Along with the high-dimensional factors of the "activation state of different degrees" and the "consciousness of different degrees" to which the high-dimensional factors belong, Xiang Kun's consciousness can also penetrate bit by bit. Bit by bit, through carrying his high-dimensional factors, he enters into the underlying rules and space to form a slightly different "world of different degrees".

The difference between the two worlds is not the difference of topography, topography and biological style, but the difference of a form of spatial existence and basic energy form.

In general, they do not perceive and influence each other. They have their own operating rules, but they are not completely different.

If the spatial existence form and underlying rule of "the world" is 1234, then "the world of different degrees" is 3456. Although there are overlaps, as long as they are not exactly the same, they are not the same world for "biological consciousness".

If you are an ordinary person, it is impossible for you to perceive the world, or even if you perceive the world, you can't understand the information you perceive.

Xiang Kun, because of his special evolution and mutation process, the existence of "super sense state", the compilation of "super sense information", and Alice's continuous calculation and modeling assistance on the "super sense goods system", makes him have the ability to adapt and analyze any new type of perceptual information quickly.

Under normal circumstances, "biological consciousness" can only stay in one kind of spatial world structure, and all the material components and consciousness carriers of the organism itself cannot exist in two different spatial structures.

But the high-dimensional factor is special. It can shuttle in different spatial structures - not "shuttle", but it exists in different forms of spatial structures at the same time. When it reacts with "biological consciousness" in a certain spatial structure, a certain "world", it is its dominant projection in that spatial structure, but it has all the characteristics at the same time World rule attributes of different spatial architectures.

Through its characteristics, some strong consciousness bodies can explore the world of other spatial structures.

But it's hard. It takes time and luck. It's like exhaustion.

However, Xiang Kun is somewhat different. He "captures" the high-dimensional factors of the "heterodox world" and has the "analysis tool" of "hypersensitive information". He can find the way to enter the "heterodox world" by virtue of the different characteristics of these high-dimensional factors of the "heterodox activation state".

But finding the way to get in and being able to get in are two different things, just like you know how to drive, but you can't drive without a car.

Because of the deep correlation between high-dimensional factors and consciousness, Xiang Kun can even directly know what the "heterodox consciousness" wants to do - it is driven by the instinct of high-dimensional factors, trying to get the opportunity to devour other high-dimensional factors from more ways.

It wants to invade Xiang Kun's "home world", but like Xiang Kun, it has no "car".

If Xiang Kun knew nothing about it and the "heterodox world" it came from, there was no doubt that his first reaction was to block the possibility of such invasion.

However, Xiang Kun changed his mind after he had a basic understanding of the spatial structure and energy form of the "heterodox world" and the "heterodox consciousness" he came into contact with.

After waking up, he knew a lot of information through Alice and deduced a lot of things that would happen in the future.

The lifting of the ban on the research of "mutated organisms" has enabled human beings to achieve rapid development in science and technology. The "super sensitive goods system" also shows explosive and subversive enhancement and expansion under the joint operation of Alice and all system linkers because of its ability improvement.

At present, he can easily let Xia libing, Liu Shiling, Tang Baona, Yang zhener, Xiao apple and other people who have established deep contact with the "super sensitive item system" obtain the improvement from the system application ability to the ontological quality, such as immortality, such as the rapid repair of the body, Bi Ruyi's consciousness and the permanence of the body with the "super sensitive item system".

Ordinary people who have slight or secondary links with the "super sensitive goods system", such as Li Shifan, Yang Zhuo, Liu Zhengyi, and even his parents, such as Chang bin, Zicheng, and other ordinary people who have no connection with the "super sensitive goods system", have ways to make them get rid of the shackles of their own birth, aging, illness and death, and the original life of the earth Life system limitation.

As time goes on, more and more people around him will have relations with him, such as Lao Xia's parents and relatives, such as Tang Baona's parents and relatives, such as his relatives and friends. If he can easily do it, it is impossible to sit by and watch them die naturally - and he can do it easily.

But everything has a price, and all existence has a consumption.

The breakthrough of the fourth industrial revolution, such as controlled nuclear fusion, brought about by the research of "mutated biology", can temporarily ignore the dependence on basic resources. However, for Xiang Kun, the key is the level of high-dimensional factors, which is the foundation of his ability and the existence and development of "super sensitive goods system".

At present, they are subject to the special control factors of "internal dimension, high-dimensional system", because they can also be well controlled by the special control factors of "internal dimension, high-dimensional system".In the visible future, all the high-dimensional factors that have been "activated" and all the high-dimensional factors that may be "activated" on the whole earth will be included in the "super sensitive goods system". There is no choice. This will bring continuous growth and improvement to the operation of Xiang Kun's system. In addition, the "super complex matrix" built on the whole planet can make the high-dimensional factors as a whole There are two planets for "individual units" to carry out "reconstruction construction", and its periodic limit is not yet visible.

No matter how deeply Xiang Kun develops them, he can't change this point, just like people eat and drink Lhasa no matter how high their education level is. That's why he kills the "ultimate Predator" himself, even if he doesn't want to eat and drink Lhasa Unwilling, but also had to carry out this protracted phagocytosis and transformation.

So Xiang Kun and Alice's original plan was to spread the "hypernexa matrix" all over the earth, basically ensuring that all the "mutated organisms" on the earth in the future will be on the disk, and then use the human space technology driven by them to advance into space.

But now, with the discovery of "heterodox world", Xiang Kun has found a new and more stable way to explore and improve in the future at the same time.

Therefore, Xiang Kun made a plan to "lead the wolf into the house" to help the "heterodox consciousness" come to the "world".

If we still use the way of construction teams as an analogy, from the earth to other planets and galaxies in the "world" (the universe), it means that construction teams go to other cities to find skilled construction workers.

But the problem now is that Xiang Kun has no idea where other cities are, how far away they are, whether there are skilled construction workers, and how many workers there are.

The emergence of "heterodox world" and "heterodox activation state high-dimensional factor" made him realize that in his original city, those ordinary people who usually do not have any special performance actually have another special circle. They have their own entertainment companies, where they can sing and dance rap, and under the rules of their circle, singing and dancing rap can also be given Their units bring development.

So Xiang Kun sent his workers to follow the rap players into their circle and ask for information. Xiang Kun can directly communicate with his own workers, but the boss of rap players doesn't communicate with them, so Xiang Kun finds them, knows their operation mode, and keeps their boss in the dark.

After measuring the strength comparison between the two sides, it was found that the boss of the entertainment company wanted to develop into the construction industry, the construction company deliberately sold the flaw to the boss, let the rap singing and dancing boys come to the company to perform, and then let their workers take the opportunity to learn rap singing and dancing, and understand the operation mode of the entertainment industry.

Next, the construction company "to the boss" and his majestic construction team will drive up and excavator rap into the entertainment industry.

In this case, although there are no new construction projects, no annexation of new construction companies, and no discovery of new cities, they still achieve a substantial growth in business, enter a new industry, and all workers learn to sing and dance rap, which further reduces the possibility of project gaps, increases their own competitiveness, and further widens the gap with ordinary construction teams.


When "heterodox consciousness" under the guidance of Xiang Kun began to appear in "the world" bit by bit.

Xiang Kun also tells her the general situation through her dream with little fat girl, and then she and Alice come to communicate with Lao Xia, Nana and others to cooperate with the implementation of the plan.

Although he has basically completed the assimilation of the high-dimensional factors of "ultimate Predator" and his consciousness has awakened, he must remain in this very special state in order to collect the information of "heterodox world".

First, some atoms which should be very stable appeared abnormal nuclear reaction in a gramineous plant in the Northwest Mountain area, which brought a small range of radiation variation. Then "heterodox consciousness" found support in the plant after the mutation died, and the projection of "heterodox high-dimensional factor" in this world began to be "Semi activated".

It is changing little by little, constantly transferring the deposit of consciousness, and in this process, it gradually becomes familiar with and grasps the spatial structure and energy system of the "world", and understands the biological existence form of the world.

When it became a reptile, Xia libing led the field investigation team of the base, Tang Baona and other elite teams to encircle and attack it.

Xiang Kun gave this "heterodox consciousness" a code name, called "heterodox one".

However, Liu Shiling, who was listening to Kun's assignment in her dream, heard that she was "strange pig No.1". When she woke up and reported to Lao Xia, Alice didn't correct it either. Therefore, for the first time in history, it was the highest standard task that all secret departments and field investigation departments of research base, non Research Center, Qiankun technology and Shenxing technology cooperated together. Its name was:

"hunting strange pigs" "Operation pig".

When Mr. Nong Diliang and Lao he first knew the name of the operation, they always thought that what they were dealing with was a "mutant pig".

Xiang Kun, of course, did not expect them to hunt "yidu-1", but used their hunting to force "yidu-1" to collect information faster and better and improve its cognitive system. At the same time, it is also an opportunity for Xia libing to further understand their own abilities and find inspiration for developing new abilities. After all, in this process, the "super sensitive goods system", Xiang Kun's consciousness and Xiang Kun's ability system will rarely operate with high intensity and create conditions for them to exert their abilities.He knows that Xia libing is implementing the "psychic control theory" inside the base. By taking this action, he can directly make those candidates who are tested have the strongest perceptual conditions. Basically, as long as they are not disgusted by Xiang Kun or Alice, they can more or less have some perception of the "hyperconnectedness matrix" and establish some connections.

That's why, even though they don't need to do anything, they are still allowed to stay at the door of "Yidu No.1", so that they can take advantage of this opportunity to deepen their understanding of "psychic control theory" and have the opportunity to establish their own "inspiration connection".

Those who have established certain connections, such as Li Shifan, Yang Zhuo and Liu Zhengyi, can help them better understand their own perception and connection types, better adapt to the use of "high-level spiritual objects", and may come up with better and more application ways.

The participation of Tang Baona, Yang zhener and Xiao apple is to let them do more combat exercises, familiarize themselves with ability application scenarios, see if they can stimulate their new ideas, and develop new abilities based on the existing system.

However, at the beginning, Mr. Liang, Jiang Chun and other real "mutated creatures" did not directly participate in the task, and even "Radish", a "semi mutated creature", did not mix with it, because when the "high dimensional factor of diversity" was in a semi activated state, it had a strong ability of "capturing and swallowing" the high dimensional factor of the "local world". If its strength was not as good as it, it was very weak It's easy to be restrained. It's dangerous.

However, when it devours Gerald, the "old vampire", the "diversity one" has a stable carrier in the "world".

At this time, it needs to fight against the "mutant creatures" in the "world".


When Tang Baona, Yang zhener and Xiao Pingguo jumped out of the black refitted car in the parking lot and ran into the main building to take part in the battle, there were still three people left on the car. One of them was director He of the "non research center", who was also the deputy commander of the operation.

Old he couldn't help but look at the little girl sitting next to Xia libing, who was full of "unhappiness". He had a lot of questions in his heart, and didn't know how to ask.

Of course, he knew this lovely little girl who looked about ten years old.

When investigating Xiang Kun, he knew that a little fat girl named Liu Shiling had a very good relationship with Xiang Kun, Xia libing and Tang Baona.

In the past few years after the "Antarctic crisis", Lao he met her several times at the research base in chongyun village and the Youlong hotel in Tongshi town. Then he knew that Liu Shiling, like Xia libing and Tang Baona, had extraordinary abilities. Moreover, her ability should be related to electricity. Maybe she also had the ability to control lightning similar to Xiang Kun.

It is said that according to the damage caused by ability, she may be ranked in the top three, and Mr. Liang and Jiang Chun are far behind. However, the little girl is still a primary school student. It is said that she is not allowed to participate in any base mission.

I just don't know why she was allowed to follow me this time?

But maybe it's also because she was in the car. Just after the battle in the mortuary, they could only see the simulated cartoon pictures on this car. On the contrary, the action team members on several other modified cars could see the real-time monitoring pictures.

After Mr. Liang made his move, there was a real-time monitoring picture, but the picture of the monster being smashed to pieces was obviously processed. The blood and meat were like cream and jelly, which looked very funny.

Monitoring, Tang Baona three people take the elevator to the seventh floor, and Mr. Liang, Li Shiyu and others also fight with the strange fight to the seventh floor.

It seems that they chased the monster to the seventh floor, but when he heard Xia libing's phased mission before, he was very clear that the monster was caught up by them.

The whole process was expected by Xia libing, even when the monster would come out, what behavior it might do, and where old Qian and Corwin would fall. She communicated with Mr. Liang before the mission, so that Mr. Liang could be more confident when he was hiding and protecting two mission members.

When listening to Xia libing's assignment, Lao he and Mr. Liang have the same idea:

"Dr. Xia It's terrible. "

Seeing Tang Baona and little apple stop in front of the monster on the surveillance, the battle is imminent. Lao he widens his eyes and is extremely focused. Although he knows that Tang Baona and the three of them are very powerful, he has also lightly captured the powerful "last old brand vampire" in Slovakia before, but he has never seen them make a move. For them, he is very happy Little is known about our ability to do so.

Just when he thought he could finally see the real super power this time, the surveillance screen was gone.

Lao he wails subconsciously and looks at Xia libing and Liu Shiling next to him. He thinks that this is to protect the primary school students and cut off the heavy mouth picture. However, the earphone rings the inquiries of other members of the car, letting him know that there is no monitoring picture in other cars.

"Dr. Xia, this is Monitoring or Old why can't help asking.

"Some capabilities need to be shielded from monitoring." Xia libing said simply.As she said this, she raised her hand and pinched Liu Shiling's cheek, then gently rubbed her frown with her slender fingers.

Liu Shiling looks up at Xia libing.

Xia libing obviously knew what she was thinking and shook her head gently.

Liu Shiling sighed and lowered her head. Her face was still full of "unhappy".

Before graduating from junior high school, she can't take part in any base task. This is a rule that has been set for a long time. Liu Shiling knows this very well. Although she feels that her "magic" is very strong, she should be able to play a role, especially when she matches with elder sister Laoxian. But since all her sisters have made such a decision, she has no choice but to hope that she can get her junior high school diploma as soon as possible and get "combat qualification".

But it's different this time!

She took this mission from her bald uncle!

Two months ago, when she set up a task in front of sister roast chicken wings, beautiful sister, little apple sister, old fairy sister, egg yolk pie, Jin Shanshan, little steamed bread and Alice, she was really full of pride and complacency. She thought that the first battle of reality of her "great wizard Liu Shiling" was finally coming.

But what I didn't expect was that after she told uncle bald what he said in his dream and introduced the basic tasks, sister roast chicken wings took over the power to assign specific tasks, and her title of "commander" was ruthlessly deprived.

It was under the advice of Alice's staff that she cried, hugged her thighs and played tricks for a long time. Only by persuading beautiful sister, fairy sister and little apple sister to help her with the work of roast chicken wings sister, she finally got the opportunity to watch the task.

As a result, today's onlookers can't even watch the scene. Even the surveillance has become a cartoon simulation because the screen is too bloody.

Liu Shiling suffered in his heart, especially in his heart.

She's so good

Looking at the cut screen, Liu Shiling is very clear that the cut screen is not because the screen is bloody and cruel, but because Alice wants to participate in the war.

At the thought that they could use all kinds of abilities to fight the "Yizhu No.1" from another world, according to Uncle baldheaded, Liu Shiling felt itchy in her heart. She really had no place to use the power of raising a belly of famine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!