Chapter 311, you are not qualified

In Yang Wangcheng's opinion, Xiao Li is a rich young lady who came to the hospital to make soy sauce. Seeing that she went to work, she didn't stay in the top three hospital for a long time, and then she went to a private hospital.

Later, he went to school for further studies, and he just returned from school to clinical practice. He really didn’t think this person could be better than himself?

It is really a waste of time for her to bring herself.

In Yang Wangcheng's opinion, if anyone is qualified to take him, not only the chief physician, but also the deputy chief physician, or even an experienced clinical attending physician.

Arranged for him a doctor in charge of soy sauce in the clinic, I really don’t know who is kidding!

After Yang Wangcheng finished speaking, Xiao Li didn't say anything yet, Yue Wenwen quit!

This intern must be too cool!

I think it was quite polite in front of the teacher when I went to the internship by myself. After all, the results of the internship were written by the teacher who taught me!

This guy is not afraid of being so arrogant. Didn't the teacher give it to him?

"How do you speak? As a student, is that what you say to your teacher?" Yue Wenwen asked.

Xiao Li held down Yue Wenwen and shook his head to signal that she should stop talking.

Looking at Yang Wangcheng, Xiao Li said lightly, "Go somewhere with me!"

Xiao Li said and took Yang Wangcheng to the place where he just came.

When Bai Yu saw Xiao Li and Yang Wangcheng coming to him again, he really felt that one head and two were big.

Don't look at what he said just now, he can send Yang Wangcheng back to school, maybe it's better not to retire, and he doesn't want to offend the people above, although he's not afraid, he doesn't like trouble.

Xiao Li walked in and said directly, "Director Bai, borrow your place, let's chat for a while."

As soon as Bai Yu heard it, he quickly got up and left, leaving the office. As long as Xiao Li wasn't here to retire, he could say anything.

Bai Yu left, Xiao Li took a disposable cup and poured two glasses of water, and handed a cup to Yang Wangcheng.

"sit down!"

Yang Wangcheng took his seat, Xiao Li sat down and took a sip of water before saying, "You just said that I am not qualified to take you.

I will not talk about whether I am qualified or not, let me say a little, do you think there is anyone else to take you besides me? "

Yang Wangcheng said lightly, "What do you mean?"

"Literally! You are the grandson of Dean Yang, your identity is precious, you are a scholar-tyrant, and you are arrogant.

When a student like    comes to the department, the director is the most troublesome, because he can't find a teacher who can suppress you as a student in all aspects.

Teachers are not willing to take a disobedient student, so you are not welcome in our department.

To be precise, with your current attitude, you will not be welcome in any subject.

Of course, no one will show dissatisfaction with you in front of you. You know the reason. I dare to tell you directly. It's because I'm not afraid. If I can't go on, I can go back to my private hospital.

To be honest, I don’t want to take you either. You say I’m not qualified to take you. In fact, you are not a qualified student here. "

Yang Wangcheng stood up suddenly, "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Li's mouth twitched, "It's just your current attitude!"

Yang Wangcheng sneered, "Just because I don't respect you as much as students do to teachers, you say I'm not qualified!"

Xiao Li nodded lightly, "Yes, but this is only a small part of the factors, the biggest reason is your temperament.

It is undeniable that your grades are excellent, but so what?

You are a top student in your class, but there are not only a few medical students in your class. There are many excellent medical students in the whole country.

But not all of these people can become good doctors. I have seen many medical students who achieved excellent grades in school, but were not good enough in clinical practice.

Isn't their culture class solid? Or did the anatomy class not eat enough?

Not at all, it’s because their hearts floated. After spending a few years in a high-profile school, they all thought they would be a genius doctor as soon as they graduated.

When it comes to the clinic, they don’t feel anything about the experienced seniors. They just think that they graduated a few years earlier than themselves. They feel that as long as they graduate and work, they can crush these seniors clinically in minutes.

It is undeniable that those who are academic masters in school will still be down-to-earth to learn professional knowledge and accumulate clinical experience in clinical practice, and their achievements will definitely be higher than those of doctors with mediocre qualifications.

However, how many other geniuses have a good mentality?

Although the number of students I bring can't compare with those seniors with high professional titles, you are not the first student I bring, nor the first one to be so proud!

How the proud student turned out to only see himself! I know that you are dissatisfied with me taking you. If you want to change teachers, I can talk to Director Bai. "

Xiao Li finished speaking in one breath, took two sips of water to moisten his throat, then stood up and left.

Outside the office, Bai Yu, who eavesdropped on the whole process, glanced at Xiao Li with some indescribable glance.

"Little Li, I just realized that I had misread you!"

Where did he see her gentleness before?

Xiao Li smiled and said, "Director, if you regret it, you can change the person immediately, and the one inside wants you to change him as a teacher!"

After    finished speaking, Xiao Li left directly, leaving Bai Yu standing there with a complicated expression.

You've said all of your words to everyone. If you go to replace someone at this time, who can he replace?

Bai Yu was still struggling. The door of the office opened again, and Yang Wangcheng walked out. When he saw Bai Yu, he only called out faintly, "Director" and left.

When Xiao Li returned to the office, Yue Wenwen came over and said, "Sister, what about the intern?"

Xiao Li shook his head, "I don't know, do your business and leave him alone."


Yue Wenwen sat back at his desk, but as soon as he sat down, he saw Yang Wangcheng walking in front of Xiao Li, "I know that what you said before is provoking me, so I just eat this one, I'm sorry Let's see what you can give me!"

Xiao Li shook his head lightly, ignoring this arrogant son.

For the next time, Yang Wangcheng reluctantly followed Xiao Li for an internship. Although his face was not good, his attitude changed.

Originally, when he knew that he couldn't change teachers, he was still thinking about the days when he finished his internship.

But now, after listening to Xiao Li's words, he decided not to mix up. No matter how much Xiao Li could teach him, he would definitely absorb it all. He would use facts to prove that if his internship grades were not good, it was definitely not his fault. Her teacher is not good at teaching.

(end of this chapter)