Chapter 331: , family members of patients who are rougher than doctors

Chapter 331, family members of patients who are rougher than doctors

The location of Gujia Village is very cold in winter, the climate is cold and the environment is not good.

Because all the houses here are old, the residents can only heat the kang and use carbon basins.

And these two, no matter which one is bad for the human body, the use of carbon basins will produce covered gas, and it is not good for people to breathe too much.

Sleep kang, one night after sleeping, the body loses a lot of water, and the whole person becomes dry, which is also very unfriendly to respiratory diseases.

Especially in the morning, when people get up suddenly from the warm kang, they are agitated by the cold air from the outside, and the alternating heat and cold is very easy to get sick.

Like Xiao Li, Dr. Huang from the gastroenterology department had the same headache, because as Director Du had guessed before, the long-term irregular diet had made the stomachs of the children in this village relatively weak, and some even had gastroenteritis. .

Such a small stomach has already started to go bad. If you don’t take care of it, will it be okay when you grow up?

If you have a bad stomach, you won't be able to absorb anything you eat, and if you can't absorb nutrients, other problems in the body will follow. If you don't have a good foundation, how can you grow strong?

After a day of free clinics, everyone in the medical team was in a bad mood.

The people in a village have little medical awareness, from the elderly to the children, there are very few people who are completely free from illnesses.

The body of the old man is old, and it is acceptable to have some problems, but all the children in this village are not in good health, and this is what makes their hearts heavy.

It is said that children are the flowers of the motherland, but these flowers are now sickly growing on the barren land, which makes them grow? How to bloom?

What makes them even more powerless is that today, when they remind the elderly at home to take care of their children, they should pay attention to their children's health and correct their previous wrong living habits.

In the end, the old people didn't take it seriously, saying that every household in the village was like this, that their children were free-range every day, running around the mountains, and their bodies were strong, what's wrong?

The people in the    medical team are really helpless. The doctor is most afraid of encountering family members of patients who are rougher than doctors.

Director Du sighed lightly, "Okay, it's been a long day, don't be discouraged, let's make dinner!"

Today, Lord Feng went up the mountain to bring them supplies, and now they can eat hot.

Although we still sleep in tents at night, but now each tent is equipped with electric blankets, so you don’t have to worry about the cold when you go to bed at night.

Everyone started working together. After a while, the big pot of porridge was boiled. The fire was very strong, and the aroma of rice wafted out in a while.

It is really inconvenient to be on the mountain. It only takes two or three days, and I don’t want to make too much trouble, so I just cook the porridge.

When the porridge is almost cooked, add the cooked vegetables that Feng Ye packed up and add it to taste.

Not to mention, this one is quite delicious, at least for everyone who has been eating dry food since last night, it is already very refreshing to be able to eat vegetable porridge!

When everyone was eating, some villagers came over, and all the people who came brought them vegetables, all of which were grown by their own families, and they were sent to them after they were fried.

Director Du repeatedly refused, but he failed to refuse. The villagers put the dishes on the table and ran away.

When the ancient village chief came with something, everyone was almost full.

Gu village chief looked at the dishes on the table and said with a smile: "It seems that I delivered it too late, you have almost eaten."

Director Du stood up, "Gu Village Chief, the villagers are so enthusiastic, we are embarrassed for this whole thing."

The ancient village chief smiled and said: "You have worked hard all day. These are our own dishes, so they are not worth it."

As he said that, he also put a large pot of vegetables in his hand on the table. Everyone looked at the vegetables and burped secretly!

How can I break it if I can't eat it?

It is shameful to waste food, this…

Everyone looked at each other, and secretly planned not to touch the potted vegetables of the ancient village chief, so when the ancient village chief left, they would leave this dish and eat it when it was hot in the morning.

As a result, they waited for the village chief Gu to leave, but the village chief Ren Gu did not leave, he just found a chair and sat down with Director Du to go home.

"Director Du, you just came here yesterday. The village did not arrange properly for a while, so you slept in the open air last night. This is, I greeted a few families in the village before, and tonight you will live in their homes separately.

Although the conditions are poor, it's better than sleeping in a tent, isn't it? "The village chief said with a smile.

Director Du glanced at everyone and shook their heads secretly when he saw them. He smiled and said to the village chief: "Village chief, we appreciate the kindness of the fellow villagers, but this time we came out for free clinics, which was a task assigned to us by the hospital. We have to report to the leader after the free clinic every day, this person does not get together, and when the next leader wants to ask something, we can’t answer it.”

The ancient village chief nodded when he heard the words, "It turns out that this is the case, and it is not easy for you. Then, if you put up your tent in the ancestral hall, it will be better if you have a house to block the wind."

Everyone's expressions became weird again, and Director Gu smiled again: "No need, village chief. Thank you for taking care of us, but you see, we have a lot of things here, and we will have a free clinic tomorrow. If you go to the ancestral hall, you have to get it back tomorrow, which is even more troublesome.

We slept ok here last night, with the fire on the side, it wasn't cold. "

The ancient village chief glanced at the things on the wheat field. It was very troublesome to move them around.

"Okay, then I won't bother you with your meal, so hurry up and rest early! It's been a tiring day."

Gu Village Chief said and stood up and left, Director Du stood up and gave it away.

He was worried about being treated coldly just yesterday. At this moment, he was warmly invited, and he felt tired to deal with it.

When the back of the ancient village chief disappeared completely in the wheat field, everyone who had just sat at the table got up one after another.

They really can't eat it, no kidding!

Everyone got up and quickly took the garbage they made to one side, and the vegetables brought by the ancient village chief also took them to the side, covered them with things, and saved them to eat tomorrow morning.

After    finished cleaning up, everyone sat by the fire and chatted, and Director Du went to call the hospital leader to explain the situation.

When he came back from the phone call, he didn't look very good," the dean said, people outside are not very clear about the situation here, let's see more patients and feel more about the situation during the three days we are here. It’s also better to report the situation to the relevant departments above.”

Xiao Li frowned and thought for a while, "The problem is, no one will come to see a doctor tomorrow!

There will be so many people coming today, that is because Aunt Hua read the almanac and said that it is advisable to go to the doctor today, and that's why she is willing to let me see a doctor for Lotus. "

(end of this chapter)