Chapter 320, Mrs. Wife, please check!

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed. Xiao Li left the isolation point. As soon as he walked out of the isolation point, he saw Qin Xiao standing at the designated place waiting.

Xiao Li walked over with the suitcase and watched the man put a circle in front of him!

"My lady, please check! See if I meet your requirements?" Qin Xiao said with a smile.

Xiao Li's pair of eyes stared at Qin Xiao with good eyes, and slowly walked on his face, from his thick black hair to the forehead that was covered by two-thirds of the flowing sea. Then there are his pair of bushy eyebrows, the eyes that are as deep as swirls under the eyebrows, and the high bridge of the nose.

Xiao Li couldn't see the nose and mouth that were covered by the mask, but she could also know what he looked like just by her imagination. At this time, the corners of his mouth must have been slightly raised, and the slightly thin lips were slightly separated, revealing the upper and lower sides of the front. One third of eight teeth.

Xiao Li just looked at it like this, she didn't let go of every inch. After so many days of isolation, apart from the video on the first day, Xiao Li really never had a video with Qin Xiao, nor did she get on the phone.

Don't miss him? When I think about it, I often can't sleep. When I give videos to children, I often think of him, because the children have his shadow on them.

But thinking about it again, she still refrained from making a video to Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao once called her, but she ruthlessly refused to answer.

She wanted Qin Xiao to know her position, and she couldn't let him get away with this easily!

Qin Xiao was smiling at first, but when he saw tears rolling down Xiao Li's eyes, he stopped smiling and held Xiao Li's hand, "Nini, I was wrong!"

said that and hugged him into his arms!

After a while, the two got into the car, and the car drove all the way back to the apartment.

Just like a few years ago, Xiao Li planned to spend time at home observing at the apartment.

Back at the apartment, Qin Xiao wanted to give a good hug, but was stopped by Xiao Li, "I haven't said that you are up to the standard yet, so what's the hurry!"

Qin Xiao asked with a smile, "Then am I qualified?"

Xiao Li said solemnly, "You were wearing a mask just now, I didn't see it very clearly!"

Qin Xiao immediately took two steps back when he heard the words, "Then take a closer look now."

The two of them were no longer wearing masks, and Xiao Li could directly see every part of Qin Xiao's face.

Xiao Li was watching when Qin Xiao suddenly acted and carried her away.

Xiao Li, who was carried on his shoulders, was startled at first, and when he reacted, he immediately shouted, "Qin Xiao, I haven't finished the inspection yet, who allowed you to hug me?"

Qin Xiao said with a smile, "I know you haven't finished the examination. I'll check whether I've gained weight or not. It's not enough to just look at your face. I'm taking you back to the house for you to check carefully."

As his voice fell, the door was closed.

After a careful examination, the two lay on the bed hugging each other. Xiao Li stretched out his hand and gently stroked the gunshot wound on Qin Xiao's back, "Uncle, does it still hurt?"

Qin Xiao kissed Xiao Li's forehead, "I'm not going to lie to you, it's not all over yet, it still hurts occasionally."

Xiao Li looked up at him, "Then you are still busy in the laboratory!"

Although Xiao Li didn't send a video to Qin Xiao during this time, it didn't mean that she didn't care about Qin Xiao.

She called Zhang Yang and Bai Yu.

The two of them couldn't get used to Qin Xiao's practice of disregarding his own body for a long time. As soon as Xiao Li called, the person who sued was like someone who didn't want money.

made Xiao Li so angry that he never called Qin Xiao again.

If it wasn't for these two people, Xiao Li might be able to insist on ignoring people for two or three days. After all, Qin Xiao made a lot of calls every day, and it was not easy to endure not answering!

Qin Xiao smiled, "I didn't try to be brave, at the beginning, I just wanted to find out the virus source of this epidemic as soon as possible.

After all, you have been recruited. This epidemic is different from the epidemic a few years ago. Although the epidemic a few years ago was fierce, we know what kind of disease it is? At the beginning, there was no specific medicine, but we still knew how to find out the sick patients and what medicines could be used to relieve the symptoms first.

I'm even on the verge of developing a new drug. Under such circumstances, although the situation of the epidemic is not optimistic, my heart is stable because I have a spectrum in my heart.

But this time is different, it is a new virus, at first we didn’t know what the result would be?

We have no effective way to find out the patient, only through flow investigation and close connection.

But no one can say with certainty that this method has already found all the patients 100%.

There is also a treatment for this disease. We have not found out its source. The treatment for it is only based on viral colds. What will be the result of such treatment? neither knows.

Nini, when I first found out that you were also recruited, I panicked because we were facing an unknown virus this time.

Because of this, I was in a hurry to go back to the lab, to decompose this virus, and to understand everything about it.

In the process of understanding it, I was worried that I was not fast enough. I was afraid that it would cause harm to your body before I understood it clearly.

So I am desperately racing against time!

Fortunately, this epidemic did not spread on a large scale. In the absence of specific medicines, the medical staff have successfully cured all of you with our commonly used medicines by adjusting the prescriptions.

When I learned that the first batch of patients would be discharged in only three days, my heart was a little loose, but I didn’t dare to relax completely, because neither you nor the critically ill patients have recovered!

Nini, I know it was wrong for me to go back to the lab without telling you this time. I still don’t take care of my body. You should be angry.

But I've been punished for half a month of lovesickness, can you stop being angry? "

Xiao Li sighed lightly, reached out and touched Qin Xiao's face, "Uncle, do you really think I'm angry?"

Qin Xiao shook his head, "I know you feel sorry for my body. But look, I'm all right, I'm alive and well, don't worry anymore, okay?"

Xiao Li chuckled and poked his face, "I'll let you go this time, I won't do it next time!"

Qin Xiao reached out and held Xiao Li's hand, "Okay, I promise you, there will be no next time!"

Qin Xiao turned over and bullied him as he spoke, and Xiao Li's hand was also pressed against the pillow above his head by his hand.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Qin Xiao's eyes changed slightly, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Nini, in order to meet the standard, I have recently supplemented my body a little bit, and now my energy is a little too strong!"

The words fell, and the kiss fell.

The orange light was refracted by the ceiling and shone on every corner of the house, raising the temperature of the house by a few degrees.

The sun has risen to the sky outside the window, but the people in the house have long since known day and night.


"Uncle, I'm hungry!" Xiao Li muttered.

Qin Xiao took the man into his arms, "Aren't you full yet?"

Xiao Li blushed and pushed the person away, "I'm really hungry!"

Qin Xiao laughed twice, then got up and went to give Zhang Luona lunch, afternoon tea or dinner.

(end of this chapter)