used as fertilizer.

"Everyone, I've been a journalist for decades. I once investigated a child trafficking case, and I've always remembered the faces of those abducted children.

I'm sure of it; that girl over there with braids is Tong Tong, who went missing last month. It seems all the missing children from across the country have been brought here to be offerings for a devil.

I can't... believe it."