Chapter 340, separate to save people

The crowd ran a few steps and came to the place where Gu Dazhu stepped on the iron clip, where Dazhu was lying there with a pale face, and there was a dead wild boar lying beside him, and there was no one else.

What about the two pillars?

As soon as Director Du saw Dazhu, he immediately knelt down beside him and checked his condition first.

"Dazhu, can you hear me?"

Dazhu opened his eyes slightly and said weakly, "Can..."

Seeing that he was still conscious, Director Du felt slightly relieved, and the young man who went back to his hometown to call someone immediately asked, "Dazhu, where is your brother?"

"He... He saw that my leg was bleeding all the time, so he said to find some hemostatic herbs, and then he didn't come back." Dazhu said.

The ancient village chief asked, "Where did he go?"

Opost raised his finger in the direction.

"Which direction is the one who fell into the pit?" Qin Xiao asked.

The young man who went back to the village pointed at it, in the exact opposite direction as Erzhu went.

Qin Xiao said immediately: "Leave a few people to help Director Du, and the rest are divided into two teams. I will lead a team to rescue the one who fell from the pit. Chief Gu, you bring him and some medical staff to Erzhu."

Qin Xiao said and pointed at Lord Feng, Erzhu never came back, there must be some circumstances, it would be more appropriate for Lord Feng and the medical staff to follow the ancient village chief to find someone.

The team was divided, and everyone set off immediately.

Director Du left behind two descendants from the village and several male doctors and nurses, because this iron clip had to be taken out from him, otherwise the wound would not be able to be treated with simple care.

Director Du first asked the nurse to prepare gauze and hemostatic forceps, and then asked the male doctors present to work together to break the iron clips open for him.

He didn't ask the villagers to help, because the villagers couldn't cooperate with him.

"Dazhu, when you break the iron clip, it will hurt a lot, please bear with me!" Director Du said, and asked someone to hold Dazhu's leg to prevent him from moving.

He himself was holding a gauze, ready to press on Dazhu's wound at any time.

"I'm calling one, two, three, and you all work hard together, and move quickly!" Director Du said solemnly.

"Understood." The male doctors replied in unison.

"One, two, three, break..."

The male doctors worked hard together, and almost at the same time, the two iron tips that had been inserted into the calf by the iron clip were pulled out.

Director Du quickly pressed the two wounds with gauze, "lifted his legs slightly, and removed the iron clips."

The iron clip was taken out and put aside, Director Du began to concentrate on the wounds, two wounds, one of the wounds bleeds very quickly, and soon the gauze was dyed red, and the other wound's blood was obviously less.

This means that one side of the wound is pierced by an artery, and the other side is a vein.

Director Du first checked the bleeding wound. When the bleeding point is detected, immediately clamp it with a hemostat, and then go to another area.

On the other side, Qin Xiao and Xiao Li followed the young man who had returned to the village to rescue the man who fell into the pit.

Walking to the entrance of the pit, Qin Xiao took a strong flashlight and took a look inside, "The depth is about four meters by visual inspection. There are some places on both sides of the pit that can be leveraged. You can go directly down without a rope."

Qin Xiao said and stuffed the flashlight into his pocket, and said to Xiao Li, "Nini, help me light up."

Xiao Li turned on the flashlight in his hand to show him. Qin Xiao propped himself on the edge of the pothole with one hand and grabbed the grass leaf next to him with the other hand. With one hand, he descended into the pit. After a few vertical jumps, he reached the bottom of the pit.

As soon as he reached the bottom of the pit, Qin Xiao immediately took out the flashlight in his pocket and found the fallen Tianbao with the light.

Qin Xiao squatted down and called out twice, "Tianbao, Tianbao..."

Xiao Li listened to Qin Xiao calling, "How is it?"

"The injured person is unconscious, and there is an injury on the chest." Qin Xiao said.

When Xiao Li heard that there was an injury on his chest, he immediately put the medicine box on his back and let Zeng Yuanyuan illuminate her.

The male doctor on the side saw that Xiao Li was about to go down, and all said, "Dr. Xiao, let's go down!"

Xiao Li said lightly: "You can't get down this pit. You can stay on it and get a simple stretcher to meet you. You will have to pull people up later."

Xiao Li said that she had already descended into the pit swiftly with her hands and feet. She didn't even know what she just said and the agility of going down the pit, and the people above were stunned!

No... Doctor Xiao, why are we unable to get down?

And what the **** are you doing so neatly? Are all girls so good now?

Besides, you just asked us to get a simple stretcher in this deep mountain and old forest, but you have to talk about what to do with it!

The male doctors were about to collapse, but Zeng Yuanyuan, who was flashing Xiao Li, had bright eyes!

Wow wow... Dr. Xiao is so cool!

When Xiao Li was about to go down to the bottom of the pit, Qin Xiao picked her up, Xiao Li landed on his feet, put down the medicine box, and immediately took out the stethoscope in his pocket and heard, "I have a pneumothorax, I need a puncture!"

Qin Xiao said lightly, "Is it enough time to pull someone up and put them on?"

Xiao Li nodded, "Hurry up!"

Qin Xiao hurriedly asked the person above to throw the rope and the safety harness down. As soon as the things were dropped, Qin Xiao immediately put the safety harness on, and Xiao Li hurriedly put it on for Tianbao. After putting it on, Qin Xiao pulled over the hook on the rope to hook both himself and Tianbao, and then let the person above pull it.

When    first started pulling, Xiao Li helped Qin Xiao hold Tianbao's back, and when she couldn't hold it, Qin Xiao could only fix Tianbao's body.

Xiao Li put on a safety harness as soon as he was out of reach, and put the medicine box on his back.

As soon as she was done, the rope on it was put down again. This time she was only pulling her, and she could use the strength again, and she went up in two strokes.

As soon as    came up, Xiao Li called and went up to Tianbao, "Yuanyuan, prepare a puncture needle!"

Zeng Yuanyuan immediately prepared something for Xiao Li, and the others around him immediately turned on their strong flashlights, all of which shone on Tianbao's chest.

Xiao Li took the stethoscope and listened carefully, and finally took the puncture needle, and started quickly and accurately.

After seeing that the puncture was successful, he was slightly relieved.

In the deep mountains in the middle of the night, the temperature was getting lower and lower. The head of the ancient village walked forward with his people, shouting, "Erzhu... Erzhu..."

It's a pity that no one responded no matter what they called, the old village chief's heart was lifted, and the younger generation in the village opened his mouth and said: "Village chief, if you walk more than ten meters, you can't go any further! I haven't seen the two until now. Zhu, he shouldn't have entered the forest in front of him!"

The ancient village chief frowned, "Probably not, everyone in our village knows that we can't go there, not to mention that there is a river blocking it, let's walk forward and see."

Lord Feng heard their conversation and asked, "Why can't we go to the forest in front?"

(end of this chapter)