Chapter 99 - Chapter 99: Chapter 99: It's All Thanks to Old Chen's Good Teaching!

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: It’s All Thanks to Old Chen’s Good Teaching!

Translator: 549690339

The three of them were busy until about eleven o’clock at night before they finally completed all of today’s surgeries!

Qin Yue’s work afterwards was no longer holding the Mirror, but she handed over the Mirror-holding duty to Wang Yong, and she began to take pictures and record the surgical procedures.

The main purpose of the three people this time was not simply for the research of gallbladder surgery, but for further research on the process of laparoscopic well suturing and how to design a better minimally invasive suturing technique.

Each of them had their roles and small personal goals in mind.

Chen Cang was trying to “level up” by defeating challenges and upgrading his equipment, refining new surgical techniques.

Wang Yong was focused on learning the surgeries, working hard to assist Chen Cang in acquiring a “complete set” quickly.

Qin Yue was gathering data and keeping records, preparing for the research topics.

With clear division of labor, their work proceeded very smoothly.

After eleven o’clock, everyone remembered that they hadn’t eaten dinner yet!

By that time, the restaurants were mostly closed, but the night market was still open. Chen Cang was treating everyone today, pampering them with good food and drinks.

It was already midnight when they got home.

Getting up the next day, Chen Cang arrived at the department full of anticipation, because now:

[Gallbladder Removal Surgery: Advanced; Experience: 3900/4000]

He was only a hundred experience points away from leveling up his gallbladder removal surgery!

Master level!

The thought excited Chen Cang.

During the shift handover today, as he heard the duty nurse report the admissions over the past two days, Li Baoshan immediately frowned!

More than thirty gallbladder removal surgery patients.

He spotted the issue at a glance.

As an old hand, Li Baoshan suddenly asked Shi Na, “More than thirty operations, isn’t that a bit too many? Can we manage that workload?”

Shi Na was currently in charge of the emergency external ward, so Li Baoshan asked her first.

Shi Na nodded, “The surgeries have been methodically arranged; you can rest assured, Director.”

Li Baoshan nodded, “Hmm, pay more attention to it. The emergency ward is not like other departments; we must keep enough beds available for emergency patients. For gallbladder removal patients… arrange them according to the department’s surgical capabilities, and don’t overextend, after all, some gallbladder surgeries can’t be delayed.”

Chen Bingsheng also frowned slightly, “More than thirty… that’s quite a lot. A laparoscopic gallbladder surgery takes more than an hour including preparation time; it won’t be easy! Can’t finish them all in a day without eating or drinking, right? That’s… quite a workload!”

For a moment, everyone turned to look at Shi Na.

But Shi Na just smiled, “Yesterday, Chen Cang did six surgeries, today, old

Chen eight, young Chen eight, there shouldn’t be any problems!”

Upon hearing this, the office fell silent.

Li Baoshan was a bit surprised, “Chen Cang, you can do gallbladder removal surgery too?”

Chen Cang nodded, “Yeah.”

Shi Na went on to say, “Yesterday, there were several urgent surgeries. Director, you and old Chen weren’t here. I called for a surgical consult, and Duan Bo was hemming and hawing with no time. 1 was about to have the patients transferred urgently, and then…”

After Shi Na recounted the surgical events of the previous day involving Chen Cang, everyone was stunned!

Chen Cang had stepped up to the challenge once again!

Looking at everyone’s praise, Chen Cang quickly demurred, “It’s all thanks to Teacher Chen’s good guidance.”

With that remark, everyone turned to look at old Chen.

Li Baoshan turned around and affectionately called out to old Chen, “Bingsheng, well done!”

Shi Na nodded with a smile, “That’s right! Old Chen, good job, a master indeed shapes a talented disciple!”

Looking at the praise from everyone, old Chen blushed for the first time in his life.

Am I really that good?

Am I actually this amazing?

Did I unknowingly teach a genius?

I’m this awesome, how come I never knew about it?

But… what exactly did I teach Chen Cang?

Chen Bingsheng really couldn’t remember what he taught Chen Cang?

Forget it, if I can’t remember, I won’t bother, it’s all my teaching anyway!

Thinking this way, Chen Bingsheng’s posture was completely different, he stood tall and proud, even bigger than Qin Yue.

Shi Na continued, “Most patients who undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy can go home the same day after surgery. They can eat and move around normally as long as they follow up regularly at the outpatient clinic, without any need for excessive trouble!”

“So, Director, our wards will be empty soon, you don’t have to worry about that!”

After listening to this, Li Baoshan nodded immediately, “Good! Having such achievements right after our emergency surgery department was established is impressive!”

“However, we must ensure the patients’ safety and not neglect quality in pursuit of quantity! Qin Yue, pay close attention and kick off the research.”

After the brief handover, Chen Cang was about to dive into today’s surgeries. Chen Bingsheng had arranged for eight surgeries, and so had Chen Cang.

In the operating room, Qin Yue suddenly thought of something and said to Chen Cang, “Chen Cang, I think… we can set up a control group and an experimental group. The control group would use traditional laparoscopic surgery, and the experimental group would use your method. Then we could do a data analysis, and a simple paper would come right out!”

Chen Cang thought this was feasible, “That works, it’s just… where are you going to find a control group?”

Qin Yue’s eyes swirled, bright and sparkling, “Next door!”

Chen Cang was startled, “Next door? Chen Bingsheng?!”

Suddenly, Chen Cang realized and gave an awkward smile, “Is that really okay?”

If Chen Bingsheng found out his surgeries were being used as a control group to highlight mine, would he be angry enough to hit me?

Qin Yue’s eyes twirled, “What’s wrong with that? 1 think it’s a great idea, and I ll take charge of the surgery research.”

Chen Cang gave an embarrassed laugh, “Go discuss it with Chen Bingsheng then.”

In today’s surgeries, Wang Yong became more skilled than the day before, their cooperation was even more seamless, and they finished in much less time!

But, Chen Cang noticed something.

[Cholecystectomy: Advanced; Experience: 4200/4000;]

The experience points are there!

But… no level up!


This… is really a perplexing issue.

After pondering for a long while, Chen Cang suddenly remembered something that happened to Chen Bingsheng before, who also got stuck without leveling up.

What should I do next?

Grinding without leveling up isn’t really the issue here.

It seems the leveling up is no longer just about experience points, there might be deeper layers of research required.

[Ding! You have hit a bottleneck in your surgery. To advance, you need to solve a variety of types, complexities, and difficulties in cholecystectomy. Merely ordinary surgeries cannot satisfy your understanding of cholecystectomy, please strive hard!]

Upon hearing this!

Chen Cang had an epiphany, so that’s where the problem lies.

Since I can’t level up, Chen Cang looked at Wang Yong and suddenly asked, “Want to give it a try?”

Wang Yong was startled!

Immediately overjoyed and a little surprised, “1… can 1? You… I…”

Having been an assistant in surgeries with Li Baoshan for over two years, how could he not be excited at such an opportunity to operate independently?

Chen Cang smiled, “Of course! Why not! I’m right here watching you, go for it!”

[Ding! Wang Yong’s favorability +20!]

ps: Thanks to the old friend Mo Chu for the generous reward, thank you!