Chapter 111 - Chapter 111: Chapter 111: Support for the Eighth Hospital (Seeking First Subscription - Extra for Brother Mo Chu)

Chapter 111: Chapter 111: Support for the Eighth Hospital (Seeking First Subscription – Extra for Brother Mo Chu)

Translator: 549690339

Laparoscopic surgery isn’t just limited to laparoscopy!

There’s also hysteroscopy, thoracoscopy…

All of these procedures require “drilling wells” to operate, and Chen Gang’s unintentional act would have an impact far beyond what he could have imagined.

Of course, even if we’re talking about suturing, the outcomes can look very different depending on who performs them; striving for a scarless result like Chen Gang’s is not exactly realistic.

After work, Chen Cang was going to visit the Eighth Municipal Hospital, having arranged to perform a surgery there.

He took a hurried taxi ride and arrived to find Guo Cheng already waiting to greet him early.

The surgery was not particularly difficult, but the patient was a retired veteran, quite advanced in age. Guo Cheng was still worried about the stability of the patient’s condition and hoped Chen Cang could come over to help, so in case of any emergency, there would be room to maneuver.

Life is always full of coincidences. Just as the first surgery began, it brought a humbling moment for many doctors!

The elderly patient was over eighty years old, an age group for which many hospitals are reluctant to perform surgeries. However, the old man was in relatively good health without too many complications, his only medical history being chronic gastroenteritis.

The old man, named Jin Donglai, was always cheerful. Even as he was about to undergo surgery, he was comforting the doctors, “Young people should get their hands moving. Don’t be afraid, don’t be nervous.”

The elderly man had a positive attitude. Reportedly, he had served in the military in his youth, later working in the public security bureau, at a time when he rode horses. However, due to frequently carrying out missions, his eating schedule was often irregular, leading to a host of digestive system issues when he was younger. He suffered from cholecystitis many times but never underwent surgery until recently, when gallstones caused unbearable pain, prompting the operation.

According to Guo Cheng, the old man’s children were all capable. The eldest son ran a company in the United States, the second child worked in the administrative system, and the daughter married the president of a bank. They were all busy and seldom came home throughout the year.

The old man’s spouse was waiting outside the operating room to care for him after the surgery, and the family had a housekeeper, who was also a distant relative, to look after the daily needs of the two.

As the surgery began, Guo Cheng personally performed it with Chen Cang assisting. There was also a young doctor by his side, probably a recent graduate student, still green and looking lost at the operating table.

Guo Cheng never expected to run into trouble as soon as he inserted the laparoscope!

The abdominal adhesions were severe, and upon the insertion of the laparoscope, they discovered a significant internal fistula in the duodenum resulting from an ulcer and chronic injury to the colon due to long-term inflammatory adhesion. If left untreated, it could lead to a delayed rupture before long!

This startled Guo Cheng!

Chen Cang decisively said, “Prepare for laparotomy!”

Guo Cheng was somewhat panicked but took a deep breath, changed the instruments, and prepared for the laparotomy. Seeing that Guo Cheng was nervous, Chen Cang said, “Shall I do it?”

Guo Cheng hurriedly nodded!

The surgical department at the Eighth Municipal Hospital was really underdeveloped; even the head of the department was like this. Chen Cang couldn’t help feeling pity—the operating room equipment was very new, he could tell by the feel that it was expensive!

Yet, a hospital like this, with luxury hardware facilities, had doctors whose skill levels and quality were somewhat… hard to look at!

Guo Cheng should not be older than forty, younger than old Chen, and in terms of skill… was a notch below. Chen Cang really didn’t understand how he became the head of the department.

No wonder those family members preferred surgeries elsewhere. If you ran the department well, who would go out for surgery?

But all of this had nothing to do with Chen Cang; he was there to perform surgery!

Meanwhile, Feng Aihua, Jin Donglai’s spouse, sat anxiously in the waiting area outside the operating room, while her niece (the housekeeper) Yang Yani, who was at her side, comforted her, “Auntie, don’t worry. My uncle will be blessed by providence. There’s no need for concern!”

Feng Aihua sighed, smiled, and gently patted Yang Yani’s hand, slowly saying, “Yani, you don’t understand, when people get old, the person they care about the most is their spouse. At my age, I don’t count on my children, nor do I rely on them, but on your uncle to get by. If your uncle were gone, I wouldn’t have much reason to live.”

“Your uncle, he’s my one concern, grandchildren have their own blessings, and you can’t control that. All I hope is for your uncle to be safe and stable. Sometimes I think, it might be better for him to go first, so he wouldn’t have to live alone if I passed away earlier. Despite him being a soldier all his life and catching so many criminals, he’s actually very soft-hearted.”

“I am stronger than him…”

When people get old, they tend to ramble on, and with her children not around, Feng Aihua only had Yang Yani to talk to. Thankfully, Yani took care of everything in daily life, cooking and cleaning, which kept Feng Aihua presentable and clean.

Feng Aihua was one for appearances, she liked to be respectable and clean, but with old age, sometimes it’s not up to you. Even your children might not take care of you as thoroughly as Yani did, keeping everything spotlessly clean and tidy.

At that moment, Yang Yani’s phone suddenly rang. She looked at it and saw: “Jin Qingzhi.”

Yang Yani said, “Auntie, it’s Brother Qingzhi’s call.”

Upon seeing it was her eldest, Feng Aihua said, “Answer it.”

No sooner had the phone been answered than a scolding came through: “Yang Yani, my dad’s gotten senile, and you’re following suit? Dad is old, and you let him go to the retirees’ hospital for surgery. Can you take responsibility if something goes wrong?”

“You’re not even looking at what the retirees’ hospital has turned into. Just listening to an old person’s words, old people are useless, you need to persuade them more for me. Their generation’s thinking is outdated; what era are we in now…”

Yang Yani was scolded for a good while but didn’t talkback; she was already used to it.

Feng Aihua, who was beside her, couldn’t bear to listen any longer and took the phone: “Jin Qingzhi, if you can speak properly do so, if not, then don’t speak at all!”

After that, Feng Aihua hung up the phone directly!

It wasn’t long before the phone rang again. Yang Yani, feeling awkward, quickly answeredit: “Brother.”

Jin Qingzhi didn’t dare to be too bold this time, but his tone was still unpleasant: “Yani, don’t pass the phone to my mom. I’m talking about something important. I know about the surgery, and I have brought an expert from the capital specifically for my dad’s operation. I’m at the hospital now; where are you?”

Upon hearing this, Yang Yani quickly informed Feng Aihua: “Auntie, Brother Qingzhi has brought a capital’s expert to the hospital!”

Jin Qingzhi, accompanied by his old classmate, now the deputy head of hepatobiliary surgery at the 301 Hospital, had specially come to Anyan City for his father’s surgery. The two were already sitting in the director’s office.

“Director Sun, we really appreciate your assistance with this matter,” Jin Qingzhi said with a smile.

Sun Zhengwei replied, “Not at all, Mr. Jin’s surgery is very important to us, too. Director Guo is personally performing the surgery, and we’ve even brought in a doctor from the provincial second hospital. They’ve started already; let’s go have a look.”

“Qingzhi, you’re so filial, managing to bring over Director Li from our capital, who is a big name in the field of hepatobiliary surgery. Impressive!”

The three made polite conversation as they headed towards the operating room. The head nurse, learning of the director’s arrival, also hurried to meet them.

Sun Zhengwei asked, “Has Director Guo’s surgery begun?”

The head nurse nodded, “Just started.”

Hearing this, the three of them were pleased; they had arrived just in time!

Jin Qingzhi cautiously asked, “Can I go in, too?”

Sun Zhengwei nodded, “Come on in.”