"I wanted to report to the police," Chen Heguo replied, "but grandma said that only this note can't be called evidence, even if I go to report it, there will be no result. She said that she might as well ask her father's colleagues to help with the investigation, but before we could find them, my father's colleagues first came to our home and asked for Dad's Notepad, saying that all the records in it were classified and needed to be taken back and dealt with. "

"Why didn't you give it?" He Yanqi way, Notepad is still in the hands of the young girl, obviously Chen police officer's mother did not hand in her son's remains.

"Because grandma said it to them, we don't have any other clues or evidence. What's more, grandma also felt that something was wrong. We had looked through the notepad and found that the contents were not so important. Most of them were doubts and some discoveries that my father met in handling the case. I couldn't get them in person. Moreover, my father wrote a lot of such notebooks, which were kept at home and not handed in to the unit. "

The young girl's face showed a trace of cunning and complacency, and then said: "so grandma took a word to test, saying that father had mentioned that he was looking into a big case before he died. The accident may not be so simple. Moreover, dad has always been very careful in driving, so he will not rush to the road. But the person who went to our house didn't pay attention to this at all, and said that my grandmother thought too much, and advised her to take it easy. My grandmother hid the notebook and lied to them that it had been burned as a relic to my father

He Yan felt a little surprised that Chen's mother, who had never met, was obviously a scheming old man. She was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked Chen Heguo, "why do you trust me so much and tell me so many things?"

Chen's mother couldn't even trust her son's colleagues on such an important matter. Why could she trust her and allow her granddaughter to tell her the whole thing? Just because she left this note? With this alone, can this pair of grandchildren trust her like this?

Looking at her, Chen Heguo suddenly laughed and replied, "I showed my grandmother yesterday's group photo. She said she could trust you. Your body language shows your heart. You hate the man around you, but you have to deal with him."

He Yan was stunned for a moment, then she laughed at herself and said, "I really want to visit your grandmother when I have a chance. Also, don't send your group photo to Fu Shenxing. I don't want to give up all my previous achievements. "

"OK, no problem. He didn't leave my contact information anyway." Chen Heguo nodded, staring at He Yan, and asked her, "master he, can you tell me why you wrote that note to my father now? What happened between you and Fu Shenxing? "

He Yan couldn't help thinking about how to tell the whole story, especially when there was such a wise old man behind the young girl. She didn't know whether there was any reason for the death of police officer Chen. Fu Shenxing killed officer Chen because he asked him to verify his identity, or was it just revenge for the arrest of officer Chen four years ago.

There is a great difference between the two. If it is the former, it can be said that she brought disaster to police officer Chen. While hating Fu Shenxing, the grandparents and grandchildren may also have resentment against her. If it is the latter, they will be her most reliable and solid allies.

After careful consideration, he Yan still chose to tell the truth without reservation. She looked at Chen Heguo candidly and said, "four years ago, your father handled a case. A female victim encountered three dark forces in his car at night. I don't want to elaborate on the process. Finally, she killed the weakest one, and then hit the other one by driving The most fierce and cunning one escaped. This case was solved by your father. Eleven days after the crime, he caught the third bandit, Shen Zhijie. He was sentenced to death and executed three years ago. "

Chen Heguo looks at He Yan and opens his mouth.

He Yan frankly said: "you did not guess wrong, that female victim is me."

Chen Heguo had sympathy on his face, but he was more puzzled and asked, "what is the relationship between this case and Fu Shenxing?"

"Three months ago, a man who looked very similar to Shen Zhijie came to me and went out of school for a student in my school room. He was Fu Shenxing. I was extremely shocked and frightened at that time, so I went to your father for help and asked him to verify whether Shen Zhijie was really dead and whether Fu Shenxing's identity really existed

Chen Heguo was almost stunned and looked at He Yan with disbelief, "is Fu Shenxing and Shen Zhijie one person?"

Instead of being interrupted by her question, he Yan continued to follow her own train of thought and said, "a few days later, your father wrote back to me saying that Fu Shenxing was real and Shen Zhijie was indeed dead. Later, Fu Shenxing hijacked me, took the video, and blackmailed me. When I escaped to report the case, I learned the news of your father's death. "

"Have you ever reported it? What did the police do with it? Why didn't Fu Shenxing be arrested? " Chen Heguo asked.

"I didn't report it." He Yan chuckled bitterly and added, "because I realized that he had made preparations and smoothed all the evidence. In the surveillance video I could find, another" I "had returned home normally on the night he hijacked me, and he was not hijacked at all. In order not to be treated as a madman, I have to withdraw the reportChen Heguo frowned, as if he could not understand what she said. After a long time, he murmured: "grandma also said that we can't report to the police first, because the bad people who killed my father are very strong. If we don't have strong evidence, we will report to the police. We can only scare the snake and make the bad guys have precautions."

With such a smart old man there, he Yan even felt a little lucky. She said, "Chen Heguo, go back and tell your grandmother everything I told you. If she thinks I can be your companion, you can go to the Foreign Language Department of H University and we will study how to do it. Remember, don't call me, my phone has been monitored by Fu Shenxing. "

She lifted her bowl to look at her watch. Counting the closing time of the opening ceremony of the forum, she said to Chen Heguo, "now, leave as soon as possible. Don't try to get close to Fu Shenxing. He is very dangerous. I admit your courage, but I don't think rashness is also a kind of courage

Chen Heguo said nothing more and left in silence.

After she left, he Yan didn't waste any time. She rushed to the bathroom, stripped off her clothes and took a cold shower. Then, she turned the hair dryer to the maximum cold wind position, blowing directly at the wet scalp. After a little dry, she went to wash the cold water, and then came back to blow the cold air. This cycle goes back and forth? An hour later, she finally got a cold.

It was nearly six o'clock, and it was about time for dinner. She wiped her body thoroughly, dressed herself and went out. Colleagues at the service desk looked at her back and asked her with concern: "are you better? Why do you look so ugly? "

"It's OK." He Yan reluctantly smiles and silently takes out her mobile phone. She carefully deletes several phone records with Liang yuanze, leaving only one on the phone record Fu Shenxing called her last night. Then she takes a deep breath and presses down the one belonging to Fu Shenxing with her fingertips.

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