Chapter 564: father, mother

Chapter 564: father, mother

Chapter 564 Father, Mother

The birthday banquet for the old lady of the Feng family had been held five days ago, but the main theme was business socializing, especially those in the real estate field, investment community, and foreign trade. Many people came.

There are also bank presidents, telecom company executives, and some traditional manufacturing bosses.

Old Mrs. Feng is not in good health and it is difficult to meet guests.

So, in the past few days, Feng Shihua and Qin Jingqiu have been entertaining guests.

The little rich woman has always been with the old lady, and occasionally she will accompany her uncle and aunt to meet some relatives.

When the banquet with guests and friends was over, there was a moment of tranquility here.

The birthday banquet with Mrs. Feng as the real protagonist was on the fourth day. All the guests attending the banquet were very close relatives, as well as companies and leaders who cooperated very closely.

Feng Nanshu sat next to her aunt, looking at the people in evening gowns, changing glasses between glasses of wine, with a slightly silly expression.

Actually, she is a little incompatible with the Feng family.

Even the relatives invited to celebrate her birthday seemed strange to her.

Even not as friendly as the plainly dressed third uncle, second grandma, sixth aunt, and third aunt from Hongrong Homestead.

She could run all the way to the third uncle's shop and shout, "Jiang Qin's family is here," but she couldn't say that she was the eldest daughter of the Feng family.

So she didnt know what to do, except eating and just being alone in a daze.

Some distant relatives of the Feng family are actually a bit unfamiliar with Feng Nanshu.

When she was introduced as Feng Shirongs eldest daughter, everyone, whether relatives or close friends, was stunned for a moment.

Then he was very friendly, but behind his back he muttered that the Feng family boss only has one son.

In fact, this situation is not surprising.

It was her mother who protected her so well that no outsiders knew about her.

In this way, no one will remember that the eldest son of the Feng family has his first wife.

Then the banquet officially started, and there was an endless stream of people joining in to toast.

Feng Shihua's presence is slightly lower. The first person most people in the business and political circles look for is not him, but Qin Jingqiu.

But Feng Shihua himself was not very interested in this kind of business social interaction. He would chat a few words when someone came, and when no one came, he would discuss Jiang Qin with Feng Nanshu, and the whole time he would be indifferent and leisurely.

Uncle, when can I go back?nove(l)bi(n.)com

Do you miss Jiang Qin?

Feng Nanshu nodded slightly.

Feng Shihua looked at Qin Jingqiu: "Didn't your aunt borrow it for a week?"

Return it early so that it will be easier to borrow next time!

Girl, you can really turn your elbows out.

Feng Nanshu narrowed his eyes: "I will come to see my uncle and aunt next time."

After Qin Jingqiu finished chatting with the Southeast Asian foreign trade king, she couldn't help but come over and take a look at them: "You guys, just look at me toasting alone, and I'm sitting quite peacefully."

Wife, you know my temper, I dont like this kind of situation.

Auntie, you know what I am afraid of.

Hearing these words, Feng Shihua paused in his action of pouring tea, and then said calmly: "It's all his own business, it makes a difference who does it."

Feng Shirong frowned and looked at him: "If it's all the same, why did Qin Jingqiu establish Qin's Real Estate and consume so many resources of Feng Shi Real Estate in just a few years?"

Fengshi Real Estate is too bloated. It wanted to touch every industry before and established a large number of useless departments. Jingqiu and I have discussed that the purpose of establishing Qinshi Real Estate is to move lightly and transform into the new commercial real estate field.

Okay, its okay to set up a new company, but why does this company end up with the surname Qin?

Feng Shihua pushed the cup in front of his eldest brother: "It's just a name, is it that important?"

Feng Shirong stretched out his hand to block the tea cup: "Don't evade the important and take the easy. You just don't want to do business, you are not a fool!"

Brother, back then you invested all your funds abroad and discussed leaving one person to take care of the domestic business. Jingqiu is more capable than me and is far more suitable than me. This was agreed upon by you and your father!

Agreeing doesnt mean you have to change your surname. Look at the management of Qins Real Estate. They are all named Qin!

Feng Shihua took a sip from the tea cup, and after a long while he quietly said: "How much money did you lose abroad?"

Feng Shirong was silent for a moment: "You don't need to worry about this, but what I mean is also what my father means. I know that you two have a good relationship as a couple, but Qin Jingqiu can't have a baby. Now all the people in the company are named Qin. In the future, Feng Shirong Whose property will it belong to? Arent you worried?

Feng Shihua frowned: "We agreed not to discuss this kind of thing anymore."

Feng Shirong picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said nothing for a long time.

Three minutes later, Feng Shirong got up and left the study and came to the living room.

Feng Shirong had already adjusted himself, came to the sofa, picked up his son, and carried him on his shoulders: "Let's go, daddy will take you to visit his hometown."

Duan Ying chuckled and hit him: "Slow down, don't drop your son!"

"I know, I know."

Feng Shirong bounced up twice, making the little boy giggle, and then like a loving father, he walked towards the door.

Just after taking a few steps, Feng Shirong was slightly startled, and then turned his head: "I almost forgot, Nan Shu, will you go back with us?"

Feng Shirong also has a villa in Sheshan Manor, not far next door. Although he only comes back occasionally during the Chinese New Year, it is not abandoned because there is a servant to take care of it.

There was a report in the news that a rich man bought a villa everywhere but could not live in it, and ended up being used by a nanny and a housekeeper. In fact, the situation was similar to this.

Feng Nanshu followed the family of three silently into his "home" and sat on the sofa.

As soon as Feng Shirong entered, he stretched out and walked around. Duan Ying put her son on the sofa, whispered a few words, then stepped forward and hugged Feng Shirong.

At this time, the little boy turned to look at Feng Nanshu and looked her up and down.

Why did you come to my house?

The little boy spoke American English, and his eyebrows knitted together as he spoke: "Don't you have a home of your own?"

Feng Nanshu was silent for a second, and answered him in English: "Of course I...have a family."

Where is your home?

In Unit 502, Building 7, Hongrong Homes, Jinshan Street, Jeju City.

"Then why don't you go back to your own home? What are you doing at my house?"

The little boy plays with the toy car in his hand, demonstrating the right of children to speak freely.

Feng Nanshu quietly shrank his feet, pursed his lips and sat on the sofa without saying anything.

Then she saw the little boy suddenly stand up from the sofa, run quickly towards Duan Ying, then put his arms around Feng Shirong's neck, and call him daddy affectionately.

From beginning to end, Feng Nanshu didnt know his name, and her father didnt seem to intend to tell her, as if it wasnt important.