Chapter 118 - Chapter 118: Chapter 118: Do You Want to Inherit My Huabei? (Thanks to Alliance Hierarch Qingtuan for the added chapter!)

Chapter 118: Chapter 118: Do You Want to Inherit My Huabei? (Thanks to Alliance Hierarch Qingtuan for the added chapter!)

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Tianhua hadn’t lied, except for perhaps exaggerating Chen Cang a bit, everything else she said was true.

Including the trip to Jue Mountain, which was real, and so was making a wish. She went to make a wish before; this time she was going to fulfill it.

Xiao Tianhua wasn’t some superstitious master or anything. She simply had a fear at heart and thought offering live pigs was a way to do good and accumulate virtue.

As for Master Zhang, Xiao Tianhua just smiled. Did that old Taoist have real skills?

She didn’t know!

But sometimes people did believe in him.

That old Taoist, if nothing else, was a smooth talker. Every time she went, she found herself persuaded to open her wallet…

This made Xiao Tianhua somewhat admiring!

Actually, her long spiel was just to spice things up and advertise for Chen Cang!

That’s why she’d wasted so much breath.

Wasn’t this just like Master Zhang?

How impressive could he really be!

Wasn’t it just because people mystified him?

Publicity and advertising were very important.

You might have abilities, true, but there are many capable people in this society; if you don’t stand out, how will it ever be your turn!

The wealthier people are, the more they tend to believe in some obscure things that are hard to grasp, regardless of gender. Once you talk it up like this, they really start to think something’s remarkable.

This matter was blown up so mystically, she naturally needed to discuss it properly with Chen Cang, couldn’t let the cat out of the bag now!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tianhua hurriedly got in touch with Chen Cang.

Chen Cang had just finished a call with his brother and was hesitant for three seconds when he saw Xiao Tianhua’s name on the incoming call display… During those three seconds he thought a lot, and he thought deep, thinking far into the future about the names of his children; on the good side, he thought about never having to pay for pork again, and on the bad side, he even thought about possibly having to take a vigorous and thorough pig manure bath…

He picked up, feeling a bit apprehensive and uneasy, “Hello? Sister Xiao? What’s going on?”

Xiao Tianhua chuckled, “Chen Cang, I have something to tell you!”

Xiao Tianhua recounted the whole scenario to Chen Cang faithfully!

After she finished, Chen Cang was completely befuddled!

After all, there was so much information to digest!

Xiao Tianhua had described everything with such fervor and mystique that even Chen Cang himself began to believe it by seventy to eighty percent!

How come I didn’t know I was so amazing?

After a long pause, Chen Cang finally said, “Sister Xiao… What you’re saying is…”

Xiao Tianhua immediately laughed, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about anything else. Just focus on the designing; I’ve got everything else covered. I’ll have a good talk with Zhang Zhixin tomorrow.”

“By the way, about the price, I’ve thought it over. The design fee is 100,000, and as for the surgery fee… It’s fine whether others do it or you do it yourself, either is okay! Those old ladies, they have plenty of money at home. You have to give it your all, Chen Cang! Don’t go easy on them.”

Hearing Xiao Tianhua’s tone, Chen Cang couldn’t help but feel sorry for those rich ladies, and a thought crossed his mind: Born of the same root, why torment each other, besties!

But… Chen Cang was warmed by Xiao Tianhua’s words.

After all, Xiao Tianhua was doing this to help him. He thought it over and said, “Thankyou, Sister Xiao!”

Xiao Tianhua hurriedly responded with a laugh, “Why thank me, Chen Cang? What I’m doing benefits me too. I’m the one bringing them in for surgery. Think about it, won’t they be grateful to me? That’s how it is in the world of business; thanks to you, I might gain some favors. If there’s anything in the future, just let your sister know.”

“In a not-so-big place like Anyang city, your sister Xiao still has some clout!”

Chen Cang believed that!

Who else would dare to dump manure on Zhang Zhixin without some clout?

Chen Cang nodded, “Then, thank you, Sister Xiao. Let’s meet this afternoon; I’ll come straight over.”

The two agreed on a location and would meet at Zhixin Plastic Surgery Hospital in the afternoon.

Xiao Tianhua was still not at ease, so she made a direct call to Zhang Zhixin, briefing him on the situation.

But she didn’t go into too much detail, just told Zhang Zhixin to support Chen Cang and to help ensure this matter went smoothly, promising to send more clients his way in the future.

Zhang Zhixin was thrilled to hear this!

After all, who could refuse such a good deal?

He didn’t just want to support Chen Cang, he would happily revere him like an honored ancestor!

After some thought, Zhang Zhixin designed a persona for Chen Cang!

He even took Xu Rou to get Chen Cang an outfit that was quite expensive!


As soon as Chen Cang entered the doors of the Zhixin Plastic Surgery Hospital, Xu Rou hurriedly took him to the second floor, “Doctor Chen, Doctor Zhang is waiting for you.”

Chen Cang looked completely baffled.

As soon as Zhang Zhixin saw Chen Cang, he was overjoyed, “You’ve finally arrived, my revered little ancestor!”

Chen Cang quickly backed away, wary, “Dr. Zhang, we’re neither kith nor kin, don’t go recognizing ancestors willy-nilly… If I die, you certainly won’t inherit a penny, and you can’t take over my Huabei debt either!”

Zhang Zhixin, annoyed, gave Chen Cang a slap on the back, “You rascal! Let me tell you, you’re going to strike it rich!”

Chen Cang, now curious and slightly stunned, “Strike it rich? What do you mean?”

Zhang Zhixin smirked and said, “Still playing dumb with me? It’s your Sister Xiao!”

Only then did Chen Cang manage an awkward smile!

Zhang Zhixin passed over a sheet of paper, “Here’s the persona we designed for you, don’t slip up later!”

After Chen Cang read the paper, he was dumbfounded!

This is just too professional to be fake!

There’s even a persona?

“Chen Cang, male, 27 years old, been in the plastic surgery industry for 6 years, has gone to South Korea’s Goland, JK, RUBY, and other plastic surgery hospitals for advanced study, has been involved in numerous celebrity microlipoinjection design events…”

After finishing reading, Chen Cang felt a little inflated, I was almost starting to believe it myself…

Zhang Zhixin smiled, “Did you get all that?”

Chen Cang nodded, “Yeah, got it.”

It was then that Zhang Zhixin said, “Come with me, change your clothes!”

After that, Zhang Zhixin got up and brought out a set of clothes, a short sleeve shirt, suit pants, leather shoes, all designer brands!

It seemed that Zhang Zhixin had really splurged!

Around half-past three to four, Xiao Tianhua called to say she would be arriving soon.

About fifteen minutes later, Xu Rou led Xiao Tianhua and three others into the office.

When Xiao Tianhua came in, she introduced Chen Cang to her two best friends, “This here is the brother I was telling you about: Chen Cang!”

The two girls looked up and were immediately stunned at the sight of Chen Cang, their eyes glazed over like… trachoma!

Chen Cang smiled faintly, “Hello, I’m Chen Cang.”

These past few days, under “expert guidance,” Chen Cang had cultivated a certain charisma; his posture was upright whether sitting or standing, he looked quite distinguished!

Xiao Tianhua turned to her friends and whispered, “How about that? Handsome, right? He did the work on himself, looks even better than a celebrity, doesn’t he?”

The two friends nodded woodenly, somewhat convinced.

Xiao Tianhua then sat down and said, “So Chen, as I told you, these two are my besties, and you really have to do a good job designing for them.”

Upon hearing Xiao Tianhua’s familiar tone, the two friends quickly bobbed their heads in agreement, “That’s right! Chen, we’re close friends with your sister Xiao, and we’re really counting on you this time.”