Actually, when Su Bin entered the house, he felt something was off because the ceiling spotlights at the entrance were turned on. However, due to the focused lighting, they only illuminated a small area, leaving the rest of the living room in darkness. Su Bin initially thought that maybe someone forgot to turn off the lights, but he subconsciously sensed the danger in the air. So, after sneaking in, he tried to walk as quietly as possible, mimicking a squirrel’s cautious steps. But as soon as he turned around and lifted his gaze, he saw the silhouette of a person on the sofa in the living room.

In the dim light, he could only make out a dark figure. If it weren’t for those eyes, reflecting a green light in the darkness, much like those of a feline, staring motionlessly in his direction, Su Bin might have missed it entirely.

So, it was clearly Allen sitting there.

Allen, who had been waiting on the sofa for nearly two hours, had a complex mood at the moment. The thing he despised most was “waiting”… There was a saying that perfectly described the mental journey he had experienced countless times, narrowly escaping death – while others idled away today, for him, it was an ardent desire to live for tomorrow.

Having struggled so hard to survive and come this far, Allen possessed a heart stronger than anyone else’s, and he detested wasting life more than anyone else.

“Love” was impossible for him because “love” meant sharing one’s life and time with another person. So, after his health improved, he had been living for himself and maintaining simple relationships with family and friends.

He had never considered entering into a relationship with someone so fundamentally different, or experiencing what people called “love” – entrusting one’s heart to another person was simply inconceivable to him.

He hated waiting, yet now, for the first time in his life, he had given two instances of “waiting” to the same person – one that happened yesterday and the other was happening right now.

Passing time like this, doing nothing, made him incredibly restless. But he had no choice because instinct compelled him.

During this time, Allen also began to gradually unravel his own feelings and what they meant for Su Bin… Perhaps, it could be described with a single word – affection. He admitted that his heart was moved.

However, in medical terms, there was another interpretation for this word, called “disease.” He thought that his feelings towards that person might be a combination of both, something he called “twisted love.”

Because he was well aware that his impulses towards Su Bin were abnormal, leaning more towards a desire for control – just like now, God knows how much he wanted to tie up this person before him, who couldn’t be determined as brave or cowardly, and lock him in his room, tied to the bed for the rest of his life!

If he belonged to me, it wouldn’t be a waste of life anymore… Because everything about him would be mine.

But could I do that now? No, I couldn’t.

Both morally and legally, it would be a crime.

At this moment, Allen despised the human tendency for self-righteous moral constraints and legal norms.

He suppressed his emotions and said in a deep voice to the petrified person at the door, “Michael, come over, let’s talk.”

This was the first time in a month since Allen bit Su Bin’s neck that Su Bin was once again scared out of his wits by him…

But being frightened was one thing, and sensing an impending storm was another… Although they shared a commonality, neither was a good thing.

Of course, Su Bin dared not defy Allen. Even though he didn’t want to face Allen in such a serious and solemn conversation, he felt that there were very few people in this world who could withstand the “conversation” aura of Allen.

Allen turned on the warm light of the floor lamp, slightly easing the tense atmosphere. However, Su Bin became even more nervous after seeing Allen’s expression and posture!

The other person was only wearing a dark gray, three-quarter-sleeve cashmere low-necked blouse, revealing a sexy collarbone. His legs were stretched out and resting on the coffee table, knees slightly bent. The form-fitting black velvet pants outlined his perfect legs… He lazily leaned against the sofa with his arms crossed. His posture seemed relaxed, but it made Su Bin feel extremely uneasy.

The reason was simple: Allen, at this moment, was not as meticulously restrained as usual. This wasn’t a public place, and Allen didn’t need to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor and etiquette. He was very likely to do something like grabbing Su Bin, pinning him down on the sofa, and biting him again, just like a month ago upstairs.

Su Bin was certain of this because he knew that despite Allen’s seemingly decent appearance, he had a nasty personality deep down!

“Sorry…” As soon as the apology slipped out, Su Bin’s courage weakened by three points. Although he didn’t know why he was apologizing, he felt that if he dared to resist now, he would definitely have a bad outcome…

But even though he gave in, Allen didn’t accept it and raised an eyebrow, asking, “Sorry for what?”

Su Bin replied, feeling like he was being set up, “I came back too late…”

Allen squinted his eyes. “Oh? Then tell me, what were you doing?”

Su Bin honestly confessed, “I was working at a Chinese restaurant…”

Allen glanced at the wall clock and said, “It seems like your weekly working hours have already exceeded the part-time limit for international students.”

Su Bin, with a stiff scalp, said, “Um, the work I was doing was illegal…”

Allen’s voice was neither light nor heavy as he said, “I remember I warned you not to engage in irregular jobs as they could be dangerous.”

“…” Hearing this, Su Bin felt nervous, and his forehead was starting to sweat. He did remember that Allen had once talked to him about part-time jobs, giving reasonable advice and warnings, but Su Bin never thought Allen would question him about it… After all, they were just roommates. What right did Allen have to interfere?

Allen didn’t pursue Su Bin’s previous actions, but instead asked, “Are you planning to continue?”

“I still have to go…” Su Bin said, and as soon as he said it, he regretted it a little. Allen’s expression suddenly became terrifying in that instant, shifting from “an impending storm” to “a dark cloud overhead.”

Allen indeed didn’t give him the right to voice his opinions. He commanded, “You’re not allowed to go anymore, and from now on, you can’t come home later than 10 PM,” not even listening to Su Bin’s damned explanations. “Michael, I need your assurance.”

Su Bin was still stuck on the matter of the “last day.” “Just one more day… tomorrow is just one day,” he said to himself. Fine, he would go tomorrow for one more day, and then he wouldn’t go anymore!

Allen didn’t understand why Su Bin was insisting on something. He ordered, one word at a time, “I’ll say it one last time. Quit tomorrow, and if you go again, be prepared for the police in City M to investigate that restaurant. You and all the employees working illegally won’t be able to escape… I can say it, and I can do it.”

“…” QAQ He, he actually threatened… How could he be like this? Did I offend him in some way?

Su Bin realized that when Lily mocked him for having “mental issues” during the day, his mood wasn’t close to collapsing at all. But now, it definitely was!

After a tiring day and a night of frustration due to Chen Xiaotian’s matter, Su Bin was now being forced to make an impossible promise by Allen. His nerves were about to snap.

Being pushed to a dead end, Su Bin became somewhat agitated and thought, “I’m not being too unreasonable, right? I was careful when I came home, I was quiet. Who does Allen think he is? The head of the household or something?”

The more Su Bin thought about it, the angrier he became. Unable to control his emotions, he stood up, thinking that standing might give him more courage. “Who do you think you are to say that…” he said.

Surprisingly, Allen also stood up, his expression becoming more terrifying. Su Bin instinctively took a step back, and his mind heated up as he resisted, “Who do you think you are to control me?” Even his father hadn’t controlled him like this! What does Allen think he is?

Su Bin actually wanted to escape. He didn’t want to continue explaining to this stubborn “foreigner.” He still had to go tomorrow, at least to collect his wages. He turned around, but Allen grabbed his arm. Su Bin didn’t even have time to react before he was thrown onto the sofa… He was stunned, his brain froze for several seconds before he could react — Allen was fucking getting physical!

He heard Allen’s cold snort, “Just because you happened to encounter me when you were looking for a place through the agency.”

Fuck! Is this kind of reason even acceptable? Immediately, Su Bin’s hands were grabbed and pressed against the sides of his head… Fuck! What does Allen want to do? Is he going to abuse me at home or bite me again? At this moment, Su Bin’s inner world was truly collapsing!

Su Bin gasped for breath, wanting to resist, but Allen pressed down on him, forcing him into the soft sofa… He couldn’t move, forced to face Allen, who had a never-before-seen malicious expression… “Since the day you moved in, you belong to me,” Allen said sternly.

Su Bin: “…” Fuck! Do I have no human rights left?

But Allen didn’t bite him or do anything excessive. He simply restrained him, not letting him escape. “I am responsible for your safety, understand?”

Su Bin: “…” Q_Q

What should I do? I want to be angry, but I can’t overpower him; I feel wronged, but I can’t cry. If I cry, I’ll lose the little dignity I have left… It’s so frustrating that it hurts to hold back tears, and Allen, watching him like this, feels even more inclined to continue bullying him… He wants to bite him hard, make him completely submit and obey… Just seeing Su Bin’s humiliated expression makes Allen’s blood boil again…

In this way, one person suppressing the other, they could hear each other’s breathing and heartbeat… They confronted each other for about ten seconds, and the atmosphere was so awkward and ambiguous that if it lasted even a second longer, it would completely collapse. Even Su Bin sensed that the unpredictable feeling was more dangerous than Allen’s threats.

Just when he couldn’t help but want to show his weakness, Allen let out an almost inaudible sigh, loosened his grip, let his palm slide down slowly, and then gently supported Su Bin’s shoulders, pulling the stiff young man into his embrace…

Su Bin: “…” Q-Q

Allen rested his chin on Su Bin’s forehead, closed his eyes, and suppressed his desires… “I… I’m very worried about you,” he murmured hoarsely in Su Bin’s ear, his neck bending as he nuzzled against Su Bin’s temple.

Su Bin: “…”

(Q..Q)… (>..