"We don't want to break up, just stay apart for a while, and calm down, OK?" He was making his last effort, smiling at her reluctantly, and saying, "we have been in love for so many years and stuck together all day. It's natural for us to feel bored for a moment. Let's separate. I'll let you try another relationship. Maybe you'll find that you don't love him. You just want to be fresh. "

On the way, he couldn't speak any more. He bowed his head in embarrassment, put his hands on his forehead and murmured after a while, "He Yan, I don't believe I don't believe you don't love me any more. We're still as good as before. What has happened to you to do this? "

He Yan didn't speak. She wanted to touch his hand, but she put it down on the way. She just whispered, "yuanze, do you remember? We have already agreed that we will never say anything embarrassing to ourselves or do anything to embarrass the other party. So, that's the end. "

That is what they said when they just fell in love. He grinned bitterly and answered her, "OK."

She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "can my parents not tell them? I'll tell them you went abroad for training. I'll tell them when the opportunity is right. "

"Whatever you want." He replied, stopped, and then said, "I'll pack up my things and move them away as soon as possible

Previously, she heard that heartache would break, but she only felt that it was exaggeration. But at this moment, she realized that the pain really ran through her heart. People did not dare to breathe with a big mouth. It would hurt when inhaling, but it would still hurt when exhaling. So she didn't dare to breathe and held her breath. She said to him, "OK."

Perhaps there are few lovers in the world like them. When they are together, they love each other. When they are separated, they do not argue or quarrel. That is to say, they all leave each other politely. He made his promise to her. If she didn't love her, he would let her go because he still loved her. When he left, she sent him downstairs and said, "because we loved each other deeply, we couldn't be friends. We deleted each other's contact information and became strangers."

"How can I delete what's in my head? Can I erase my memory? " He asked with a smile, then spread out his hand to her and said, "He Yan, if you have any pills that can erase your memory, please give me two, OK?"

She didn't respond to him. She turned around before she shed tears and strode forward. She didn't dare to turn back or stop. She just kept silent in her heart: yuanze, live a good life for me, live for me, live in the sun, wait for me, wait for me to come back. If you were still here at that time, we would be together.

And now, every step I take away from you, you're safe.

A black luxury car came from afar, and slowly stopped in front of He Yan. The door opened automatically. Fu Shenxing sat in the spacious car and looked at her, and said, "get on the bus."

He Yan knew that Liang yuanze was still standing in the distance to see her, still did not look back, did not hesitate to get into the car. But when the door was closed, the scenery outside the car moved back from slow to fast. Finally, she could not bear the pain of tearing her heart. She bent forward a little bit, covered her face and sobbed.

"Reluctant?" The man next to her asked in a cold voice.

She seemed to realize that he was sitting beside her. She sat up straight and wiped the tears with her hands. She said frankly, "yes, I can't give up."

Fu Shenxing sneered, "then why break up?"

"Because I love him, because he loves me." She said, but after a moment of sarcastic smile, and said: "forget it, and you will not understand people like you."

He seems to be in a good mood today. He is very tolerant. He doesn't care much about her offensive words. He just chuckles when he hears the words. He is interested in teasing her and says, "what does it matter if you understand or not? No matter how much you love him, you have broken up with him. Your people are lying under me. Does it matter to me who you love and who loves you? "

"And," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder, going up a little bit along her shoulder neck, and finally crossing her face, he said with a smile, "the more it is, the more interesting it will be, OK?"

She doesn't understand. She's not a pervert. She won't understand!

"You call me a pervert again, don't you?" He asked, chuckling.

She didn't answer. She just closed her teeth and pressed the corners of her lips.

But her reaction was already a kind of answer. He could not help picking the corners of his lips and starting from the mischievous heart, he approached her a little bit, gently brushed her cheek, and finally pressed it to her ear, and slowly said, "in fact, I'm not abnormal enough, you know? Otherwise, I would have been in front of Liang yuanze. "

He Yan couldn't stand it any longer. She raised her hand to his face, but before she could touch it, she held her wrist. He was not angry or angry. Instead, he laughed more and more happily. He even put his head on her cheek and pecked her quickly. Then he let go of her and sat back.

She was staring at him, hoping to frustrate him.

But he turned a blind eye, calmly took the newspaper, shook open, and ordered a Jiang in front of him: "send her to the school park first."

The campus still looks like that, or has quietly changed, but she has no psychological will. She has been independent since she was a child. She thinks that although she was born a woman, her heart is tough and strong. Even though she suffered the terrible disaster four years ago, she still stubbornly got up and started her life again.He Yan has always thought that she is very strong, strong enough to face all the suffering and suffering alone, but until this moment, she deeply understood that the reason why she can be so strong is that there is Liang yuanze behind her, who has been quietly standing behind her, giving her framed strength and hope.

And now, he's not here.

She was in a trance all day. In the afternoon, her mobile phone rang for a long time, and she didn't notice it until her colleagues made a warning. That's Liang yuanze's number. She engraved it in her mind, something she couldn't delete. She almost bit her teeth, this just pressed the reject button, but then the phone rang again, it was still him.

This situation has attracted the attention of colleagues. He Yan has no choice but to pick it up. Before he can make a voice, Liang yuanze asks in a hurry on the phone: "Yan Yan, what are you hiding from me? What's going on here? "

He Yan heart a Lin, strong from calm asked him: "what do you say?"

"as like as two peas forenoon, I saw the man who drove you in the morning." He replied, emotional, "Yan Yan, you can't fall in love with him. Tell me, what's going on? How could you fall in love with him? You can't fall in love with him! "

In the morning, he saw her get on the black car. He guessed that it was the man named He Yan who was lost. With a strong sense of jealousy, he wrote down the license plate number and tried to find out the owner of the car, Fu Shenxing, President of Fu's enterprise.

At the first sight of the man, he was extremely shocked, and he had already determined that he Yan could not fall in love with the man in the photo, who made her deeply afraid and brought her countless nightmares.

What did she hide from him?

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