Because Yang zhener's question pointed to clearly, Xia libing did not prevaricate or vague response. After thinking for a while, she said, "Xiang Kun's mother is very outgoing, warm-hearted, quick thinking, good at observation and association; Xiang Kun's father is relatively introverted, relatively stable, but good at listening and thinking from the perspective of others. They are very good at dealing with each other. If you two go to visit Kun's house, Xiangkun's mother will talk more with her cousin, but she will like Nana more in her heart. "

Yang zhen'er widened his eyes and said strangely, "why do you talk to me more and like Nana more? Is it unreasonable? "

Tang Baona and Yang zhener were sitting in the same bed. Hearing this, they immediately leaned over, put their chin on their friends' shoulders, and said in a false voice, "of course, it's because I'm more cute!"

"Go, go! Lao Xia and I are seriously discussing issues here. Don't come to sell Meng! " Yang zhener pushed Tang Baona's head to the side and pushed her glasses from her eyes to her chin, causing her to help her glasses in a hurry.

Xia libing said objectively: "because Xiangkun's mother will use the standard of" daughter-in-law "to treat the single women who Xiang Kun brings home."

As soon as the words came out, the room immediately became quiet. Tang Baona, who helped her glasses, looked dull, and Yang zhener's mouth became an O-shaped one.

It was Xiang Kun next door. When he heard this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Lao Xia Or So direct.

After about ten seconds, Yang zhener coughed, and then seemed to say casually: "in this way, I can understand that Nana really has a daughter-in-law temperament. If I were my mother-in-law, I would choose Nana as my daughter-in-law."

Tang Baona was not used to this topic. She didn't know what to say. Her cheek was a little hot. But when she heard Yang zhener's words, she couldn't help laughing and pinched her waist: "what kind of" daughter-in-law "temperament What kind of temperament is this? You can explain it to me. Besides, the mother-in-law is the woman's mother, and the mother-in-law is the man's mother! "

"Wow, Nana, how experienced you are! Good to understand! I'm worthy of being a better daughter-in-law than I am! " Yang Zhen er said with a bad smile.

"Experience your head, kick you to death!"

"Stop, stop, I'm going to fall into bed! A gentleman can't move his feet

After a while of laughing, Yang zhen'er climbed back to bed from the ground and said to Xia libing: "yes, I haven't finished, old Xia, what about Xiang Kun? Have you found out what's the secret of Xiang Kun? Have you noticed that he and we have known each other for several months, which has changed a lot? " With that, he said the analysis process with Tang Baona on Valentine's day again.

After she finished speaking, Xia libing said: "Xiangkun's work and rest are really abnormal. Compared with ordinary people, they are very different. His eating habits are also different from ordinary people, but they are very regular. He gropes for them according to his own living habits and work and rest. He has a strong interest in some rare or strange creatures, and he wants to do a breeding laboratory in chongyun village He likes to keep fit, exercise his body and will, and he likes to think about some very new problems. "

"A very novel question? Like what? It's not how to make beef with rabbit meat or rabbit meat with chicken? " Yang zhener said with a smile.

Xia libing said: "for example, the basic composition of matter, the relationship between the world under the basic particles and four-dimensional space, the relationship between human perception and magnetic field, the movement of water molecules, the essence of dreams..."

Hearing this, Yang zhen'er murmured: "no wonder you and the chef have so much talk."

Tang Baona also said: "why does Xiang Kun think so many questions? This is not his field? He's going to play games and study restaurants. No wonder he's all over the place. " Say, oneself can't help laughing.

Xiang Kun, who lives next door, scratched her head helplessly and sighed for a moment that Lao Xia understood her two sisters very well. She was very clear about their ideas and concerns. She answered their questions directly with the truth, and allowed them to follow her guidance. She felt reasonable to her words.

Xiang Kun stood in front of the window, listening to the conversation and laughter of the three girls next door, thinking about what kind of ability development direction "little apple" would bring about by its water induction, and what kind of derivative expansion would it bring to his "super sensitive object system" in turn.

Unknowingly, the breathing voice of the three girls next door has been gradually stable, apparently all have fallen asleep, and Xiang Kun has gradually entered a state of great peace and tranquility.

Suddenly, Xiang Kun was startled from his peaceful and stable state and realized that this state was abnormal.

It's not that he is aware of any danger or specific perceptual abnormality, but that this state rarely appears after he has mutated.

Without adequate control of the surrounding environment and possible variables, he would not have been able to enter such a peaceful state.

After the mutation, no matter how he evolves in the sense organ, how much information he obtains from the outside world, and how he is sure of his own judgment, he will constantly seek more information and try to master more variables.

Even if the evolution of

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