Garlic is not uncommon in Country B, and many foreigners actually like the taste of garlic. For example, garlic butter toast is a classic bread often made in many bakeries.

Su Bin couldn’t understand why Allen was so averse to garlic, as if he had never smelled it before, and these garlics were even packaged in bags… Does the taste really have such a big impact?

In the evening, Su Bin cooked the sea bass and stir-fried some vinegar-glazed cabbage. He successfully won over another foodie. Jin Fei sighed with anticipation for future delicious meals.

After dinner, Yang Chengzhe was responsible for cleaning up. Jin Fei dragged Su Bin to his room to play video games for a while and avenged his previous defeat due to lack of stamina, causing Su Bin to cry out in pain…

“You’re being too ruthless! I just started playing, can you go easy on a newbie?”

“You’re not a girl, why should I be gentle with you?” Jin Fei took a sip of beer and continued to go full throttle. “Do you want me to go easy on you? Then beg me~~”

Beg your sister! Su Bin cursed in his heart. You arrogant fly, just wait!

After exerting themselves for two more rounds, Su Bin finally won a game. Just as he was feeling happy, Jin Fei said with a teasing tone, “Look at you, so pitiful. I’ll let you win.”

… You’re so mean!

But the game is just a game, and the outcome doesn’t affect their relationship. Afterward, the two of them sat together and chatted, putting aside past grievances. The topic of conversation inevitably involved “women.”

Jin Fei had quite a history of relationships but had always managed to stay away from entanglements. Su Bin, on the other hand, had very little experience with relationships. From adolescence to now, all his passion had been given to Chen Xiaotian alone.

After listening to Su Bin’s love story, Jin Fei played with the decorative ring on his hand and asked with a half-smile, “Do you think she likes you?”

Su Bin was puzzled, “Of course, why would she be with me if she didn’t like me?”

Jin Fei chuckled, “Women are truly creatures easily moved.”

Gifts, flowers, persistent pursuit, and grand confessions can easily touch a woman’s heart… But Jin Fei knew that someone deeply in love would never send their loved one to a distant foreign land with an eight-hour time difference… Su Bin’s girlfriend seemed to have been too rational.

Unintentionally, Su Bin grabbed two cloves of garlic from the windowsill and stuffed them into his pocket. It’s not that he wanted to doubt Allen, but sometimes the power of the subconscious mind is truly uncontrollable.

Before going to bed, Su Bin logged into the campus network. There were already many replies under the photo of the steak, mostly friends and classmates expressing envy and jealousy, saying things like “So happy,” “Looks amazing,” “Fancy,” “People who can study abroad in Country B are all rich,” and so on…

In addition, his senior left a comment too: “Stop posting pictures of food and drinks. Can you post some blondes from Country B? [Drooling]”

Su Bin couldn’t help but reply with a smile: “This handsome guy already has a family, I don’t dare to casually look at other beauties. [Cool]”

After closing the campus network, Su Bin inexplicably clicked on the “Supernatural Tales” section of the cliff, wanting to see if anyone had written a post specifically about vampires. However, as soon as the webpage loaded, he saw his own help-seeking post on the forum’s homepage.

There was even a “Little Torch” icon next to the post title, indicating that the post… had gone viral.

Su Bin was startled. He thought that after he made his statement, the post would sink into obscurity. How did it end up becoming popular instead?

He quickly clicked on it to see and roughly understood the reason. Because he had described Allen as so handsome and perfect in the post, most of the replies revolved around Allen. Shortly after Su Bin’s second reply, the post started scrolling down at a rate of half a page per hour. It had already scrolled through more than ten pages by now.

|Author: Li Lin |Time: 200X-10-01 10:11

|Reply: Are there really such handsome people in the world? If that’s true, vampires are no problem. I… I… I beg to be bitten!


|Author: Jiu Jiu |Time: 200X-10-01 10:15

|Reply: Ah~ Ah~ I also beg to be bitten, beg to be drained!


|Author: Fat Meat Jun |Time: 200X-10-01 11:41

|Reply: Beg to be drained +10086 (_)!

Su Bin was dumbfounded by these replies. So in this world, being good-looking really makes people loved, makes flowers bloom, and makes internet users beg to be drained!

However, besides the fanatical pursuit of Allen, there were also those who found Su Bin cute and adorable, like:

|Author: Yellow Capsule |Time: 200X-10-01 11:16

|Reply: I think the way OP (original poster) earnestly writes “1 2 3 4 5″… is so cute. Am I the only one who thinks so?


|Author: Shiraki |Time: 200X-10-01 13:18

|Reply: Yellow Capsule, you’re not alone! The statement Su Bin made about SB (himself) just made me explode with cuteness!… Su Bin, marry me!


|Author: Wind Passing |Time: 200X-10-01 18:21

|Reply: A, what are you waiting for? Quickly overpower OP (original poster)! [Drooling]

Su Bin: Hey! Is “cute” a word to describe guys? Shouldn’t you say I have a good personality instead? And what does “overpower” mean? Is it a prelude to being bitten?

Besides the above two types of replies, there was another category of replies that more seriously discussed the original post’s topic:

|Author: Desolate2333 |Time: 200X-10-01 12:45

|Reply: The relationship between vampires and humans is that of predator and prey. Su Bin is too quick to let his guard down with A. Would a predator reveal themselves as a vampire before hunting their prey? (Su Bin: !!!)


|Author: Lazy Slippers Won’t Update |Time: 200X-10-01 17:31

|Reply: I agree with the previous comment. It’s like the female ghosts in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. Before they suck the essence of men, they first use their beauty to confuse them! Being cautious is the right thing to do. Su Bin, your chastity is really worrying. (Su Bin: …)


|Author: Eida Little Fairy |Time: 200X-10-01 17:32

|Reply: Hehe, the previous few comments seem like they’ve all been drained before.

Su Bin went through a mix of nervousness, horror, and speechlessness as he read the replies. Although he felt that some of the descriptions by the internet users were not quite appropriate and there were some replies he couldn’t understand, he wasn’t a saint. Seeing so many people discussing and debating under his post gave him a slight sense of… satisfaction.

Especially when he saw some people begging him not to let the post sink and hoping he would continue writing, such as sharing his study abroad experiences, A’s daily life, and so on, expressing that they would read and support him. It made Su Bin feel a little tempted.

However, being tempted doesn’t mean being impulsive…

Thinking about the events of the day, Su Bin couldn’t help but reply again, silently declaring that this would be his last reply!

|OP: SBWoodCedar |Time: 200X-10-02 |Views: 5863 |Replies: 432 |Page 12

|Message: Uh, I really didn’t expect this post to attract so much attention… Thank you all here in advance!

…Is it clear enough now? Su Bin reviewed his post once again and clicked the “send” button, then went to sleep.

Before lying down, Su Bin took out two cloves of garlic from his pocket and placed them under his pillow… to ward off nightmares.

As expected, he had a dreamless night, and Su Bin woke up feeling extremely good.

Because he went to see a ring yesterday, he wanted to find some sense of presence when talking to Chen Xiaotian on the phone. He hoped that Chen Xiaotian would realize his intentions. But he didn’t dare to reveal any secrets, fearing that it would lose the meaning of “surprise.” So, while itching and feeling torn, he recounted the events of the past two days and couldn’t help but pester Chen Xiaotian, asking, “Do you miss me? Do you miss me?”

Chen Xiaotian couldn’t help but laugh and said, “What’s wrong with you…”

Su Bin persisted and wanted Chen Xiaotian to say something satisfying. That’s just how he is; when he’s in love, he’ll act spoiled shamelessly in front of his lover, completely different from how he is with others.

In the end, Chen Xiaotian couldn’t resist Su Bin’s unparalleled childishness and reluctantly said, “Yes, I miss you, okay?”

Su Bin complained, “Why does it sound like you don’t mean it?”

“I’m not as shameless as you…” Chen Xiaotian paused and said, “Whether I miss you or not doesn’t matter. I just want you to be well there, take care of yourself, make more friends. That way, I’ll be at ease.”

Upon hearing these words, Su Bin felt much happier. Actually, he didn’t expect Chen Xiaotian to say anything sweeter. After all, he knew that Chen Xiaotian was naturally cold and not very enthusiastic towards anyone, let alone saying sweet words. So, the forced “miss you” from earlier was enough to make Su Bin excited for a long time.

“Alright, I have to go to self-study now,” Chen Xiaotian said, “I have a lot of major courses in my third year, and I’m particularly busy lately.”

Every time at this moment, Su Bin felt the most down. But he had no choice. When he was in China, he could go to self-study with Chen Xiaotian, but here, he could only hang up the phone.

After getting up to wash, this time, Su Bin happened to run into Allen on his way out.

Allen wasn’t dressed as elegantly as he was yesterday, but instead, he changed into a casual cashmere sweater. The loose collar hung below his slender clavicle, and Su Bin couldn’t help but be amazed… He looked so sexy.

Su Bin couldn’t help but think of the netizens who replied to his post, swooning over A based on his descriptions. If they could see this scene with their own eyes, wouldn’t they immediately (nose)bleed on the spot?

Allen seemed like he wanted to greet Su Bin, but as he approached, he frowned and stared at him for a couple of seconds before quietly saying, “Goodbye,” and going downstairs.

Su Bin: “…”

When Allen stared at him just now, Su Bin felt extremely nervous. He quickly smelled himself to check his own scent… It seems like sleeping with garlic under his pillow worked… See, even Allen doesn’t want to talk to him, let alone getting close, threatening, or sucking blood!

…But why doesn’t he feel relieved? Instead, he has a deep sense of guilt?

Su Bin shook his head, deciding not to dwell on this question.

During the day, Su Bin took advantage of his lunch break to register for a work account at the International Student Center. Since the work pressure wasn’t too high, he thought it would be more reliable to find a proper part-time job. He would have to wait for a week to receive the work account, but he wasn’t in a hurry.

The next day, on Saturday, Yang Chengzhe stayed at home to write his paper, Allen had something to do outside, and Jin Fei went out to meet friends. Su Bin had nothing to do, so he called Sun Yujie, “Hey, are you free tonight? Let’s go to that steakhouse I mentioned last time!”

Sun Yujie readily agreed, and they set a time and place to meet before heading to Rump & Ribs together. However, the restaurant was particularly crowded on this Saturday night, and Su Bin hadn’t made a reservation, so there was a long queue.

The two of them sat in the waiting area, chatting while waiting for a table. As they were chatting, Sun Yujie’s expression suddenly changed…

“What’s wrong?” Su Bin followed Sun Yujie’s gaze and was surprised to see Cheng Ang. “Wow, what a coincidence!”

Cheng Ang wasn’t alone; there was a long-haired beauty sitting across from him, and they seemed to be having a pleasant conversation, looking very compatible… Was that Cheng Ang’s girlfriend? But that beauty doesn’t seem to be the girl from their class. Why is Sun Yujie making that expression? Could it be that Sun Yujie really has some personal conflict with Cheng Ang?

As Su Bin was imagining things, he noticed that the person sitting at the table next to Cheng Ang suddenly left. He had a bad feeling about this…

Sure enough, after a while, a waiter called their queue number, “Gentlemen, this way, please…”