Chapter 156: Can't fall into it anymore

Chapter 156: Can't fall into it anymore

Chapter 156 Cant fall into it anymore

In a blink of an eye, the time came to seven o'clock in the evening.

Just as Jiang Qin expected, after Lantuan successfully completed its first delivery, the orders in the evening period began to surge. The speed was so fast that Sunai couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The reason is actually very simple.

Snowy nights in winter are colder than during the day, so going out is extremely inconvenient and unnecessary.

In addition, most people have seen the little yellow hats in school, as well as their roommates and classmates who have successfully spent money on , so the so-called fear of being cheated and wasting time has been completely dispelled.

The most important thing is that college students are more sensitive to trends and are quick to accept new things.

Door-to-door delivery and discounts, nothing is more attractive than these two points.

So from 12 noon to 7 pm, the orders in the backend continued to increase, and they were summarized and classified by the system. After statistics, orders were generated and sent to merchants and delivery personnel.

The cold-warming items on the pedestrian street are very popular on this snowy day.

Quilts for sleeping, blankets for studying and playing games, fluffy cotton mops, thickened cotton socks, and thickened leggings are almost all must-have products.

In addition, food and beverage goods in supermarkets are also sold very quickly, second only to Nuanbaobao.

Its just that there were no orders from Wanzhong Shopping Mall, which made Jiang Qin feel regretful.

On the one hand, the prices of goods in the mall are not low, and on the other hand, delivery is only available at 8pm every day. These two points are probably the reasons why consumers stay away.

Look, the group delivery guy is here again.

Ah, is it already seven oclock in the evening?

Yes, the last delivery today has come. I ordered some fruits. After all, its winter and the weather is too dry.

I also bought some warm babies to store, the price is very cheap.

Under the cold snowy night, the deliveryman wearing a little yellow hat was chilling and returned with a full load. He rode a tricycle to the school again. When he drove past under the orange street lights, the handsome little yellow hat attracted a lot of people. The eyes of students.

Although the snow has been compacted, which has slowed down the delivery speed and delayed some arrival times, most people understand this.

It was cold and the roads were slippery, and many students fell down in the school. Even the official website issued a safety notice, so everyone didnt have much objection to the delivery being a few minutes late.

Delivery worker Tian Xiangjia even received water from a student when he finished delivering the last building. He felt the slightest warmth inexplicably in this cold night.

He left the dormitory area and found a place to park his tricycle out of the way. Then he took out his mobile phone, opened the calculator, and calculated today's commission.

Its not that I dont know, its just that Im shocked.

Even if he takes out the red envelope he just received, his commission is equivalent to the previous two full-time part-time jobs.

I heard that the boss is a freshman in the School of Finance. Hes really awesome!

Sister, I've got a new job. It's a long-term job. You don't have to be too tired working outside. Maybe I can still earn my little brother's tuition fees!

Tian Xiangjia sent a text message to her sister who was working in a first-tier city, then hummed a song and rode a tricycle south along the road.

Every person born in this world is working hard to fight against fate and look forward to a better future.

Boss, todays last delivery has ended.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, everyone. I have set a table at Shiweitian. You can go and eat first. There is the last wave tonight, and you may have to work harder."

She always thought it was a joke that dogs in love dont talk about each other. They are already in college, who wouldnt want to fall in love sweetly?

It wasnt until later that she learned about the relationship between Jiang Qin and Chu Siqi that she realized that he really didnt believe in love.

Its useless to talk empty talk, right?

But she had truly experienced Chu Siqi's suffocating operation, and she understood where the pain point in Jiang Qin's heart was.

Falling in love is a waste of time for him.

Otherwise, with Sister Fengs face and figure, she would have seduced Jiang Qin.

So, if you do something with a very low success rate like this, its better not to do it, lest you fall too deep into it and end up with a bad ending.

Whats wrong with the mountain? Ive heard the story of Yu Gong since I was a child!

Tang Lin suddenly felt a little unconvinced.

"What's the meaning?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Hong Yan's eyes.

"Isn't there that kind of male protagonist in the novel? I don't like the beautiful daughter, but I like Cinderella. What's more, Hong Yan, you are several levels higher than Cinderella!"

Tang Lin emphasized the word "grade" very hard.

You also said that it is a novel, not reality.

Hong Yan smiled calmly and did not respond further.

She has a high emotional intelligence, so she will not be too emotional when facing things. To put it bluntly, she is very rational.

A rational analysis told her that you have no chance. Dont go any further. It will definitely end badly and you will fall.

So, she began to learn to suppress that feeling.

This is the difference between her and Tang Lin.

Tang Lin did things too hastily and dared to do many things that she was not sure about. In the end, it was all in vain and she was the one who got hurt.

She has advised Tang Lin many times to think before doing something and do it when you are sure, but now it seems that Tang Lin has turned a deaf ear to her words.

Wait a minute, who is Dashan? Cao Xinyue suddenly said.

Tang Lin waved her hand: "That's Feng Nanshu. That face looks like you bribed God. Have you never seen it, senior sister?"

Oh, its Xuemei Feng. Ive seen her many times. Are she and Jiang Qin together?

No, people in the office call her boss lady, but Sister Xuemei said that Jiang Qin has always said that they are good friends.

Apart from the work at the main office, Cao Xinyue spent the rest of her time falling in love with her boyfriend from a different school, so she didn't have much time to explore gossip.

But she didnt know until this moment that Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin had not confirmed their relationship.

Good guy, if you can handle it against an ordinary girl, then forget it, but can you handle Feng Nanshu?

Jiang Qin really carried out the sentence he wrote on the business application form.

Jiang Qin is indeed a very strange person.

Well, I feel like he has a lot on his mind, and his vision of looking at problems is both sharp and cool.

But, its impossible for a person to live without falling in love, right?

I dont know, but I always feel that he has been chasing something and is afraid of something.