Chapter 360. kidney cancer

"It's better that you are young. Now I don't dare to go out to see the snowy scenery. I always feel cold on my body." Li Mu said, holding her waist and wanting to see if the dumpling skins were awake.

The dumpling skin does not need to add yeast and does not need to rise, but the dough needs to be awakened after kneading.

"This dough is almost done, let's slowly roll out the buns! Otherwise, we don't know when we will be able to eat dumplings."

Xiao Li took the rolling pin with a smile, "Mom, your waist is not good, I'll do the rolling, you and sister-in-law can just sit and wrap."

Today is 30 years old, and the aunts in the family have also been reunited by Qin's mother, and the three of them can only make these dumplings slowly.

Originally, Xiao Li wanted to eat hot pot this year, so he was ready, but who knew that the children were clamoring for dumplings one by one, and Mother Qin loved the children, how could it be troublesome? Open straight away.

Just this dumpling! On weekdays, they are all made by aunties, and they seldom do it. It takes a long time to do the preparatory work this morning.

Xiao Li was unskilledly rolling with a rolling pin, Qin Xiao saw it from the study, and started immediately.

Qin Tan, who doesn't usually cook much, also washed his hands rarely, and followed him to learn how to make dumplings.

Qin's mother smiled and said, "Why did you two brothers take the initiative to get started today?"

Qin Xiao said while rolling out the skin, "I'm afraid if I don't get started again, I'll starve Mianmian and the others."

Xiao Li glared at him lightly after hearing the words.

Qin Tan said while wrapping dumplings, "I didn't want to be dragged by Dad to play chess, so I came to hide."

He Jie chuckled and called, "Dad."

Father Qin snorted softly, "Just the bad chess move you played, you just want to play with you when you think I am!"

Father Qin went to wash his hands as he said that, and clumsily wrapped a dumpling wrapper around it.

After wrapping up a few unshaped dumplings, Father Li smiled and said to Mother Li, "I now understand a little bit of your previous study on food, and the more you study, the happier you are.

It's fun to eat and eat. What do you want to toss with in the future, I will accompany you to toss and let the children be guinea pigs. "

Qin's mother heard the words, her hands moved for a while, and then she said with a smile: "You are not a guinea pig, and would rather come to accompany me to toss with dark cooking."

Father Li smiled, "Well, it's not bad to be able to make dark dishes."

The    dumplings were under siege by the family, and they were wrapped in a short while. When the white and fat dumplings were fished out of the pot, the reunion dumplings were eaten.

After eating dumplings, some mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who are not good at cooking started to prepare things for New Year's Eve dinner.

Their hands and feet are slower, and if they don’t prepare early, I’m afraid the whole family will wait for a long time for a New Year’s Eve dinner.

When preparing things, the three men in the family came to help again. When the dishes were being cooked, the three men also took turns to cook a dish. It's not bad.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, adults and children were sitting in the living room waiting for the New Year's Eve together. Xiao Li paid attention to Qin's mother from time to time, and when she saw her holding her waist, she said, "Mom, your waist is not very comfortable, don't stay there. Sit now! I'll help you go back to the house and lie down!"

Mother Qin shook her head, "It's alright, it's lively, I'll sit for a while."

He Jie thought about bringing a pillow for Mother Qin to lean on.

Several children sat around, playing charades for a while, idiom Solitaire for a while, and boxing for a while. Laughter and laughter floated in the living room until late at night.

After the New Year, Qin Xiao and Xiao Li went back with the children, and Qin Tan's family also went back.

In the room, Mother Qin was sitting on the bed, "Old Qin, tell me! Is there something wrong with my body?"

Father Qin sat down with a smile, "Did you notice it?"

"Although you are all pretending to be the same today, both you and the children will observe me secretly. Xiaoli arranged a medical examination for me before, and I'm not stupid." Qin's mother said lightly.

Father Qin said with a smile: "I know I can't hide it from you, but I didn't intend to hide it from you. It's just because the report hasn't come out yet, so I thought it would be a block for you to tell you, and I thought I'd wait until the report came out later. tell you."

Mother Qin nodded, "Then you just need to tell me what's wrong now!"


Mother Qin nodded, "Okay, I know, let's sleep! Don't tell the children what I know, so that they won't worry about it! We'll talk about everything when the results come out!"

"it is good."

In the next few days, whether it is Qin Xiao and Xiao Li or Qin Tan, they will bring their children to Qin's father and Qin's mother every day.

Qin's mother didn't say anything, just enjoying the time with the children.

After the 30th year, the aunt in the family came back and was on duty. The aunts took care of the food and everything in the family. Qin’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn’t have to worry about eating, they could just relax and have a good chat.

Mother Qin didn't find time to tell them about her last trip, but now she can.

A few days were spent in such a happy atmosphere.

On the sixth day of the new year, Qin Xiao and Xiao Li came to the hospital early to get the report.

The reported results are not good.

The two returned home. Qin's father and Qin's mother were sitting in the living room waiting for them. When they saw them back, Qin's mother asked directly, "What happened?"

Xiao Li looked at Father Qin in surprise, and Father Qin said indifferently, "Your mother saw that something was wrong with us on the 30th day of the new year. She also knew that something was wrong with her body."

Qin Tan and He Jie heard the news and just rushed over when they heard Father Qin's words, together they are hiding from their mother these days, and my mother is hiding from them!

Qin Xiao sat next to Qin's mother, "Mom, according to the current results, it's not very good.

But what is it, it needs to be interspersed with living bodies for pathological analysis. "

Mother Qin nodded, "Understood, when will I be hospitalized?"

"Going right now!"

"Then let's go!"

After pathological analysis, Qin’s mother was diagnosed with intermediate stage renal cancer!

Once diagnosed, chemotherapy was scheduled.

Qin's mother's various values ​​are not very ideal, so she can only do chemotherapy first, and wait until the values ​​reach the standard before surgery.

The process of chemotherapy was very painful. Qin’s father was always with him, and Qin Xiao and others also took turns to accompany him.

Mainly because Mother Qin did not agree that the four of them would be packed together in the ward every day, so the four of them had to go alone every day and accompany them like that.

As for the grandchildren, they had already returned to the mountain two days before Mother Qin's report came out.

The holidays given by   zuxue are not that long.

After the report came out, Qin's mother asked Qin Xiao and the others not to tell the children that when they returned from the family study to the school, Qin Xiao and the others only said that Qin's father and Qin's mother had gone on a trip again.

It's just that those children are very refined, how can they be so easy to hide!

(end of this chapter)