Story 10 - The Spy Who Rocked Too Hard (31????)

Story 10 - The Spy Who Rocked Too Hard (31????)

Little Spring’s POV

After leaving my immortal cave, I headed toward the treasure pavilion. Almost immediately, the scent of a rodent hit my now-advanced sense of smell.

I’d picked up an unwanted follower.

I ignored her and her giant mouse ears that were curled in sadness. Because I was finally done. I was not going to let her pull me back into her aura especially since there was something more important I needed to focus on: the spy mission.

To lose her, I traversed a few twisting mountain pathways. I even ran between two dark courtyards where the loud sounds of pounding from training or fighting echoed eerily.

But she still didn’t leave.

Irritated, I hopped onto my flying sword and zipped in the opposite direction of my target through heavily forested sections of the peak.

Thankfully, I didn’t notice her behind me. I hoped she finally realized that I didn’t want to see her. Especially after I heard her conversation with sister Lin when she thought I was dead.


When I entered the treasure pavilion, it was just as crowded as it had been the last time I visited. Disciples from every peak clamored at the front desk, calling out for ingredients, pills, or weapons. The difference was that everything sounded louder. Also, the scents that I used to ignore were intensified.

If this was what Senior Noxious Fangstrike felt every day, it was no wonder he was such an irritable person.

I quickly headed to the side of the room and into a dark and empty stairwell before I became overwhelmed. The sounds from the room muffled as soon as I took my first step up toward the quiet second floor.

An older Golden Core cultivator with wrinkles around her eyes stepped forward as I reached the top. Pressure from her higher cultivation base gave me pause, but it wasn’t exactly a deterrent. It made me wonder just how much stronger I was after the bath.

She glared and opened her mouth to say something, but I showed her the token the Alchemist gave me before my bath. “I’m here for a weapon.”

She nodded and gestured to the desk where a Foundation Establishment woman waited with her hands clasped elegantly in front of her. I could also feel the spiritual energy from another Golden Core cultivator in a hidden back room somewhere. There could be even more if they were hiding their presence.

If that were the case, then the security here was way too tight. Like they had something they needed to protect up here that was more valuable than treasures for mere Foundation Establishment disciples. Possibly the scroll we were looking for? Or maybe something else...

If I couldn’t place the recording spiritual tool here right now due to this security, then I’d fail my sister. And I would have gone through that horrible bath and almost died for no reason. There was no way I would let that happen.

No matter what, I had to find a way. And the place I had to put it needed to be somewhere I could come to collect it later.

And none of this was accounting for the fact that I had to stick it where the security or a random disciple visiting here wouldn’t accidentally bump into it.

There was one good thing though — sister Lin had added an obfuscation enchantment to the device. The bad part was that it didn’t turn on until it was placed.

Actually, it had been really amusing watching her craft the tool...

Sister Lin kept humming a strange song as she worked. Her focused eyes seemed to glow as she managed to shrink the tool from the size of a fist to that of a mustard seed.

“Is that rock too?”

Her brows furrowed. “What?”

“The song you’re humming.”

Her bottom lip trembled. The security guard and the clerk looked at me like I was a terrible person, but I didn’t care.

While she was adorable, I had almost died!

While I had a stronger body now, I also had to deal with uncomfortable side-effects. My hearing was too strong, my sense of smell was almost overwhelming at times and my skin was so sensitive that it actually hurt when sister Lin used her cleaning technique on me. And that was just my new heightened sensations. It wasn’t accounting for the fact that my energy had become so strong I couldn’t use my techniques normally. At least not without more practice.

I would never have had to go through this and sister Lin wouldn’t have to add fixing me to the list of already impossible things she was doing if I’d just listened to her in the first place and ignored this girl.

“S-so you hate me now?”

I turned away from her and noticed that everyone in the room was focused on Teasing Mouse thanks to that aura Lin mentioned she had. Even the security guard who should be paying attention to the disciples who came into the room and left seemed to concentrate on this girl more than her job.

I felt dumb. It took me too long to realize that Teasing Mouse would be the perfect distraction. If I could use her aura against the people here, I could plant the device without anyone being the wiser. But I needed to push her further. I might have to... emotionally hurt her on purpose.

While I agreed that I should stay away from her, I didn’t want to harm her that badly. Especially since she was the beloved little sister of everyone in the sect.

”Junior brother, after talking with a few others, I know I should have warned you about the side effects more. Maybe I should have really emphasized the pros and cons of the bath. Or convinced you to wait...”

”Senior Teasing Mouse, while I’m grateful that you introduced me to so many kind seniors, you can’t do anything to change the fact that I almost died because of your suggestion.”

”But can you please forgive me? I-I still want to be friends!”

”Senior, there are some mistakes that are too big to forgive easily. Even if they were done by accident.”

She swallowed and looked determined. “NO! There has to be a way I can make it up to you!”

I palmed the mustard-seed-sized recording tool and glared at the older girl in front of me. “Maybe if you save the life of someone close to me. But do you even have that ability, senior?”

The room grew deathly quiet. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. She opened her mouth to say something, looked away, then bolted down the stairs.

Ah... now I really felt like a terrible person. I ran after her but grabbed the door frame as if stopping myself from going down the stairs to catch up. Of course, the hand I used to clutch the frame also had the spy tool which I forced into a small crack in the wood as I quietly watched her leave.

I turned around as if I regretted letting her go.

And maybe I did. But that could also be her aura affecting me, just like sister Lin mentioned.

The clerk sighed and took out a jade box. She pulled off the lid, revealing several beautiful hairpins. “Instead of a weapon, you could choose one of these sky rank defensive tools. They are an excellent gift. Especially if you plan to apologize for being too brutal.”

I glanced at the hairpins and then at the swords. This ended up being a harder choice than I thought it would be. Getting just a sword would be my best option. But...

I grabbed a gold hairpin with a beautiful fire design. It also happened to have the strongest defensive properties. “This one. I have a sister I want to give it to.”

The clerk beamed at me.

“And I’ll use pills and spirit stones to exchange for this sword.” I couldn’t leave here without a good weapon, even if I became broke thanks to the horrible exchange rate. Because, well, I might have just made over half the sect unhappy with me.

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