Chapter 105 - Chapter 105:105 Chapter: Bravely Taking On Heavy Responsibilities (Seeking First Subscription)

Chapter 105:105 Chapter: Bravely Taking On Heavy Responsibilities (Seeking First Subscription)

Translator: 549690339

The news of Old Chen fainting in the operating room spread instantly throughout the operation theater and across various departments.

The operating room is always the place with the most hospital gossip.

If Old Chen had an accident during surgery this time, even if it was accidental due to fainting, it might be tough for him to recover his reputation for the rest of his life.

This was also the reason why Chen Cang tried so hard to protect him.

Luckily, Chen Cang was prepared, and the nurses were from the emergency department; everyone tacitly resolved the issue without speaking of it openly. On the very day, Li Baoshan explained to the patient, “Comrade Chen Bingsheng toiled for 42 hours on the operating table over three days, completing nearly twenty surgeries, and collapsed from exhaustion by the operating table, and even though he was so exhausted, he still insisted on finishing the surgery without any mishaps,”

Everyone sighed, saying it’s not easy to insist on working 42 hours over three days, let alone on the operating table. Don’t you need to rest, eat, or use the bathroom?

Perhaps Old Chen was genuinely exhausted!

After Chen Cang came back, Old Chen had already woken up and asked cautiously, “Nothing went wrong, did it?”

Chen Cang smiled immediately, “Big brother, you’re too nervous. Nothing happened, you finished the surgery, and I just stitched up the belly.”

Chen Bingsheng was puzzled, “Really?”

Chen Cang nodded with a grin, “Why would 1 lie about that? Of course, it’s true.”

Only then did Chen Bingsheng sigh in relief.

“By the way, boss, how could you get so exhausted?” Chen Cang didn’t think it was because of the surgery itself.

Chen Bingsheng sighed, gave a bitter smile, and shook his head, “I haven’t had a good sleep this week. I’ve been severely sleep-deprived every night, getting only about three to four hours of sleep. I didn’t expect this to happen.”

Chen Cang immediately showed concern, “What happened? What’s going on?” Chen Bingsheng wanted to speak but then sighed again, smiling, “Lately, I might be suffering from some insomnia, anxiety, and depression due to stress. I’ll buy some medicine after work, a little medication should fix it.”

Chen Cang always felt that Old Chen was deceiving himself, and suggested, “Should I call my sister-in-law to let her know?”

Chen Bingsheng quickly stopped him, “No, no, no, your sister-in-law is even busier than I am. Let’s not bother her with this.”

Li Baoshan gave Old Chen three days off, telling him to rest well.

Old Chen didn’t refuse this time; he was indeed scared by the incident. Fortunately, it hadn’t been a particularly critical surgery; otherwise… who knows what serious problems could have occurred.

Better to take a good rest.

Old Chen went to rest, but the emergency department didn’t rest.

Moreover, Li Baoshan had just established a cooperative relationship with the

120 emergency center to handle difficult gallbladder cases. Now that Old Chen fell ill at a critical moment, who was to perform the surgeries?

Li Baoshan was also extremely anxious.

He can’t stay in the department doing gallbladder removals every day; his responsibilities were much greater, as he had to preside over many key and difficult surgeries at the provincial second hospital.

Should the cooperation with the 120 center be called off?

If canceled, how would they cooperate in the future? To act in bad faith, do you think the 120 emergency center would be easy to talk with?

But if they didn’t cancel, what would they do? How would they handle a difficult case if it came in?

A difficult choice appeared before Li Baoshan.

Thinking this over, Li Baoshan felt troubled.

What should he do?

Perhaps… he should communicate with the staff at the 120 emergency center first, considering special circumstances require special treatment, and he trusted they would understand.

During the morning shift change, Li Baoshan stood there, looking at everyone, “There’s something I’d like to discuss with you all. Old Chen has been the leading force in our general surgery system for hepatobiliary diseases. Now that Old Chen has taken a rest, the 120 emergency services aren’t resting, and neither will our emergency department. But 1 definitely can’t handle these diseases on my own… So, does anyone have any suggestions?”

After Li Baoshan put forth the question, there was a collective sigh from the crowd below.

Just as one wave had settled, another was rising.

The emergency department had just started to get back on track, and now Old Chen was ill.

An Yanjun nodded, “Let’s temporarily cancel the collaboration. We can’t delay treating patients. 120 will handle the dispatch. If an emergency comes to our hospital and we don’t have sufficient medical resources, it can only result in delaying treatment for the patients. It would be better to cancel the collaboration.”

Zhang Shu from internal medicine suddenly said, “If we keep changing our minds like this, I’m afraid we won’t be able to collaborate with the emergency medical center in the future! Old Chen is resting for three days… Why don’t we find some support to get us through these days? I think we should reach out and communicate with the general surgery department. We should set aside our prejudices in the face of major issues, and I believe Director Zhang Youfu isn’t the kind of person who would make things difficult.”

Zhang Shu’s words caused everyone to fall into a pensive silence.

Zhang Shu continued, “If the emergency department can get through this difficulty, it will definitely experience growth. And in the future, we will have more collaboration with the 120 emergency center. We should find a solution. How about this, I’ll go and speak to Zhang Youfu, and if he is unwilling, I will go directly to the hospital director!”

Li Baoshan sighed. He didn’t mind much, but the key issue was that Zhang Youfu cared a lot about face. Last time, he was made to lose face so badly during a hospital meeting, this time… it would be tough!

Seeking out the hospital director, they could simply say that they were willing but unable to help, and you would have no recourse.

Now, Zhang Youfu would probably relish seeing you in trouble!

Chen Cang stood there, seeing a question mark appear above Li Baoshan’s head.

[Ding! Li Baoshan’s troubles, emergency department’s predicament, Mission Prompt: Take on the burden of emergency surgeries while Old Chen is resting, face the challenges head-on, and provide treatment for the difficult cases brought by the 120 emergency center. Mission Reward: Designated advanced surgical skill (You will obtain a designated surgical skill, Note: Limited to level 1 and 2 surgeries.)]

This was impressive!

Designated surgical skill.

Chen Cang took a deep breath and said solemnly, “Director, I can do it!”

Everyone looked in his direction, all eyes on Chen Cang!

Chen Cang this time did not hesitate or act bashfully, instead said confidently, “Director, I can perform cholecystectomy surgeries for the patients brought in by 120!”

Wang Yong was somewhat shocked at that moment!

For some reason, he felt something called a sense of mission arising in his heart, and it even brought a lump to his throat as he blurted out, “Director, I can help Chen Cang to cooperate and complete the surgeries!”

Qin Yue also spoke up directly, “Right! Chen Cang can do it! I can do it, too!”

The three of them making such a stance brought a moment of silence to the shift change.

All eyes were on the three young people.

These young faces were filled with determination and confidence.

This made Wang Qian very envious!

This is what young people should be doing.

Confronting difficulties!

Overcoming tough challenges!

Standing at the forefront of the times!

Striving to be pioneers of the era!

To be honest, Wang Qian was inspired in that moment!

But envy was one thing; he wanted to say something too, but couldn’t, because he simply didn’t know how to do it. Being an orthopedic who had now gotten involved in general surgery was already quite an achievement, and occasionally he could manage an appendectomy, but a cholecystectomy was another story..