The sun was emitting the last remnants of its power when Chen Yan walked out of school.

It’s boiling.

The little ancestor behind him is still dawdling like a turtle.

Chen Yan turned around and said, “Hurry.”

Cheng Yin said “Oh”, but did not speed up.

She was uneasy.

How to say this feeling?

At first, when she got the report card, she was furious.

She was angry with Chen Yan for not keeping his word.

But she didn’t expect Chen Yan to say he would take her to dinner.

Logically, Cheng Yin should have refused.

She doesn’t seem to be familiar with Chen Yan, and Chen Yan is a grown man, different from the group of young boys in their class.

Cheng Yin always felt that it was strange to follow him after school.

But she is nervous and looking forward to this moment.

She wondered what Chen Yan would take her to eat.

Will he take her to play after dinner?

The two walked to the parking lot outside the school.

Chen Yan led her to a car.

Cheng Yin stared at the car and asked, “Do you drive to school?”

Chen Yan pulled open the door of the driver’s seat, his hand on it, smilingly looking at Cheng Yin.

“Yes, are you afraid that later I will directly sell you out?”

Cheng Yin, “hum”, pulled open the passenger door and sat in.

The moment the engine started, Cheng Yin suddenly had a sense of surreal.

Since she was a child, she had sat in her parents’ car, in Cheng Sheng’s car, in her aunt and uncle’s car.

But not in the car of someone her own age.

Chen Yan and she were not considered the same age, but she could not classify him as an elder.

The moment Chen Yan put one hand on the steering wheel, Cheng Yin realized clearly that Chen Yan was indeed different from those young boys around her.

Mature and unfamiliar combine in this moment, bringing out “hormones”. The seventeen-year-old girl has the desire to explore, but does not dare to get too close, only listening to their own abnormal heartbeat.

Chen Yan is silent when driving.

Cheng Yin felt uncomfortable, so she took out her cell phone to call Cheng Sheng.

“Brother, I’m not coming back for dinner today. I’m eating out with my classmates.”

“Uh …… is Xie Ying, I told you about her.”

“No need, I’ll eat and come back myself.”

“Hmm, okay.”

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yin opened the game, but heard the person on the side ask: “Xie Ying?”

Cheng Yin looked up and stuttered.

“What, what’s wrong?”

Chen Yan stopped at the traffic light and looked at Cheng Yin sideways.

“What are you being timid about?”

After saying that, Cheng Yin froze and said nothing, but Chen Yan laughed lightly.

What did he say to the little girl?

Those words are too ambiguous.

And if you think about it differently, if he is Cheng Yin’s brother, he is certainly uneasy about his sister going out with a man.

“I’ll send you back after dinner.” Chen Yan said, “Tell your brother to rest assured that I will not sell you out.”

He also said to himself, “Your body is still growing, selling you can not make much money.”

Cheng Yin: “……”

Ji Huaijin and the others had already gathered in the hot pot restaurant and were waiting for Chen Yan to arrive to start the meal.

Zhang Yue received Chen Yan’s WeChat and was busy calling for the dishes to be served.

“Put the beef to boil first. Chen Yan is already here. Don’t wait.”

Ji Huaijin lazily lit a cigarette, glanced at the crowd, said: “Hey, it’s not fun, every dinner is a bunch of old men, when will you bring some women?”

The words have not ended. The door of the room was pushed open.

Chen Yan stood at the door, staring at Ji Huaijin.

“What are you doing at the door? Are you the door god?” Ji Huaijin waved at him, “Hurry and come in, we’re waiting for you.”

Chen Yan ignored them and turned around to see Cheng Yin carrying her school bag, her hands gripping the strap on her shoulder, her lips pursed, her gaze flickering.

— Apparently heard what Ji Huaijin said just now.

Tsk, in the classroom she looked so desperate and here she looked so shy.

“What are you nervous about?” Chen Yan whispered, “People are talking about women, you are a girl, completely two kinds of creatures, understand?”

Cheng Yin gave an “oh”.

Chen Yan turned back, hand propped up on the door frame, sweeping a circle, said, “You guys pay attention to what you say.”

The group was a bit baffled. What was Chen Yan pretending to be?

Then Chen Yan walked in, followed by Cheng Yin.

The group was confused for a moment. It was Ji Huaijin who reacted first.

“Hey, Chen Yan, isn’t this your own sister?”

The people at this table today were not the same group as the ones Cheng Yin met last time at the food street, and the only one of them who had seen her was Ji Huaijin.

“Right, come on, introduce yourself.” Chen Yan reached out and took a false hold behind Cheng Yin’s back. “My long-lost sister just returned.”

Chen Yan said so, a table of people except Ji Huaijin are a little confused.

Hear Chen Yan’s tone, it is obvious that he is joking, but look at the young girl’s face as if this statement is valid.

When everyone’s eyes swept around on Cheng Yin and Chen Yan, Cheng Yin looked timid and didn’t say a word.

She was actually nervous. It was her first time eating with so many strangers and all adult men. There was no room for her to have any fun.

Chen Yan smiled, pulled out the chair beside him, and said, “Sit.”

After Cheng Yin sat down, Zhang Yue asked with a curious face, “You really have a sister, huh? How come I never heard of it before?”

Chen Yan stared at him, the meaning in his eyes is unclear, Ji Huaijin on the side can not hold back the laugh, said: “Stupid! This is Chen Yan’s classmates, from the same class! Can’t you see she’s wearing a school uniform and carrying a school bag?”

The crowd understood and laughed.

Cheng Yin did not understand, what’s so funny?

Chen Yan was like an outsider, crossed his legs and leaned back on the chair to play with his phone.

Ji Huaijin sat across from Cheng Yin and stretched his neck to ask: “Little sister, is Chen Yan usually well behaved at school, and does he listen to you?”

Hearing that, Chen Yan turned his head and glanced at Cheng Yin lightly.

Cheng Yin understands, of course, she will say good things for Chen Yan.

“He is very good and obedient.”

When these words came out, the people at the table laughed loudly and exaggeratedly.

Cheng Yin dumbfounded, what the hell were they laughing at? Are the adults’ laughing points that low?

Chen Yan suddenly put down his phone and stared at Cheng Yin.

His pupils are light, his eyebrows are dark, and this time with a helpless gaze, which makes Cheng Yin’s heart skip a beat.

What’s wrong? Did she really say the wrong thing?

However, Chen Yan said nothing, just sighed and pushed the brown sugar mochi in front of him to Cheng Yin.

“Talk less, eat more. If you don’t grow taller later, you’ll blame me again.”

When he said that, he looked up and saw that three or four people at the table were lighting cigarettes.

“You guys put out your cigarettes and open the window to let off some air.” He paused, with a little self-deprecation, said, “Can’t you see my classmates are here?”

Cheng Yin said, “No, no, you don’t have to worry about me.”

She actually hated the smell of smoke. Cheng Sheng would occasionally smoke at home, and when she found out, she would tell her parents. But now, at the table full of men, for her to let people not smoke is hard.

After that, she said to Chen Yan, “Didn’t I saw you smoking last time?”

“Little sister, don’t mind him. Chen Yan is like this with women, pretending to be serious.” Ji Huaijin said while stepping on his cigarette, “In fact, he can be a beast in private, so you should stay away from him.”


Cheng Yin heard, and a mouthful of brown sugar mochi suddenly fell into the bowl, and her face was also buried in the bowl following the mochi.

Chen Yan raised his eyes and looked lightly at Ji Huaijin. “How did I ‘beast’ you?”

His voice was clear and crisp, the emphasis on the word “how”, looking at Ji Huaijin with a smile on his face, his long, well-proportioned fingers resting on the table, gently turning the teacup.

A group of big men laughed.

Perhaps the atmosphere in the room was hot, or perhaps he was just thinking about joking with his friends. His expression was extraordinarily relaxed.

It was only when the tea was served that he glanced at Cheng Yin’s red apple-like face.

Chen Yan frowned silently, put down his teacup, and changed the subject.

“Zhang Yue, didn’t you say you wanted to job-hop to Shanghai?”

Zhang Yue was slurping the beef, shaking his head, and said, “The boss knew I wanted to leave, so he immediately gave me a promotion.”

Next, Cheng Yin did not understand most of the topics they chatted, but they avoid some inappropriate topics for children, but occasionally someone will subconsciously swear out, but no one cares.

But Cheng Yin ate this meal in such a reserved manner.

Chen Yan glanced at her during the meal and saw her taking a piece of watermelon and eating it in small bites, like a kitten licking cat food.

This girl in school is bold and coquettish, but when encounter a table of older men is scared and silent.

After the meal, Chen Yan wanted to send Cheng Yin home.

When the two walked out of the room, Ji Huaijin chased out and stood at the door and said, “Chen Yan, meet me at the usual place directly after you send your sister home later. We’ll be there.”

Chen Yan did not turn around, snapped his fingers, showing that he knew.

Every weekend, they get together for a meal and spend the evening going for drinks.

After getting into the car, Cheng Yin opened the window, the evening breeze, and chewed the candy given by the hot pot restaurant, and took out her phone to watch anime.

The car was full of loud shouting and noisy music. Chen Yan had not heard such things for a long time.

“Hey, little desk mate.”

Cheng Yin did not look up, “Hmm?”

“In the future, don’t just get into a man’s car and follow him to dinner, not even for acquaintances, got it?” He slightly tilted his head and looked at Cheng Yin. “Do you know how dangerous it is for you?”

Cheng Yin did not put too much thought into it, lowered her head and continued to look at her phone. “It was you who said you wanted to give me a meal.”

Wasn’t you who made me angry?

Chen Yan reached out to take away her phone and put it on the storage space, “Speaking seriously with you, never exclude the danger of adult men, such as me, although you knew me, but you can not just go with anyone, even more with those strangers, you hear?”

Cheng Yin looked at him in a daze. “Such as you?”

Chen Yan opened his mouth to continue reasoning with her, but heard her say, “Because you’re a beast?”

Chen Yan: “……”

He stomped on the gas.

I’m here to reason with you about the facts, and you’re there to attack me.

No meaning.

Cheng Yin realized she had spoken too fast and said the wrong thing, so she quietly pulled the corner of his shirt and said in a low voice, “I know.”

Chen Yan heard, but did not make a sound.

There is a road construction ahead, two-way street into a one-way street and jammed together, Chen Yan had to change lanes to squeeze with others.

Ji Huaijin’s phone call came again, told him he changed the place, and urged him to hurry.

Chen Yan simply answered two sentences: “Hmm, I’ll come as soon as I send her home, don’t rush, what’s the hurry? You guys play first. Don’t wait for me.”

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yan was obviously anxious, and even pressed the horn twice to urge the driver, who turned around in front of him.

Cheng Yin heard the phone call. He just answered and asked, “You guys are going to hang out later?”

Chen Yan gave a “hmm”.

“Oh, that’s great, I’ve never been out after 10pm.” Cheng Yin played with her ponytail and mumbled, “Where are you guys going?”

Chen Yan gripped the steering wheel, looking at the long line of traffic jammed in front of him. There was a trace of irritation.

His look at the side and saw the little girl beside him playing with her hair braid, a look of innocence.

She really did not take his words to heart.

He looked down at Cheng Yin, at this angle his eyes slightly raised, like peach blossom eyes, the roadside neon lights and headlights reflecting in his eyes, made his eyes blurred, the only real thing is the corner of the mouth that is slightly curved, make Cheng Yin think of the word “temptation” for no reason.

“You say, we adult men can gather after eating and drink, for what?”

“For ……” Cheng Yin cautiously probed, “Prostitution?”

Chen Yan: “……………………”