Chapter 71




Interesting guy. You fight for women?

Im determined to change the world for the sake of the heroines.

I like your spirit. No matter how absurd ones thoughts are, if one persists on them, they become ones beliefs. Then change it. This world! With those two swords!

Kenya and Osiris cut each other off again.

To a higher dimension than the previous battle.

There was no longer anyone in that venue who could fathom the battle.

Just looking at it, it was a fierce battle that seemed to wound even the soul.

The metallic sound alone makes your skin and heart scream.

Thank you, Reina. Thanks to you, I could hold the sword once more! Your voice made me remember why Im fighting!

! Its gone up!

Kenya cut, selflessly, repeating a series of blows.

Osiris is frightened by that barrage, because it is definitely faster than before.

His cleared brain produces a series of optimal solutions.

Youre still hiding which, how far. Ggh!

I wasnt hiding anything. I really did my best. But then I remembered! My reason for fighting!


It wasnt a big deal to fight for the world.

Kenya opens the door to the ultimate power of concentration again.

But this time, he goes one step further, beyond that dazzling door.

Beyond it, two girls smile at Kenya.

In the back, supporting the single core of Kenyas heart, were the two love-struck heroines.

Tsundere Princess Kaguya.

Im the one core in me! Nothing has changed since that day!

The Ice Princess Reina.

Nuh! Hahaha! Thats great, thats the way! Ken!

Osiris realizes that he is gradually being pushed, and his KOG is also starting to get damaged.

Osiris, showing impatience, but raises his voice happily.

He suddenly appeared in this world, became a knight of the Rhode in half a year, and is now fighting against the Empires most powerful self.

I ask the knight, whose past is completely unknown and whose origins are also not really known.

Somewhat happily, he is delighted to be fighting to the death against an opponent he may not be able to reach, even if he gives it his all.

What the hell are you!!How were you not known with such talent!!

Kenya then shouts his answer.

Im a shut-in!

Nonsense! Gugh!

But I came to this world, met Kaguya, met Reina, and I changed! Im just a reclusive gamer, Ive changed!

Osiris and Kenya rose to even greater heights in extreme conditions, exchanging extreme sword fights.

Fighting at such extremes, they accumulate experience that would not have been possible on an ordinary battlefield.

The two men approach a realm that no one has reached before.

But it was only the boy who stepped in. Only the boy was able to step in.

Both have experience, yet it is Kenya who steps in and Osiris is the only one left behind.

Gradually, Osiris is unable to keep up with Kenyas speed and sword fights.

I learned that this world that was a game is real! I learned that its a world is in misery!

Thats the world! The strong and the weak! The world will always be divided in two! The dominated and the dominated!

Sword jousts exchanged, Osiris pushed, the difference is sure and certain.

Thats why Im going to change it!!!!

Strength of thought.

Feelings for KOG, feelings for the two heroines.

These feelings now overcome extreme conditions and blossom into fruit.

The boy stands alone and isolated, to the extreme of a samurai, which no one has been able to reach before.

But he is not alone. There are people who have supported him. People who have loved him.

There are people who call out to him.

Odin sees this and shudders and screams.

Instinct, screams, even a noob can see it, that must be the one who stood on the top of the sword.

Why why ah! Why oh why oh why! Rhode oh!!! What the hell is your knight!!!!!!!!

And ever since Kenya started fighting.

The boy who had never doubted Kenyas victory in the slightest, ever since he had fallen, stood up.

Having fully believed in his knights victory, Rhode Asgard stands up and shouts.

Go! Kenya!

So change it, this cruel world! For the sake of the heroine! Become the most powerful knight in the world for me! And!

With those two swords.

Kenyas left-hand sword blasts Osiris sword, high into the sky.

So you can even open up your destiny!

Odin couldnt get up for a while.

Why, why did we lose?

Odin repeated, incredulous, then.

Damn it .

A calm Odin exclaims.

And another, a beautiful woman beside Odin.

Oh, oh, it cant be it cant be! My plan was perfect! Why! O, Odin-sama! This is some kind of mistake! Odin-sama!

As he sees this, Odin draws his sword.

No, no! Why!!! Why, no! Why, why, why! Why me, why me, why me for that filthy blood!!!!

Catherine screams out in a screeching, uncontrollable voice.

Then she looked at Odin and started licking Odins shoes.

Odin-sama? Hey? Ill do anything for you! Please, please! Please!

Die, you worthless piece of shit!

No, no! I dont want to die!!!!!!!

Catherine was skewered and died, licking his shoe.

Red blood flowed, all too easily, and Catherine died.

The expression on her face was that of a hapless corpse, befitting the end of a hideous witch.


Dont get carried away, Rhode. Just for now. Ill leave you this country for just now. Reelbert. There wont be a next time.

Glancing at Reelbert, who just quietly holds out his head, Odin puts his sword away.


And Odin, Reelbert and their cronies left the venue.

(Ken. I wonder if you and I will meet next on the battlefield)

On this day, many leading nobles decided to follow the Rhode Asgard.

The citizens, as well as the soldiers, had already made up their minds that Rhode was the emperor.

It was such a fierce legendary battle.

No one could underestimate this battle.

The battle was so fierce that even those who had been on Odins side had a change of heart.

Strength is justice, and the hearts of the Imperials, who inhabit that spirit, are moved.

That is why the Imperial Sword and Warfare Festival, the Festival of Warfare.

The hearts of the knights were so shaken looking at the Rhodes Knight who won that fierce battle.

With this, we are completely five points ahead of them in terms of strength.

In fact, it is even possible that he has surpassed them.

Thank you, Kenya. Now I am the emperor.

Rhode then returned to his original seat.

Odin was already not there.

You have left, brother.

Rhode then grabs the microphone.

To declare to the audience.

First of all, the greatest thanks to my knight Ken Sylphid.

Rhodes speech began with words of gratitude to Kenya.

Some of you have seen this battle in person, some of you have seen it on film, all of you have seen this fierce battle, this real fight to the death with your lives on the line. And my knight, Ken Sylphid, has won!

Again cheers and applause erupt from the audience.

And now my brother Odin has left this place, and by the Emperors proclamation today the winner of this Imperial Sword Festival will be the next Emperor! In other words!

Then he raised his voice once more, clearly, as if to say.

I, the 100th Emperor! As Rhode Asgard, I will lead everyone!

Woaah, .

And the audience springs to life.

The fact that the next emperor had been chosen, that a charismatic man called Rhode had become emperor.

The people, who had been anxious, were relieved that Rhode would not be defeated.

If an undefeated commander became emperor, surely he would win the war.

And today, for the first time as emperor, I am going to make a promise to you all.

The Rhode then begins to speak.

The captive Kenya does not know, the state of the world, the world that has changed so rapidly.

I swear, I will protect the Asgard Empire! I will surely lead everyone!

The greatest enemy of the Asgard, created during Kenyas captivity.

The Asgard Empire, who have already declared war.

That enemy has created a huge allied state that divides the world in two with Asgard.

That enemy is.

From the World Federation!

The worlds largest allied state, in which all nations except Asgard have joined forces, has bared its fangs at them.

But right now, the most powerful knight in the world doesnt know that yet.

After a brain-burning battle, the knights have gone to sleep.

He prepares for the next battle, not knowing who he will fight.

End of Second Arc.

(TL: Ill take a short break from the novel. Maybe 3-4 days.)