Chapter 318, Yang Wangcheng was shocked.

Qin Xiao smiled, "It's okay. Let's go."

"It's okay, I'll tell you, if you don't take it easy, I'll tell Xiao Li about your situation. If you want her to worry about you, you can continue to toss."

After Xiao Li moved into the ward, her cell phone was taken away, and those who knew Bai Yu were asked to shut up by Qin Xiao, so she had no idea that Qin Xiao had returned to the laboratory to study the virus strain.

Qin Xiao squinted at him, "If you think it's the right thing to tell her about this at this time, then go ahead and tell her!"

Instead, Bai Yu, who was commanded by the First Army, rubbed his hair irritably.

When Qin Xiao was out of the respiratory department, he turned around and glanced again, he really wanted to see Nini! But not yet!

Back to the laboratory, just after getting out of the elevator, he heard the phone ringing. Seeing that Zhang Yang called, Qin Xiao didn't answer and walked directly to the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, he saw that everyone in the laboratory was very excited. As soon as Zhang Yang saw him coming, he shouted, "Senior brother, the virus strain has been isolated."

Qin Xiao smiled when he heard this.

In the ward, Doctor Fang was examining Xiao Li, with Yang Wangcheng following behind.

This time the epidemic is not as terrible as the last time, the order in the ward is very good, there is no excessive pressure on the patients, and the doctors check the patients calmly.

After the examination, Dr. Fang left. Their room was the last room to be checked. Yang Wangcheng didn't leave, and stayed to chat with Yue Wenwen for a while.

Why accompany Yue Wenwen instead of Yue Wenwen and Xiao Li?

That's because Xiao Li was sleeping on oxygen at the moment.

Yang Wangcheng walked to Yue Wenwen's bedside, "Doctor Yue, I heard that Director Bai has invited both the inner and outer directors to come over to consult with Xiao Medical."

Yue Wenwen heard the spirit, "How is the consultation result?"

Yang Wangcheng shook his head, "I don't know about that, I just saw that the two directors have left, and Director Bai has not given any instructions until now.

Hey, Dr. Yue, you are familiar with Dr. Xiao, do you know how serious her heart disease is? "

Yue Wenwen shook his head, "I'm not very clear either!"

Yang Wangcheng said helplessly: "Doctor Yue, you said that Dr. Xiao has mines at home and his health is not good. Why does she have to come to the hospital to work? Isn't it good for her to be at home with her husband and children?"

Yue Wenwen pouted, "Whoever stipulated that a woman must be at home with her husband and children. You also have mines at home, why did you come to work in the hospital? Dr. Xiao likes the profession of a doctor, so she has been insisting on clinical practice.

Do you think her body is not good at first? Do you know how her heart attack came about?

On the first day you came to the hospital for an internship, doesn't it mean that she is not qualified to take you, it means that you have investigated her, and since you have investigated her, you should know! "

Yang Wangcheng said: "I only checked how long each doctor worked in our hospital. At that time, I only knew that she came back to our hospital. Before, she only studied in her own private hospital and school. I don't know about the rest."

He just wanted to get to know the doctors in the department. At that time, he thought that he would be the chief physician, but he never thought that Xiao Li would lead him.

So when I read Xiao Li's material, I didn't read it at all, I just got a general idea.

Yue Wenwen rolled his eyes, "Just like you, you are ashamed to say that she is not qualified to lead you.

Let me tell you about the glorious history of Dr. Xiao!

You know, where was the first time I saw Dr. Xiao? "


Yue Wenwen stretched out his finger and pointed to the ground, "It's in this hospital, in this respiratory department. It was a few years ago when an epidemic broke out in City B, and that was when I first went to university in City B, and I was infected at that time. .

The epidemic that year was much more serious than this time. The ward was full, and the doctors and nurses were busy with their feet not touching the ground.

The fatality rate of the epidemic was very high. Those of us who were admitted to the hospital for treatment were all seriously ill.

At that time, I thought I was going to die, but the doctors and nurses who treated us encouraged us to be strong while treating us.

The doctors who treated us were Dr. Xiao, Director Bai, Nurse Li, Dr. Fang and their colleagues.

There is one thing that I didn’t know at the time, but I only learned about it later. It turns out that Dr. Xiao was still pregnant when he was fighting the epidemic.

She could not have fought on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, but she didn't. She persisted until the fight against the epidemic was successful, and then she took a vacation.

When the epidemic was successful, she seemed to be six or seven months pregnant.

Think about it, with such a high-intensity work, she is still a pregnant woman, and she has not retreated to the back line under the circumstances of priority. Why is this? Because she loves her profession and cares about her patients.

And her heart disease, do you know how it came about?

That was when we were intern last year. She followed the teacher to the earthquake zone. You should know about the earthquake last year! "

Yang Wangcheng nodded, he was also a volunteer at the beginning.

Yue Wenwen looked at him and said, "I don't know if you noticed any news at that time, it was reported that an ambulance encountered a landslide while transferring the wounded, and the people in that car died. The driver died and the doctor and nurse who followed were seriously injured.

That doctor is Doctor Xiao!

She was in a coma for more than two months. We were all afraid that she would not be able to wake up. Her heart disease was the aftermath of that accident.

Now, do you understand why she is still in clinical practice when she is not in good health? Because of love! "

Yang Wangcheng didn't speak for a long time. He paid attention to the news at the beginning. At that time, he just admired the senior in his heart, but he didn't really remember who this person was?

Especially after that, he had been busy with his schoolwork, thinking about going out for an internship earlier, so he didn't pay attention to outside information.

Yue Wenwen didn't say anything about this. She thought it was a private matter about Xiao Li's other matters, so it's best not to talk about it.

But what she said was enough to shock Yang Wangcheng.

Originally, Yang Wangcheng had been with Xiao Li for a while, and he knew that she was really capable. Now that he knew so many things, his attitude towards Xiao Li had completely changed.

left the ward in a trance and returned to the office. Yang Wangcheng turned on the computer to check on Xiao Li. This time, he read the information seriously. Although Yue Wenwen had told him, he could see another photo of Zhang Xiaoli fighting against the epidemic, and a picture of him in the earthquake zone. Rescue the one or two backs captured by the camera, and the shock in my heart is still too big.

The time passed, and as the symptoms improved, Xiao Li's heart disease also began to improve.

Seeing that her condition has not deteriorated, Bai Yu's heart finally let go, or Qin Xiao's persistence is right!

As the patients were discharged one by one, the ward slowly became empty.

She was the only one left in Xiao Li's ward, because Yue Wenwen had also been discharged.

(end of this chapter)