When Su Bin was placed on the unfamiliar bed, he blinked his eyes, feeling a bit disoriented. Although he appeared “awake,” his brain had already lost its normal function due to the effects of alcohol, rendering him completely unaware as he sank into the soft mattress.

The surrounding atmosphere made him feel at ease, and he had exhausted himself from the inside out. Within a few seconds, he fell into a deep sleep.

When Allen finished showering and returned to the room, Su Bin was curled up in a small corner of the bed, occupying only a fraction of the two-meter-wide bed.

Allen had his upper body exposed, wrapped in a clean white towel, and he walked over without any reservations. He casually dried his hair, leaning down to gaze down at the young man on the bed. After a moment, he set the towel aside, sat at the edge of the bed, and slowly ran his hand over the contours of Su Bin’s ears, cheeks, fingers tracing his teary eyes, nose, and the slightly downturned corner of his mouth due to distress, finally reaching the neck that he had previously bitten.

His body became excited by countless fantasies, and his eyes fluctuated due to the sudden rise in body temperature… The person you wanted to spend your life with no longer wants you. This time, there is no reason that could make me spare you.

The next day, when Su Bin woke up, he felt as if his entire body had been crushed by a heavy weight. At this moment, the first thought that crossed his mind was that he had been abandoned.

Recalling the phone call from last night, Su Bin felt a piercing pain in his heart. He lifted his arm to cover his face but felt nothing on his body. Slowly, he regained his senses… he was lying on an unfamiliar bed.

It was an unfamiliar room, dimly lit by the faint sunlight that managed to penetrate through the drawn curtains. The room was large, with slightly antiquated white European-style furniture all around… Where was this?

Su Bin blinked his dry eyes a couple of times and twisted his neck. Then, a handsome face suddenly appeared within arm’s reach!

“Allen…” Su Bin gasped in shock, quickly sitting up on the bed. Was this Allen’s room? How did he end up lying on Allen’s bed?

His sudden movement also woke Allen from his slumber…

The handsome man fluttered his eyelashes and lazily opened his eyes. His gaze was calm, resembling two deep pools… He lazily propped himself up with his arm, the bedding slipping down to reveal his usually unseen shoulders, upper arms, and chest… His white, jade-like skin blended seamlessly with his face, exuding a sensual charm from head to toe in the morning light… It was so captivating that even Su Bin forgot to avert his eyes.

He stared blankly at Allen, only remembering that Jin Fei had comforted him for a long time last night, and he had also consumed a considerable amount of alcohol. Afterwards, it seemed like he had played on a stationary bike… but beyond that, his memories were interrupted, and he couldn’t recall anything else.

“Why am I here… How did I end up lying on the same bed as you?” Su Bin’s nervousness overwhelmed the pain of being “dumped.”

“You got drunk last night, and I carried you up here, but you clung onto me and wouldn’t let go…” Perhaps due to just waking up, Allen’s tone was lazy and husky, but he calmly gave an objective account of the situation to Su Bin. “So, I had no choice but to bring you to my room.”

“…” Clinging onto Allen? Was that true?

Su Bin looked at himself, realizing that he was only wearing underwear. His face flushed with embarrassment. “Where are my clothes?”

“Dirty…” Allen frowned slightly. “I took them off for you.” He tilted his chin towards a nearby chair. “They’re over there.”

Su Bin immediately pulled back the covers. “I’m sorry. I’m going back to my own room now…” He had no recollection of undressing, and he felt so ashamed…

Allen watched him tremblingly get off the bed and go to get dressed. He calmly said, “You broke up with your girlfriend.”

Su Bin paused in his movements, and the speed of getting dressed noticeably slowed down due to his dejected mood. His gaze became hazy and lost. “Yes… she dumped me.”

Allen nodded, indicating that he knew.

Su Bin turned his head to look at him, awkwardly explaining, “Although I broke up with her, I’m not gay… About last night, I’m sorry.”

Allen: “…” Although that statement sounded a bit strange, Allen quickly deduced from Su Bin’s expression that he wasn’t repulsed by what happened last night but was trying to clarify to avoid being ostracized. It was because Allen had previously mentioned wanting a roommate of the opposite sex.

Allen smiled and got out of bed, saying to Su Bin, “Come here.”

Su Bin hesitated for a moment, then lowered his eyes and walked slowly towards Allen, like a child who had done something wrong.

Allen looked at Su Bin and suddenly reached out, pulling him into an embrace and leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead. He blessed him, saying, “Get better soon.”

Su Bin: “…” o////o

…Is this Allen’s way of comforting him? Kissing and all… It’s embarrassing! But even though it’s touching, Su Bin won’t have any more misconceptions. Chen Xiaotian’s incident made him realize that he’s someone who easily “falls in love with himself.” Perhaps in Allen’s eyes, it was just a natural act, like that time he playfully bit him and then gave him a comforting kiss.

If he overthinks and imagines things, he’ll only end up in an awkward situation… With this realization, Su Bin naturally accepted Allen’s “comfort” and felt guilty, saying, “I got drunk last night and didn’t expect to cling onto you. Later, I’ll wash the pillowcase and bedsheet for you. I’m sorry…”

Allen smiled and replied, “Do as you wish.”

Su Bin breathed a sigh of relief, splashed cold water on his face, and while washing his face, he remembered that he had been dumped. He felt a moment of foolishness, and during that foolish moment, he noticed that there were some red marks on the side of his neck. He touched it with his hand, but it didn’t hurt… Oh, he shouldn’t overthink it!

Su Bin silently reminded himself and then went back to his room to change into a shirt.

During the day, in class, Sun Yujie noticed Su Bin’s swollen and red eyes and asked with concern, “What happened to you?”

Su Bin didn’t hide anything and honestly told Sun Yujie that he had been dumped.

Sun Yujie didn’t know the details between Su Bin and Chen Xiaotian, so upon hearing Su Bin’s words, he felt sympathetic and somewhat indignant. “She’s so unreasonable! You loved her so much and even worked to buy her a ring, but she couldn’t handle a year of long-distance relationship! Sigh… Su Bin, don’t worry about it. You’re so good, you deserve someone better!”

But for some reason, that statement touched Su Bin, causing his eyes to well up with tears… Sun Yujie didn’t expect Su Bin to have such a sensitive side. “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?”

Su Bin shook his head. “It’s nothing, it’s okay.”

He just remembered what Chen Xiaotian had said—Don’t change, you’re fine. Believe that you’ll meet someone better than me.

Su Bin didn’t cry, but his eyes became slightly teary. He held back and continued to attend classes, eat meals, and go through his daily routine in silence.

In the evening, while taking the dog for a walk, even Alexander, who had a negative IQ, sensed that Su Bin wasn’t feeling right. Surprisingly, he didn’t drag Su Bin around in a frenzy but walked slowly beside him for a long time.

Since it was winter and the days grew dark early, they walked the dog two hours earlier than usual. Seeing the sunset and the evening glow, Su Bin’s eyes welled up with tears once again.

He squatted down and rubbed Alexander’s head, hearing that stroking a plush animal can calm one’s emotions. He wondered if it would work…

Su Bin gently tugged at the thick ears of the Husky and with a nasal voice said, “Silly dog.”

Alexander: “(ˊaˋ)…”

This action made Su Bin even more miserable… He felt that he was better off being a dog, having no worries or concerns. If only he didn’t have to think about anything…

Chen Xiaotian’s departure seemed to have taken away all the vitality from Su Bin. He wandered aimlessly for several days, lost interest in everything, and often spaced out. The pain in his heart was particularly intense when it got dark, and one night, he felt so miserable in his room that he cried like a dog, struggling to resist the impulse to buy a plane ticket and return to his home country. He tossed and turned on his bed, feeling overwhelmed.

Just that night, Yang Chengzhe happened to find him and, seeing him in such a state, tried to comfort him for a long time. Unfortunately, Yang Chengzhe was also someone with little emotional experience, so he could only pass Su Bin on to Jin Fei.

Jin Fei not only had rich experience but also studied psychology. He should be able to help in some way…

So, for several days in a row, Jin Fei didn’t attend social parties and instead stayed at home, playing games with Su Bin and chatting with him.

On this day, while Su Bin was playing, he suddenly asked Jin Fei, “Am I never going to get better?”

Jin Fei affirmed, “You will get better.”

Su Bin sighed dejectedly and asked, “When will I get better?”

Jin Fei took a puff of his cigarette and asked, “When you say ‘better,’ do you mean not feeling like life is unbearable or fully recovered?”

Su Bin pondered for a moment and said, “Fully recovered.”

Jin Fei straightforwardly replied, “Then it probably won’t happen.”

Su Bin: “…”

Jin Fei explained, “Because of what you went through, you won’t be the same as before. You’re definitely going to change, but I assure you, you’ll become better.”

“So, was I worse before compared to now?” Su Bin had already learned that Jin Fei had a similar experience, but when he asked Jin Fei about it, he refused to say anything.

Jin Fei couldn’t help but think, “Did I seem so terrible in this kid’s eyes?”

Su Bin asked again, “How long will it take to stop feeling like this?”

Jin Fei replied, “About a month.”

Su Bin: “…” A month, that’s a long time. It has only been a week, and Su Bin already felt like he couldn’t hold on much longer.

Jin Fei extinguished his cigarette and said, “There’s one way to quickly get out of this state!”

A glimmer of hope ignited in Su Bin’s eyes. “What is it?”

Jin Fei replied, “Start a new relationship as soon as possible!”

Su Bin was taken aback and asked Jin Fei, “Is that why you hang out in social circles every day?”

Jin Fei: “…”

Su Bin panicked, “Damn, what if I can’t find anyone? Will I end up like you?”

Jin Fei: “…” This brat is so annoying! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

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