Chapter 90: National Day holiday

Chapter 90: National Day holiday

Chapter 90 National Day Holiday

In the bright morning light, the National Day holiday begins.

Early in the morning, Zhou Chao rushed to the airport with his luggage. His home was the farthest from Linchuan, and he was more enthusiastic about going home than anyone else.

Contemporary college students are so weird. When applying for a volunteer, they think that the farther away the better, go to a strange world to enjoy freedom and let themselves go. However, when the holidays come, they wilt, because not only is the journey long, but the travel expenses are also very expensive. Whenever faced with this In this situation, they call themselves idiots without mercy.

This thing of freedom, schools in the neighboring provinces can feel it, but they have to cross half of the territory and go to places where others are tired of living.

Like Zhou Chao, he lives frugally on weekdays, but when it comes to holidays, all his living expenses are spent on air tickets.

Brothers, Im leaving!

Lao Zhou, remember to take the garbage down! Cao Guangyu shouted while sitting on the bed.

Zhou Chao cursed: "Damn, it's so early in the morning, and you make people annoying when you open your mouth!"

Then I wish you a safe journey.

If its a smooth journey, the plane will fall!

Jiang Qin also got up at this time, slowly put on his clothes, slowly opened a pack of yogurt, slowly sipped it, and slowly started to wash up.

Zhou Chao had a suitcase in one hand and a garbage bag in the other, looking extremely envious.

Brother Jiang is such an idiot, you really can't accept it. He chose a school close to home, which seems meaningless, but when the holidays come, he feels full of superiority.

Lao Jiang, Im leaving! Zhou Chao raised his voice, trying to get Jiang Qins blessing.

Jiang Qin held his toothbrush in his mouth and grinned: "Go away. Remember to bring specialties when you come back. If you don't bring specialties, we won't open the door."

One asked me to throw away the trash, and the other asked me to bring specialties. They are really nothing!

Zhou Chao cursed and opened the door, carrying the suitcase and garbage bag and walked out hummingly.

After a while, Jiang Qin finished washing and walked out of the dormitory.

His ticket was for the afternoon, so there was no need to rush during the noon period, so he planned to go to the little rich woman to have breakfast first, then take her to the main office to get the certificate, and then go to 208 to arrange holiday tasks, and then meet Guo Zihang at the train station. .

Feng Nanshu wore a student-like long skirt today, revealing a small section of her green-white jade calf, which clearly revealed her rare purity and agility.

Jiang Qin, has my bosss wife obtained her certificate?

Ill take you to ask after dinner.

Jiang Qin looked at her moist face, moved his fingers, and finally resisted the urge to step forward and give her a pinch.

Damn it, young people are really weird. They have some inexplicable urges when they first get up and when they are going to bed. They want to pinch everything they see. Sooner or later they will be doomed.

So during these seven days, the entire project team only had one thing to do, and that was to stabilize the flow.

The content team needs to continuously provide content and distribute the traffic of the competition to confession walls, anonymous tree holes and other interest areas to form conversions.

When the National Day holiday is over, the final results of the school beauty contest will be announced, which will still bring about a small traffic peak.

However, the retention rate after the small peak is not yet known, so we must be prepared for both.

The first preparation is to prepare for another activity when the traffic continues to decline. The other preparation is to continue to negotiate business cooperation and expand to the entire university town when the retention rate is high enough.

Boss, we dont have enough manpower here.

Wei Lanlan raised her hand to speak, because there are more and more merchants that need to be negotiated now, and the marketing team of the outside editor only has two people, she and Tan Qing, and they are really overwhelmed.

Then well recruit people after we come back. The biggest shortage of people at the university is people. Its best to recruit people who have electric cars and can travel far away.

Jiang Qin finished speaking and announced that the meeting was adjourned, and found Sunai staring at him: "Boss, your membership has expired."

When did it expire?

"last night."

"Do you read it every day? You know it just after it expires?" Jiang Qin looked disgusted.

Dong Wenhao looked at Sunai with some curiosity: "Which membership has expired?"

Nothing, Im a member of the website building video. Sunai pushed up his glasses.

Your technical team is working too hard, isnt it? You type code during the day, and you have to watch videos to learn at night?

Sunai and Jiang Qin laughed together, and performed the expression of smiling face but not laughing at all. Dong Wenhao was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: What did I say wrong again?

After the meeting, Jiang Qin came down from the second floor and planned to go to the main office to find the little rich woman. He found that the little rich woman was standing in front of the window, holding an A4 paper-sized certificate in her hand, with a cold look on her face. Cute.

Have you received the certificate?

I got the wrong one, its not a business owners certificate, its a self-employment certificate.

The boss wife's certificate and the self-employment certificate, except for the certificate, not a single word is the same. Feng Nanshu was visibly unhappy.

He had a cold and unhappy look on his face, which was really oppressive.

Thats right, this is the internship period.


Jiang Qin took the business certificate and took a look at it: "Just like being friends, you have to reach a certain level to become good friends, just like the two of us."

Feng Nanshu looked at him expressionlessly, thinking, just think I'm stupid.

Reading, reading, reading! !