Chapter 367, talk about marriage

"Mianmian, we have grown up with this child Shaoyang, and we have seen his character in our eyes. We have no dissatisfaction with him.

will make this request to him because we want you to be separated for a while. "

Mianmian was puzzled, "Why should we be separated for a while?"

Xiao Li looked at her and said seriously: "Because we want you to see your heart clearly.

Mianmian, you and Shaoyang grew up together. Did you two come together because of love, do you know?

Let you separate for a period of time, and you can look at your own heart during this time. Is it really necessary for the other person?

Mianmian, mom, tell you about your dad chasing me back then. "

Xiao Li talked about how Qin Xiao was tested by her parents, and how much she resisted when she first learned about the engagement.

Mianmian listened to the whole process with a big mouth.

"Mom, Dad is too miserable!"

Xiao Li nodded, "Yes, indeed! Compared with your father, Shaoyang's situation is much better now, at least you both know each other, and it is considered a little bit of mutual understanding.

In this case, it's easier to pass the test, unlike your father's time, when I didn't know anything! When I first found out that I was going to marry your father, I was thinking of running away from the marriage. "

When Xiao Li said this, Qin Xiao just came down from the upstairs. Hearing her last words, his eyes moved slightly.

Mianmian quickly gave him a thumbs up when she saw him, "Dad, you are amazing! When I was young, I never understood why you had such a good relationship with your mother, and the good old ignored us children.

But now I understand, you and Mom are really in love! This love of yours is not easy. You were almost put out as a pigeon on your wedding day. It's really hard for you to marry your mother, and it's no wonder that you look at your mother like you look at your eyes. "

Xiao Li turned to look at him, "Uncle, I told Mianmian about Shaoyang."

Qin Xiao walked over and sat down, "Mianmian, do you have any disagreement with your parents' arrangement?"

Mianmian shook his head, "No, Mom and Dad arranged it very well." Don't dare to raise any opinions!

After breakfast, Mianmian was dragged out by Xiao Li to go shopping. When shopping, Mianmian often took a look at her mobile phone.

Xiao Li just pretended he couldn't see it when he saw it. The initial period of the test was the most difficult time.

It depends on the hearts of the two children as long as they can bear it.

Shao's family, Shao Yang is also staring at the phone. In the past, when he woke up every day, he would definitely send a message to Mianmian, but today he hasn't sent it yet.

He never knew that it was so difficult to hold back from sending messages.

In the shopping mall, Mianmian absentmindedly accompanied Xiao Li to go shopping, until she saw in a store that the owner was shooting a small video and posting it on the online platform, her eyes lit up slightly.

Then she went to the side to find a new dress that suits her and entered the fitting room. When she came out again, she took a picture of herself with her new mobile phone and posted it in the circle of friends with the text: I was shopping, What are you doing?

Shaoyang, who had been looking at her phone, immediately reacted when she saw her circle of friends, and took a photo of her own eyes, with his desk and open computer in the background.

He also posted the photo to his Moments with the caption: Everyone is on vacation, but I am not.

Tired from shopping, Xiao Li and Mianmian found a coffee shop to rest.

Xiao Li took out his mobile phone and saw the Moments posted by the two of them. He just acted like he didn't understand it, and liked both of them.

Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her mother's likes.

Every day after   , the two will send a message in the circle of friends to pass information to each other.

Qin Xiao and Xiao Li turned a blind eye to this. They wanted to give the two children a test, but they didn't really want to break them up. There was no need to be too ruthless!

Because Qin Xiao and the others had nothing to do with them, they would become extremely excited when they saw each other's circle of friends when they were suffering from lovesickness. This kind of feeling was something they had never had before.

Because of this, the two are obviously separated, but their relationship is getting better and better.

Time flies by. More than two years later, today is Mianmian's graduation day. Qin Xiao and Xiao Li both came to the school to witness her graduation ceremony, along with Shao Yang.

Shao Yang stood with a flower in his hand and a light smile at the corner of his mouth, watching her take pictures.

Xiao Li looked at the two of them, chuckled and said to Qin Xiao, "These two children are considered to be successful, should Shao Gu come to talk to us about this wedding date?"

Qin Xiao smiled, "We didn't make a statement before, how dare he come to the door, today we agreed to let Shao Yang come, he should come soon."

Two days after the graduation ceremony, Shao Gu and his son came to the door.

"Second Master Qin, Mrs. Qin, my family's Shaoyang was raised by you since he was a child. I know that you have always regarded him as half a son, otherwise you would not have let him go to the Qin family to study. Over the years, thanks to the two of you. took care of him."

In the end, he was a director, and he was already hinting as soon as he opened his mouth.

As the saying goes, a son-in-law is half a son-in-law. When he came up and said that Qin Xiao and the others treated Shaoyang as half a son, they were saying that they regarded Shaoyang as their future son-in-law.

The test of    has ended. The two children are in a good relationship. Qin Xiao and Xiao Li don't want to take Joe in their marriage.

As soon as Shao Gu's voice fell, Xiao Li said, "Shao Gu, our family doesn't speak two words, and these polite words will not be spoken in the future."

When Shao Gu heard this, there was still something he didn't understand, so he hurriedly nodded with a smile, "Yes, yes, no polite words. Then I'll go straight to the topic.

Today I brought Shaoyang to the door for the marriage of the two children. What are your thoughts on this wedding date? "

Last night, Shaoyang had proposed to Mianmian, and Mianmian agreed. At this time, Mianmian was sitting beside Xiao Li with a little blushing.

Qin Xiao said lightly: "Marriage is a matter for two young people, let them decide for themselves on this day!

We just need to help them manage the wedding when the time comes. "

Shao Gu nodded, "My in-laws said yes."

This has changed the name, this Shao Gu is also a thief.

The wedding date of the two young people was finally set for October.

Because Shaoyang wants to give Mianmian a grand wedding, this preparation will take time.

In addition, it is not very good to hold a wedding in summer. In October, the weather is neither too cold nor too hot.

The wedding date was finalized, and Shao Gu and his son left with smiles on their faces.

After they left, Xiao Li hugged Mianmian, "Time flies so fast! My Mianmian has grown up and has already started talking about marriage."

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Nini, you won't start crying now!"

(end of this chapter)