Sun Yujie continued to share some details with Su Bin that were beyond his comfort zone. He mentioned that they didn’t just have one encounter; Cheng Ang even engaged in unprotected activities inside him… All this was graphic content that should come with an 18+ rating! While Sun Yujie explained that their intense encounter was primarily due to Cheng Ang being intoxicated, Su Bin found that reasoning weak.

If the first time could be explained as a result of being drunk, then the second and third times… well, let’s just say Sun Yujie was being too insatiable and testing Cheng Ang’s endurance.

However, there was still something that puzzled Su Bin. Wasn’t Cheng Ang supposed to be straight? How could a straight guy have a physical response to another person of the same sex? Even if he thought about himself, when Allen kissed him a few times, Su Bin felt bewildered and a bit shy due to the “intimate treatment,” but he didn’t experience any physical reactions.

Thinking about this, Su Bin suddenly became excited. If that’s the case, then he might not be bent himself (⊙o⊙)!

(兀v兀)Yo Gada~~~

Tears of relief welled up in Su Bin’s eyes as he let out a sigh of relief. He felt at ease now, knowing that he wasn’t the issue. So, when he talked with Sun Yujie, he was much more self-assured…

“Hey! You better confess honestly, did you and Cheng Ang do ‘that’? Did Jin Fei give you some wicked advice?” Su Bin inquired sternly.

Earlier, Jin Fei and Sun Yujie had plotted together. If this situation was truly manipulated by Jin Fei and Sun Yujie, Su Bin would need to reevaluate these two friends… After all, talking about something is one thing, but actually doing it is another. From Su Bin’s perspective as a straight guy, intentionally trying to manipulate someone into changing their sexual orientation was not very ethical.

Sun Yujie quickly waved his hands and said, “No, no, it wasn’t like that. Last night was just a coincidence. I never expected Cheng Ang to be there!”

He then glanced downward, a bit nervously adding, “Fei-ge did mention some methods to me, but I only listened, that’s all…”

Su Bin widened his eyes, “What methods? How did Jin Fei put it?”

“Just, you know, fuck him, make him feel good…” Sun Yujie looked at Su Bin and shyly said, “Fei-ge said that if I could make him hard, I’m already halfway there, and whether I can satisfy him depends on my own skills.”

Su Bin: “…” Oh my… my worldview, please hold steady, orz…

“When I heard that method initially, I felt it wasn’t suitable for me, because, let alone doing that, Cheng Ang didn’t even want to talk to me… so I didn’t take it to heart.” Sun Yujie covered his face again and continued, “But I never thought that Cheng Ang would initiate things last night. I… I…”

Su Bin silently mocked: You had quite the pleasurable experience, didn’t you!

Sun Yujie: “I just thought, when the opportunity presented itself, I had to seize it and give it a try!”

Su Bin was speechless, so Jin Fei’s explicit advice was put into action after all…

Sun Yujie sighed and said, “Even if there’s no future between us, what happened last night will be enough to remember for a lifetime.”


Su Bin didn’t know how to feel about Sun Yujie. He couldn’t understand why Sun Yujie would place his emotions in such a submissive position. However, for some reason, Su Bin was slightly envious of him. Sun Yujie was just too easily satisfied – a night that lacked “love” but had a sexual encounter had made him ecstatic.

Later, Sun Yujie shared his thoughts about the masquerade party. Unlike Su Bin’s disdain, Sun Yujie was grateful for that event. He believed that the romantic atmosphere allowed people who were usually composed and rational to release their emotional and indulgent sides. Without that party, maybe Cheng Ang would never have said such things to him. But which version of Cheng Ang was the real one? The one who shared his capricious thoughts with Sun Yujie, or the one who repeatedly advised him to return to the right path? Nobody knew for sure.

As Allen had mentioned, at that place, you could put on a mask or take it off, become someone unreal or real… “The confused hearts of lonely men and women are approaching each other one after another, enjoying this without leaving anyone behind.”

Later, Su Bin found out that Cheng Ang went to see Sun Yujie again and their relationship became intense once more. So, these days, Sun Yujie seemed to have a perpetual blush and an elated expression. When Su Bin saw him, he felt like the whole world had turned infatuated!

But as Sun Yujie explained, his relationship with Cheng Ang remained undefined. They were maintaining this mysterious “relationship.” Su Bin couldn’t help but feel sorry for Sun Yujie in this aspect. However, Sun Yujie himself didn’t seem to mind at all. He was already so blissfully happy that he could ascend to the heavens.

Su Bin didn’t have much time to worry about others; he had a massive concern of his own. Allen’s two kisses had caused his worldview to collapse in various ways. Thus, Su Bin needed to quickly build himself up mentally. Recently, he spent a lot of time online, researching, and seeking advice from anonymous users to confirm whether he was okay or not. This time, he was smarter and mostly asked anonymously. He divided his questions into several posts, such as “What to do when kissed by a straight male roommate twice and unable to refuse,” “What to do if suspected to be liked by a straight male roommate,” “Is it normal to kiss a straight male roommate with tongue…”

The answers he received were diverse, ranging from trolls to sincere advice. Among them, one response from a user who had a similar experience caught Su Bin’s attention:

M: “One or two kisses might just be a prank. Don’t overthink it.”

Follow-up: “I don’t feel repulsed, does that mean I have a problem?”

M: “Is that person good-looking?”

Su Bin considered, in order to avoid being identified, he didn’t describe the subject of his question in detail and worded his response ambiguously.

Follow-up: “He’s quite handsome.”

M: “No wonder. If he’s attractive and you have a close relationship, it’s really hard to refuse. (Personal experience)”

Seeing this response, Su Bin felt that it made sense. Allen’s appearance was not just “handsome” and “charming,” it was basically out of this world.

What was comforting was that Allen’s teasing and playfulness had toned down these days. Otherwise, his ability to sway a group of straight men just by his appearance could have driven Su Bin insane if he kept provoking him daily.

Before closing the webpage, Su Bin noticed a comment opposing m’s opinion:

User s: “Heh, m, use your brain a bit more. Maybe that person hasn’t revealed their true colors yet.”

Su Bin: “…”

After shutting down his computer, Su Bin saw the book, “Guide for B Country International Students,” which had been lying on his desk for a long time. It was given to him when he first went to report, and he absentmindedly picked it up and flipped through it. He was shocked to find that the questions he had asked online were all in the section titled “Common Psychological Issues for B Country International Students,” and the first question was “What to do after breaking up in a long-distance relationship!”

He thought to himself, “This book is seriously a treasure trove!”

“Breaking up in a long-distance relationship is quite common among B Country international students. I’ve heard about various painful experiences, but none of those who broke up were unable to move on. When faced with such issues, I suggest communicating more with friends around you or going on trips to divert your attention. Try not to be alone. In addition, I recommend single individuals to participate in fun social parties and start a new relationship as soon as possible… If you’ve tried all of the above and still can’t alleviate your pain, don’t hesitate to consult a mental health professional!”

Su Bin: “…”

Well, many of these methods were indeed things Yang Chengzhe and Jin Fei had done to help him. Su Bin was grateful. Moreover, a few days ago, due to Allen’s two kisses, Su Bin had gradually shifted his focus away from the breakup incident. Although it still hurt when he thought about it, he was no longer devastated.

Now, Su Bin didn’t know whether to look at the following questions or not. Maybe Allen was just trying to console him?

Well… Whatever, it probably wouldn’t hurt to read them, right?

Q: What to do if harassed by a homosexual?

A: Although there are many homosexuals in B Country, they won’t harass normal people. They have their own circles. If a homosexual is truly interested in you, there will be verbal or behavioral hints beforehand. Please remember to reject them in a respectful manner. They are also normal people and will respect your wishes. However, if you encounter someone of the same sex on the street who wants to do something inappropriate to you, be sure to report it to the police. Additionally, incidents have occurred where international students were dragged into bushes by Black men and assaulted during the night (Su Bin: OAO||), so the editor reminds you, whether you’re male or female, not to wander alone late at night!

Su Bin thought that he had seriously told Allen before that he wasn’t homosexual. Shouldn’t that be considered “rejecting in a respectful manner”?

The assault incidents were quite terrifying. Su Bin recalled that there were a few Black athletes in Tyler’s team, and they looked incredibly strong… If he encountered something like that in the middle of the night… Oh my God! Su Bin didn’t even dare to think about it; he probably wouldn’t be able to resist. The idea of being violated… so frightening!

He looked at the next question:

Q: What to do if you discover you have homosexual tendencies?

A: This is a very real issue that requires considering many factors. The only thing I can say is – let things flow naturally.

Wait a minute! Why am I paying attention to the answer to this question!? I’m not gay! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Time flew by, and another week passed. In just five days, it would be time for Su Bin to go to Taylor and their team’s club event “Cooking Noodles.” While this job offered compensation, it seemed to fall under the “informal” category of work. Su Bin wasn’t sure whether he should report it to Allen in advance.

Actually, at this point, Su Bin had lost interest in working part-time. Since he and Chen Xiaotian had broken up and he didn’t need to buy a ring anymore, making money through work didn’t hold much meaning for him.

However, he was a person of integrity, and since he had already promised others, he would still fulfill his commitment.

That evening, after dinner with his roommates, Su Bin was contemplating how to broach the topic with Allen when a shocking incident occurred out of the blue. The relationship between Cheng Ang and Sun Yujie had encountered problems, and now Cheng Ang had actually come to their place, wanting to fight with Jin Fei!

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