After finishing breakfast and quickly tidying up, Su Bin hurriedly left the house. It would take at least half an hour to take the bus to school, and it was already 8:20 AM. He was running late.

As Allen and Su Bin walked out one after the other, Su Bin noticed that Allen was carrying the daily trash and a folded piece of cloth. Curiosity sparked within him, and he asked, “What’s that?”

Allen replied, “Bedsheet.”

Su Bin questioned, “A bedsheet? Is that also trash?”

Allen nodded, “Yes, there’s a specific recycling bin for old clothes and fabric where we dispose of it.”

Su Bin continued, “No, what I mean is, the bedsheet looks quite new. Why are you throwing it away?”

Allen glanced at Su Bin, chuckled, and said, “It’s torn,” before walking away.

Su Bin muttered, “(=_=)… That laughter seemed a bit eerie. Was it just my imagination?”

While waiting at the bus stop, Su Bin saw Robert driving his Bentley towards them. Thinking that Allen had kindly asked Robert to give him a ride, Su Bin was pleased. However, Allen rolled down the car window, smiled, and said, “See you tonight,” before walking away again…

“Sorry, Michael. Until I am clear about my own feelings, I will try to keep my distance from you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Su Bin was left in a state of confusion. Well, Allen is nice and all, but it’s easier to communicate with pure Chinese people! If it were Jin Fei who passed by just now, Su Bin would have definitely rolled up his pants and shouted, “Fly, give me a ride!”

After getting off the bus, there were only five minutes left until class. Su Bin hurriedly ran and managed to enter the classroom in the last minute.

Fortunately, Sun Yu Jie had saved a seat for him, their usual spot. This was similar to Su Bin’s experience in his university in China. Once they got used to sitting in a particular place, they wouldn’t move unless there were unexpected circumstances.

Sun Yu Jie was surprised to see Su Bin and said, “I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“Oh? Oh!” Su Bin realized that Sun Yu Jie was referring to his new outfit and asked with a smile, “How is it?”

“Handsome!” Sun Yu Jie’s eyes sparkled. “I think you suit the British style.”

Su Bin glanced at his clothes for the day and asked, “This is the British style?”

“Checked shirt with a sweater, classic British academy style!” Sun Yu Jie explained and gave him a bunch of advice on how to match pants and shoes with the British style, based on his own experience.

Unfortunately, Su Bin wasn’t particularly interested in those things. He was good-looking and had a well-proportioned body, so even when he wore cheap clothes in China, his friends often praised him for looking handsome and high-end. Over time, he developed a habit of not paying much attention to his attire. Since he would be here for only a year, he planned to ask Allen to help him choose some clothes before returning to China.

During the break between classes, Sun Yu Jie went out to buy coffee, and Su Bin rested his head on the desk. He overheard two foreigners in the front row telling dirty jokes, including one about an affair they had over the weekend. They described how passionate it was and how they woke up in the morning to find the bedsheets torn…

Bedsheets… torn… (OAO)

Thinking back to Allen’s wicked laughter and his ambiguous expression in the morning, Su Bin widened his eyes in shock!

Could it be that Allen threw away the bedsheet because it was torn during “that” activity? Oh my god! It’s unimaginable!

…But wait, that doesn’t make sense. Allen came to teach him how to use the coffee machine late last night, and after that, he went back to his room alone. He doesn’t even have a girlfriend, so who did he… do it with? Did he… do it alone? (OAO||)

Su Bin couldn’t help but imagine Allen being intimate with the bedsheet, entangled and rubbing against it…


No, no! Allen usually gives off a very restrained vibe. Su Bin shared the bathroom with him for almost half a month, frequently opening and closing the cabinet doors, and he knew that the bottle of lubricant had hardly been used… Stop overthinking! You idiot!

After finally calming down, Su Bin saw Sun Yu Jie returning with the coffee.

After finishing the morning classes, Su Bin was stopped by Brian. “Hey, Michael, do you have all the materials ready?”

Brian was the guy who joined Su Bin in searching for materials after their last group meeting. They were having their second group discussion this afternoon, so he came to ask Su Bin.

“I have everything ready. Are we meeting at DR-233 at 2:00 PM?” Su Bin asked.

Brian replied, “Yes, do you want to have lunch together? Then we can go to the library early.”

Su Bin gladly agreed, “Sure!”

Sun Yu Jie was not in the same group as them, and their discussion would be held the next day, but their conversation reminded Su Bin about the unfinished assignment. In a hurry, he bought a sandwich and headed to the library, bidding farewell to Sun Yu Jie.

Under Brian’s suggestion, Su Bin and him walked to the other side of the campus to have pizza, traversing through a large part of the school. As they walked, Su Bin noticed a quaint red brick building nearby with two cars parked outside. One of the cars, a silver-gray one, particularly stood out and had gathered a crowd of people around it, with faint screams from girls.

“What’s happening over there?” Su Bin asked Brian.

“I’m not sure,” Brian replied, realizing it only after Su Bin’s interruption. He glanced at the adjacent red brick building and said, “I think it’s the research building of the M University’s Pharmacy Department.”

Upon hearing “pharmacy,” Su Bin immediately thought of Allen… So Allen attends classes here every day!

As they walked a bit further, Brian exclaimed, “Wow, a Rolls-Royce!”

Su Bin had heard of the car but had never seen one. He looked closely with interest as Brian pointed out that the emblem on the car was not a graphic but a letter “r” with a shadow, which he found fascinating.

Many passing students stopped to observe, not only because of the luxury car parked outside the red brick building but also due to the presence of several bodyguards nearby.

“Could it be a celebrity?” Su Bin exclaimed in surprise.

Brian shook his head. “No, celebrities wouldn’t have this kind of entourage. Judging by the attire of the bodyguards, they seem to be from the royal family.”

“The royal family…” Su Bin, born and raised in New China, felt that the concept of the “royal family” belonged to the world of TV dramas and novels. Although he had imagined it after coming to B country, he never thought he would see it with his own eyes…

“Can they just come out like this?” Su Bin asked in disbelief.

Brian, being a local of B country, casually replied, “Of course they can come out. Otherwise, do you expect them to be locked up in a cage every day?”

Su Bin nodded, thinking of ancient Chinese emperors who rarely left the Forbidden City. “I thought they all lived in castles and palaces.”

Brian burst into laughter and explained, “Our country’s prince is currently studying for a master’s degree at S University. I heard he is often surrounded by onlookers during classes!”

It’s truly amazing. If the crown prince of ancient China casually went to a private school in the common folk, even with many bodyguards, he would frequently encounter “assassination” attempts!

As they approached the car, Su Bin tried to catch a glimpse of the “royalty” through the car window, but the tinted glass prevented him from seeing anything. Just as he was about to give up, the closed car window slowly began to lower!

When Su Bin saw the person’s face, he was stunned, almost blurting out “Allen.” However, he quickly realized that this person was not Allen. His hair color was slightly lighter than Allen’s, with a touch of brown, and his eyes were a vibrant blue!

But this person’s facial features were strikingly similar to Allen’s!

As the car window lowered, several girls nearby exclaimed “prince,” covering their faces in excitement but not daring to approach.

“He’s Prince Hall!” Brian called out excitedly upon hearing the girls’ title. But instead of getting closer, he grabbed the bewildered Su Bin in awe and took a couple of steps back.

Through the gap in the car window, Su Bin saw another person sitting beside the young man with blue eyes, but he could only see the person’s white collar and the lower half of their face.

…Which one of them did they refer to as the “prince”? The one in white or the one with blue eyes?

Lost in his thoughts, Su Bin suddenly saw someone emerge from the red brick building. As he recognized the person, his mouth hung open in shock—It was Alan!

Allen walked straight to the car, opened the door, and the blue-eyed young man got out. The people around fell silent, but they still didn’t disperse and continued to watch.

“Oh, he’s not Prince Hall,” Brian said.

Su Bin thought that there must be another person inside the car, wearing a white suit, who could be the other…

It’s understandable why everyone was curious. This young man was too beautiful, just like Allen. Su Bin had noticed it on weekends when he went shopping with Allen. Almost everyone passing by would glance at Alan—just as he mentioned in his previous posts, Allen was the kind of person with a 99% head-turning rate, and the remaining 1% were blind.

The young man with blue eyes was slightly shorter and more muscular than Allen. When Allen approached him, the blue-eyed young man gently hugged Allen with open arms. Then, he handed Allen an envelope and a paper bag. After exchanging a few words, the blue-eyed young man returned to the car.

Allen turned around and, in that moment, his gaze met Su Bin’s…

As their eyes locked, Su Bin felt his heart leap to his throat. However, Allen’s gaze lingered on his face for just a second before shifting away. Expressionless, Allen walked into the red brick building…

Su Bin: “…”

The car drove away, followed by the bodyguard in another car, and the onlookers gradually dispersed.

Inside the pizza shop, Brian couldn’t help but ask Su Bin, “What’s wrong with you? You’ve been absent-minded since earlier.”

Su Bin put down his fork and hesitated as he said to Brian, “The person just now, he looked like my roommate.”

He said “looked like” because Allen’s gaze just now felt unfamiliar… Su Bin saw a long-lost indifference and alienation in Allen’s eyes.

Brian asked, “Which one do you mean?”

Su Bin replied, “The one in the black clothes.”

Brian nodded and said, “The one who came out of the red brick building?”

Su Bin hesitated for a moment and shook his head, saying, “Maybe I was mistaken.”

Brian nodded again, “You must have been mistaken. That person doesn’t seem to belong to the same world as us.”

Su Bin thought to himself, but just a few hours ago, Allen greeted him with a smile and said they would meet in the evening…

Hmm, maybe it’s because Allen doesn’t want others to know who he lives with. If they openly acknowledge each other, it would surely attract attention. Besides, what Su Bin saw just now seemed to be something significant, maybe even a secret to Allen, so he probably didn’t want Su Bin to know… At this point, Su Bin could almost foresee the awkward situation that would arise after he mentioned the topic of “going back to China” last time.

Well (=_=)… he definitely, definitely will “pretend” that he didn’t see anything!

Su Bin mentally convinced himself, “You didn’t see anything today, you didn’t see anything, you didn’t see anything…”

Cowardly Self: “Accepting orders!”

Brave Self: “Haha, idiot.”

Su Bin: “…”

The afternoon group discussion went smoothly, and Su Bin realized that he had misunderstood Cheng Ang. Although he wasn’t as good as Sun Yujie had described, he was definitely meticulous in his approach to academic work. He didn’t give Su Bin a hard time, and today he even praised him for doing a thorough job of researching and summarizing.

So this time, Su Bin no longer had any guards against Cheng Ang. Instead, there was a hint of sympathy in his gaze.

Because Su Bin could already imagine Jin Fei bringing Sun Yujie and using bricks made of stacks of banknotes to bend Cheng Ang… Why banknotes, you ask? Well, aside from money, does Jin Fei have any other weapons?

After taking Alexander for a walk and returning home, Su Bin had dinner, took a shower, and surprisingly didn’t run into Allen all night. For some reason, he felt relieved.

While doing cleaning chores, Su Bin unconsciously glanced at the lubricant in the cabinet…

Su Bin: “…” Oh my god!

Su Bin couldn’t believe it and took it out, carefully examining it… In just two days, the lubricant was already less than half a bottle!

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