He told her so firmly not to report it. Is this a threat, or is it reckless?

He is not afraid of her report, is it just because he has the video? But she was not afraid of that kind of blackmail. She was the victim. It was the people who started at her, not her! She won't be blackmailed by that kind of thing and let herself sink into the filth. She won't!

And he prepared for revenge so long, don't you know her character?

"Ms. He? What's wrong with you, Ms. He? " The young policeman asked her with concern.

He Yan suddenly stood up and went out.

Outside the building, the weather is beautiful, and the unique hot sun in late autumn is hanging high above your head, and you can enjoy the last passion. There is only a line between the sun and the shade. Crossing the past is like entering another world.

Her mind is in a mess. She calls Liang yuanze again, but she still can't answer. She stood beside the car, with cold metal on her head, and said to herself, "He Yan, calm down, calm down, you must calm down."

She went to the security room of the community and asked to see the surveillance video of last night for the reason that the property in the car was stolen. In the video, you can clearly see "she" parking the car, not in a hurry to leave the monitoring area. He Yan's heart jumped uncontrollably in the chest, "what about the monitoring in the hall? And in the elevator! "

The security guard looked at her in surprise and asked, "isn't something lost in the car?"

She didn't have the heart to explain to him. At her insistence, the security personnel called out the videos recorded by other cameras in the same period of time. The "she" there walked through the hall, entered the elevator and walked out of the elevator on the floor where she lived.

If it wasn't for her tenacity, he Yan would have thought she was crazy. Her body trembled faintly. She sat alone in the security room staring at the blurred video until all the pictures suddenly turned black and stopped.

Her heart moved, and then called the security personnel to ask: "what's the matter? Why not here? "

"Oh, the monitoring line of the community broke down in the last midnight, and it was just repaired in the morning." Security personnel explained.

He Yan almost instantly understood that they took advantage of that period of time to send her back home in a coma, and the "she" also took the opportunity to leave. You don't have to think about it. Even if there is monitoring there, the recorded process should be almost the same as here. If this is a trap, Fu Shenxing must have prepared carefully for a long time, paying attention to everything, and making people find no flaw perfectly.

Sure enough, she can't report to the police. No one will believe her. Instead, they will treat her as a madman.

She went home and sat on the sofa. When night fell outside the window, her mobile phone suddenly rang. The voice was abrupt and harsh. A mobile phone number was displayed on the screen. She had a good memory and recognized it as Fu Shenxing's mobile phone number.

He Yan closed her eyes and pressed the answer button. She said calmly, "Shen Zhijie, I didn't report the case."

"You are very clever, master ho." Fu Shenxing said.

She gently pressed the record button on her phone, trying to control her emotions and try to make things clear. "You've designed it for a long time, haven't you? He stole me from the hotel and got someone to drive home pretending to be me. Who is the man who pretends to be me? Where did you find someone like me

He corrected her: "it doesn't look like it, it just looks like it."

"Well, your design is perfect." "Shen Zhijie, I'm really curious. How did you escape from the guard room? I went to see police officer Chen who handled the case before. He said that you were executed. How did you escape from death? "

Fu Shenxing's deep laughter came from the microphone. He said, "He Yan, you are recording, aren't you? It's no use. Everything you do is in vain. Be obedient so that your family may not be hurt. "

He Yan's mouth and nose seem to be covered by people, even feel difficult to breathe for a moment, "what do you want to do?"

"Play our game."

"You're threatening me with my family, aren't you?" She asked in a stiff voice.

"Yes." "They are my chips," he confessed. Don't break the rules of the game, Mr. ho. Don't try my patience again. "

It was a while before she could say, "if I listen, won't you hurt my family?"

He chuckled and asked her, "master he, don't you find that I have to keep my promise more than you?"

She clenched her teeth and asked, "when will the game end?"

"When I get bored." He replied, stopped for a moment, and then said, "master Ho, your fiance has called you again."

Sure enough, her mobile phone immediately showed another incoming call prompt.

"Come on, Mr. He, but I don't think it's necessary for your family to know about our game. What do you say?" He reminded, and finally said, "and please remember, my name is Fu Shenxing."She had a short conversation with Liang yuanze, who took time to dial this call in the spare time of training. He was a little worried about her because no one answered her cell phone several times before. He Yan didn't dare to speak, for fear that she could not help crying out, and that her phone calls with her fiance would be tapped.

Liang yuanze was still very keen to detect her strangeness and asked, "what's the matter? It sounds dull. "

"Oh, a little cold." She answered in a hoarse voice, and finally found an excuse not to be covered up. "The nose is stuffy and the tears are flowing."

"Little fool!" He laughed, both heartache and funny, "I've been away from home for a few days, and you're just like that."

He Yan tearful, murmured in a low voice: "I miss you, yuanze."

"I miss you, Yanyan." He lowered his voice in response and couldn't help laughing: "OK, stop talking. We're going to start. I have to turn off my cell phone."

Liang yuanze hung up the phone. He Yan was in a daze with her mobile phone. There was no record of her conversation with Fu Shenxing. Naturally, there was no recording. She was able to confirm that he must have touched the phone. She was considering how to deal with it. She received another message: do not change your mobile phone, and continue to use it.

Her spirit has been almost numb, go to the bathroom in the dark to wash her face, and then call her parents when her voice improves. Two old people just returned to the hotel from outside, excitedly told her the interesting stories of the journey. She said very little, only quietly listening, and finally told them: "pay attention to safety."

The next day she went to the School Park as if everything was as usual. Towards noon, the boy she helped came to the office to look for her and asked carefully, "Mr. He, are you angry with me? I didn't even answer my phone yesterday. "

She didn't answer. She just looked up at him, wondering whether he was bought by Fu Shenxing or used by him.

The boy misunderstood her silence and explained in a low voice: "the night before yesterday, I was waiting for you outside of" being in the sky ". Later, I left for a while. When I came back, I saw you driving away. I called you twice. You may not have heard me."

Even when she encountered such a thing, she was still willing to believe that there was kindness in the world. He Yan reluctantly smiles, "it's really not heard. I'm fine. Thank you."

Life seems to have returned to tranquility. Fu Shenxing is like a monster sneaking in the water. He drags her into the dark bottom of the water, insults her wantonly, and then disappears.

Her parents, who had been out for more than a month, returned to Nanzhao first. He Yan went to eat with them. He's mother mentioned a thrill in the journey.

"Oh, Yan Yan, you don't know what happened to us. It was the time when you told us to pay attention to safety. In the middle of the night, I heard someone knocking on the wall next door, and your father and I were all woken up. Your father was so angry that he knocked back twice, and there was no movement. Guess what? The next day I heard that someone was killed in the next room, and there was a word "Shen" written in blood on the wall. Scared to death! I don't know whether it was a man or a ghost who knocked on the wall. Your father and I changed the hotel quickly! "

He Yan's face was white and her hands were shaking. She couldn't hold her chopsticks. She almost lost her temper on the spot.

In the evening before Liang yuanze returned home, he Yan again received a call from Fu Shenxing. He said: "master he, come and help me to accompany a guest in the evening. The car is waiting for you outside the school park."

With the tone of discussion, but did not give her a chance to refuse.

She sat in the office, took the knife out of the drawer and played with it silently. After hesitation, she put it back again. She can't take risks, she has no chance to fail.

A black car carried He Yan to a villa on the mountain, where a small party was being held, with confused music and dim lights. In addition, there were indulgent men and young girls everywhere. When people walked in, it was like falling into a goblin hole.

He Yan's dress and here are too out of place, a door attracted a lot of people's eyes. She paid no attention to it. She looked around the door and found Fu Shenxing, who was leaning against the window, and went straight to him.

"Mr. Fu." She stood in front of him and said hello to him calmly.

Fu Shenxing is talking to people with a glass in his hand. Although he nestles in two young models, his clothes are still neat. He turned his head and glanced at He Yan faintly. He pointed to the leather sofa in the distance with his hand holding the wine cup, and told her to go and accompany boss Zhang

She looked in the direction he pointed to. It was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was fat, with half bald hair and a faint oily face. His appearance was almost obscene. The man he Yan has been staring at her when he enters the door, her eyes are some wrong. She did not refuse, obediently went over, just sat down on the sofa, the man's fat body was close to, he took her hand, smile asked her: "beauty, you do not do this line of work?"

"No He Yan replied.

"No! It's not clean in this business! " The fat man slapped her on the thigh with his palm and never left. She did not change her complexion, but she was still sliding slowly on her leg by his hand. She did not look at Fu Shenxing.The fat man's hands become more and more dishonest, and soon can't satisfy the harassment of clothes. He Yan can't bear it any more. She presses his hand, but she says with a smile: "boss Zhang, don't do this. It's embarrassing to see him."

Fat man salivated with a smile, "shy? Be shy. It's fun to play. I like a good woman like you best

His voice is not low, immediately someone coax, "boss Zhang, let's open our eyes."

Boss Zhang hears the speech and laughs. He actually presses her on the sofa. She refused, but her hand secretly felt into her purse, but she just put it in, but her wrist was held by someone.

A Jiang did not know when came to the back of the sofa, a big palm tightly grasped her slender wrist, and asked her without expression: "what do you want to touch?"

The noisy and disorderly room suddenly quieted down. Boss Zhang was also stunned and looked down at He Yan strangely.

He Yan so half back on the sofa, calmly looking at a Jiang, reply: "nothing."

However, a Jiang didn't believe it. He pulled her hand out of the bag with a little effort. She clenched her hand tightly and ordered in a cold voice: "what's in the hand?"

She did not answer, but turned to Fu Shenxing. He was still leaning against the window and looking at her. The corners of his lips were slightly raised with a trace of mockery, as if he had been waiting for the play for a long time. So she raised her mouth a little bit, opened her hands slowly, revealed one of the small square boxes, and asked him, "Mr. Fu, is it even forbidden to use it?"

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