chapter 34

The city’s nightlife has already started before ten o’clock.

The waterfront road is full of cars, lights and flashing neon lights swaying in the night, sucking the souls of countless men and women.

Xie Ying sat in the cab and yawned.

This is her daily route of returning home, but whenever she passes by in the evening, it is as quiet as a park. She never thought that there would be a drastic change in the night.

With the traffic moving slowly, a figure suddenly appeared in Xie Ying’s line of sight.

She fixed her eyes on and suddenly asked the driver to stop the car.

After hastily paying for it, she ran towards the roadside.

However, Cheng Sheng is tall and long-legged, and when Xie Ying passed through the crowd, he had already disappeared through a small door.

Xie Ying stood at the door, hesitant.

This door is very inconspicuous in this area of the bar and nightclub.

It was worn and old, and the paint was even scratched off.

Xie Ying took a deep breath and walked towards the door.

There is a dark canal inside this door, the damp ground is full of cigarette butts. Occasionally one or two people dressed strangely come out.

Through the canal, there is a staircase leading to the underground.

Before she turned around the corner, Xie Ying heard loud music.

She walked over and saw a door with only a curtain hanging.

Through the gap, she could see the colorful flashing lights and the sexy women and all kinds of men weaving in and out.

Boxing arena.

Underground boxing arena.

How could he come to such a place ……

Xie Ying wanted to go in, but was stopped by two big burly men at the door.

“What are you doing? Minors are not allowed in here.”

When they saw Xie Ying wearing her school uniform and carrying her school bag, they kicked her out without saying a word.

Xie Ying did not say a word the whole time.

She walked out of the place and took a taxi back home.

When she arrived at the new home, she looked back.

The new rented house and Cheng Yin’s house, there is only one road distance.

Cheng Yin carried the cake home, kicked off her shoes, went into her room, put the cake carefully on the desk, and then “bang” fell on the bed.

She rolled a few times, full of excitement and nowhere to vent it, so she called Xie Ying.

“Do you know? Chen Yan! Chen Yan! That’s the one sitting next to me! I can’t believe it’s Chen Yan!”

Xie Ying was full of questions. “What are you mad about?”


Cheng Yin held the phone and rolled two more times. “It’s Chen Yan! He’s actually Chen Yan!”

“I’ll hang up if you say nothing.”

“Wait! It’s the same Chen Yan in my essay!”

For the next ten minutes, Xie Ying took a lot of effort to extract the keywords from Cheng Yin’s incoherent statements.

This Chen Yan is the same as Chen Yan.

The world champion, Chen Yan.

Xie Ying faintly made an “Oh” sound.

“Oh?” Cheng Yin was surprised. “You just oh? You’re not even excited?”

Xie Ying said, “What am I excited about? It’s not like I like him.”

Cheng Yin: “?”

Both ends of the phone were silent at the same time.

“Ahem, that ……” Xie Ying added, “I mean, I’m not interested in him.”

Cheng Yin buried her face in the pillow for a while before she blushed and said, “I’ll hang up then.”


After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yin giggled at the ceiling for a while.

Great, he’s Chen Yan, he’s the extraordinary, extraordinary Chen Yan.

This way, Cheng Yin was not ashamed of how she had fallen for a high school nail man.

The person she likes is indeed the best in the world.

But ……

Cheng Yin suddenly rolled over and looked at the wall.

He was so outstanding, and she was too insignificant beside him.

It is not worthy of him at all.

Cheng Yin turned over again and looked at the cake on the desk.

He sent me a birthday cake.

Which high school student has ever gotten a birthday cake from a world champion?

It’s just me!

This kind of thing, to be worthy or not, work hard and maybe you will be worthy.

Ugh …… but ……

Cheng Yin turned over and looked at the wall again.

I said that in the cab today, how can I face him tomorrow?

Fortunately, fortunately, he did not read her essay, or she really embarrassed herself.

It’s a birthday surprise.

Cheng Yin suddenly jumped up and opened the cake with joy.

This is a big cake. She can’t even finish it for a month!

The moment Cheng Yin dipped her finger in the cream and put it in her mouth, it was so sweet that her eyes were narrowed.

This night, Cheng Yin had a dream.

She was sitting in the classroom, waiting for Chen Yan to come to class.

Then the teacher was talking about the problem above, she quietly said to Chen Yan: “I like you.”

As a result, Chen Yan said, “I like you too.”

Under the desk, two hands were joined.

Cheng Yin woke up laughing.

This dream feels so good.

Once she thought that Chen Yan was Chen Yan, Cheng Yin even had the full motivation to study.

She immediately got up and didn’t even wash her face, and sat down at the desk to study.

She even hummed a song while reading.

The nanny who came to wake up Cheng Yin was frightened.

Maybe she’s possessed.

Nanny went to make breakfast and opened the refrigerator to find that all the fruits and vegetables were gone, don’t know where it was thrown, all to give space to a huge cake inside!

Nanny was furious, but could say nothing.

On Monday morning, the nanny was even more shocked.

This is November, the temperature has dropped, Cheng Yin actually wants to wear a school uniform skirt to school.

It took a lot of effort to get Cheng Yin’s skirt off and change her into school pants.

She even wanted to add a pair of autumn pants to her.

When she arrived at the classroom, Cheng Yin handed in her homework, and took out a few test papers she had done herself to show Xie Ying and asked her about a few questions.

This terrifying love.

Xie Ying silently spat in her heart and still lectured Cheng Yin about the questions.

“You have had no extra lessons lately?”

Cheng Yin peeked at the back door from time to time, thinking about when Chen Yan will come, carelessly “hmm” a sound.

“I’ve moved just across the street from your house.”

“Oh, I see. …… What? Really?” Cheng Yin suddenly excited, “Then, we can go to and from school together in the future?

Xie Ying nodded, “I want to say, starting next week there will be evening study. You probably do not have time to make up for it, then I will go to your home on the weekend to give you extra lessons.”

Cheng Yin agreed without even thinking: “Yes, yes, but will this affect you?”

“It’s okay.” Xie Ying said, “I study little on weekends, mostly playing, anyway it’s so close, I’ll come and help you.”

The two of them just agreed.

Not long after, Chen Yan came to class.

Cheng Yin sat up straight and fixing her hair.

Xie Ying looked at her and sat back in her seat speechlessly.

Chen Yan felt that today’s Cheng Yin was very abnormal.

Usually when he comes, the little girl will blah blah blah blah.

Today, she is quiet and does not even look at him.

In the third period, when physics was in session, the teacher talked about celestial motion and talked about the meteor shower everyone was interested in.

The classroom became less disciplined when there was no lecture.

Cheng Yin then said the first words to Chen Yan.

“That …… day in the cab, I was joking.”

“Hmm?” Chen Yan asked, “What is it?”

Cheng Yin covered her face. “Nothing, nothing.”

She really can’t say it.

If she continues to explain, and Chen Yan knows that she already knows everything, then it is too humiliating.

It was better to just pretend that she didn’t know.

However, she was also reluctant.

Her thoughts were about to come out of her mouth several times.

“That …… why did you come to our school, ah?”

Cheng Yin did not know what to say and picked a topic at random.

“I originally did not come to the Third High school, intended to go to the First High school, but when I registered for the First High school, the quota was full ……”

Chen Yan was explaining seriously, but Cheng Yin wasn’t even listening.

She did not care at all why Chen Yan came to the Third High school, she only knew that he was here.

There are so many high schools in this city, so many classes in this high school, so many students in the class, and he met her by chance.

The teacher was still at the podium talking about meteors.

“Meteors were cosmic dust grains and solid blocks and other substances orbiting in interstellar space, originally moving around the sun, but when passing near the earth, it was attracted by the earth’s gravitational, thus changing its original trajectory and entering the earth’s atmosphere, and the light trail produced by frictional combustion with the atmosphere.”

Listening to what the teacher said, Cheng Yin quietly took out her diary, turned to the first page, and quietly wrote a paragraph on it.

“What are you writing?”

Chen Yan asked.

“Nothing, take notes.”

Cheng Yin covered the book and quickly stuffed it into the drawer.

A few minutes later, she couldn’t help but take it out again and sneak a look.

In the universe.

The stars silently moving in the hundred thousand miles of the Milky Way.

Billions of stars silently spinning and rotating.

A meteor passes by the earth and changes path.

And you are destined to meet me.

This bright star changed its original path around the sun, shifted a hundred thousand miles and met her.

The more Cheng Yin thought about it, the happier she was. The scene from her dream came to her mind.

Perhaps that dream was too real, making her feel like she was in the dream right now.

“Chen Yan.”


“Come here. I’ll whisper something to you.”

Chen Yan leaned over.

His shoulder rubbed against her shoulder. The side of his face was within reach, as if raising his head slightly, she could kiss his chin.

“That …… I ……”

“What whispers?”

Cheng Yin clenched her hands, and her heart beat like thunder.

If Chen Yan was carrying a stethoscope at the moment, he would have gone deaf.

“That …… you ……” Cheng Yin suddenly closed her eyes tightly and said quickly, “Your pant zipper is not zipped! “

Chen Yan: “……?”

In the end, the phrase “I like you” was not said.

Cheng Yin felt she was too timid.

But what can be done? She is nervous.

So she can only eat a piece of cake sent by Chen Yan every day at home.

She couldn’t even afford to eat too much at once.

But on Friday, Cheng Yin left for the bathroom twice in one class.

The second time she came back, her face was white.

Xie Ying turned around and quietly asked, “Did you get ‘that’?”

“No.” Cheng Yin shook her head, “Just diarrhea.”


Diarrhea is very common.

But in the next class, Cheng Yin made another trip to the toilet.

Her face had turned blue when she returned.

“What’s wrong with you?” Chen Yan asked. “What did you eat this morning?”

Cheng Yin slumped on the table. Her strength to speak was gone.

Her stomach hurt so much.

A burst of cramping pain, like an electric drill dancing wildly in her stomach.

At that moment, a hand was pressed against her forehead.

The warm palm, and the familiar smell of his body.

A moment later, Chen Yan withdrew his hand.

“Go to the infirmary.”

Without waiting for Cheng Yin’s answer, Chen Yan said to the teacher on the podium, “Teacher, Cheng Yin is sick. I’ll send her to the infirmary.”

The teacher had already noticed Cheng Yin’s abnormality and naturally did not object.

Chen Yan stood up to make way for the aisle, and Cheng Yin could only slowly stand up, holding her desk and follow Chen Yan out of the classroom.

But she couldn’t make it to the stairs, holding onto the wall and almost crying out.

“It hurts me so much ……”

Suddenly, Cheng Yin was picked up.

Her heart seemed to suddenly hang in the air as well.

Chen Yan carried her down the stairs, walking smoothly, but Cheng Yin felt the sky spinning.

His scent, his breath, all around her.

This is the dream, right?

Cheng Yin really felt that this was a dream. She slowly and carefully raised her hand and hugged Chen Yan’s neck.

He didn’t dodge away.

Cheng Yin’s pale face was a timely blush.

She tightened her arms some more and buried her face in his chest a little.

Medical office.

“It should be food poisoning.” After the initial examination, the doctor asked, “Classmate, what did you eat today?”

Cheng Yin said in a muffled voice: “Milk ……”

The doctor asked, “What else?”

Cheng Yin quietly glanced at Chen Yan and whispered, “Cake ……”

With just that glance, Chen Yan understood the context of the matter.

A breath within his chest jerked up, but he could only helplessly and softly release it.

“How can eat cake and milk become like this ……,” the doctor asked, “Classmate, is it possible that you have eaten expired ones?”

Cheng Yin pursed her lips and nodded her head.

The doctor said a few more words about her and turned around to prescribe her medicine.

Chen Yan has been standing aside without speaking.

Cheng Yin didn’t have the heart to speak.

If Chen Yan knew she couldn’t throw away the cake he gave her, and got herself diarrhea, then she can’t live.

But she didn’t expect this would happen. The cake was clearly in the refrigerator. How can it be spoiled in a week?

A few moments later, Chen Yan stepped forward, bent over, and propped his hands on Cheng Yin’s side.

“Ah Yin.”

He called softly, his voice low, scratching Cheng Yin’s ears.

Chen Yan reached out, brushed away the hair on Cheng Yin’s forehead that wet with cold sweat, fingertips gently slid across her cheek.

“Ah Yin, be a good girl. Don’t eat expired cakes, study hard, get into university. I’ll buy you cakes every day, understand?”

Cheng Yin blinked her eyes.

Buy her a cake every day?

That’s good.

In order to have free cakes to eat every day, she had to get into university.
