It was too close for her to pretend that she couldn't hear. She could only look at him in surprise and look up at him.

At the moment of their eyes touching each other, Fu Shenxing's eyes flashed and subconsciously lowered their eyes to avoid her eyes. He regretted that he should not answer the call in front of He Yan. At the same time, he hated Chen Heguo more and felt that her call was baffling.

At this time, he obviously can't take the phone to another place to answer, then cold voice, indifferent to ask Chen Heguo: "what's the matter?"

After a moment of silence on the phone, Chen Heguo said: "nothing. I just want to say sorry to you. I shouldn't have suspected you like that because of something that hasn't been confirmed, and I'll do it -- "

" it's not necessary. " Fu Shenxing did not dare to ask Chen Heguo to go on. He immediately interrupted her. He wanted to have a look at He Yan's expression, but he didn't have the courage. He said to Chen Heguo in a cold voice: "I don't want to mention the past. Goodbye."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Heguo called again and asked, "when will I return the fingerprint paper to you? I'll send it to you when it's convenient for you. "

When the receiver was too close, he Yan could hear Chen Heguo's every sentence clearly. She had almost outlined the whole thing. She felt that she didn't need to listen any more and didn't want to witness Chen Heguo's stupidity. So she took Fu Shenxing's hand, put her mobile phone into his hand, sneered at him, and turned out of the kitchen.

He Yan went to the bedroom to change clothes. Just as she took off her pajamas, the door was pushed open. She didn't look back. She said coldly, "please knock on the door next time."

There was no response behind her. She covered her chest with her clothes and turned back to see him. Fu Shenxing was still wearing a floral apron in front of her, and the cuffs of his shirt were pulled up high and high. She looked like a housewife and put on a model's high and cold posture. She leaned against the door and looked at her silently.

She didn't want to be fussy at this juncture. When she looked at him, she laughed and asked him, "can I take a picture of you?" She said, casually put on her sweater, took a mobile phone to pose for him to take a picture, and joked: "take it out and sell it to gossip magazines. Maybe you can make a small profit."

Looking at her like this, Fu Shenxing felt a little relieved. He actually stood there and let her take a few pictures. Then he came forward with a smile and threw her down on the bed and said, "such photos are not worth money. It's better to take some bed photos and sell them to the crisis Public Relations Department of Fu's enterprise."

"Good idea," she said with a nod

Both of them couldn't help laughing again. He stood on top of her and looked for a moment. Then he suddenly explained, "a Yan, I still have some things to do with the Chen family. This will have something to do with the little girl. Don't think about it. It has nothing to do with you."

He Yan was like a mirror in her heart. She just wanted to sneer at her words, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. She only said, "since it has nothing to do with me, don't tell me about these things. I don't ask, and you don't say, OK? " After saying that, she was afraid that she would show too indifference and arouse his suspicion. She hesitated for a moment and then said, "however, I still want to advise you that you should be forgiven."

Fu Shenxing looked at her face carefully and finally said, "good."

She took a deep breath, made a cheerful appearance again, and pushed him hard, "get up quickly, don't you mean to go to the cinema? Come on, don't be late. "

Both of them seemed to want to forget the incident as soon as possible. He laughed and Yiyan got up, watched her dress, and then took her out. Fu Yan went back to see the movie after midnight.

She saw that he didn't mean to leave and didn't drive him away. She just took the quilt and gave it to him. She said, "you can sleep in my room. I'll sleep in my parents' room."

Fu Shenxing was a little surprised. He grabbed her and asked, "why?"

She clearly didn't want to have a relationship with him at home, but she answered him solemnly: "are you going to celebrate the new year? It's very exquisite. Even if you don't need to fast and bathe in advance, you should pay attention to it. It's also a respect for your ancestor Fu. Do you understand? "

He really did not understand these, did not feel smile, still grasp her not to let go, way: "I don't touch you, you sleep with me."

You can't help but roll your eyes! Let go and sleep by yourself, or I will drive you out. "

He reluctantly let go.

He Yan went to the door, but stopped again, turned back and said to him, "don't call me tomorrow morning. My physiological period is coming and I'm very angry. There's food in the fridge. Just heat it up in the microwave

With her words, Fu Shenxing did not wake her up the next morning. Hearing him out of the door, she got up from the bed and went to the window to look down. There was a car waiting for him downstairs. Ah Jiang didn't know when he was coming. He stood outside the car until Fu Shenxing went out, and immediately opened the door for him.

Until the car disappeared, he Yan did not feel relieved. She went to her bedroom, opened the drawer beside the bed, and carefully looked at the location of the mobile phone and ID card. It didn't look like someone had moved it. She turned on her mobile phone again, looked up the train timetable of the first night, and firmly remembered all the trains that might be used. She even didn't ignore the cities these trains would pass through and which trains could be transferred to.Thanks to her excellent memory, she was forced to recite all her possible escape routes before noon. The next thing is to wait. All day, Fu Shenxing didn't make any noise there. At night, he called her and asked her, "what are you doing?"

She was obviously sitting on the sofa in a daze at the TV program, but she answered him with a smile: "how about you at the party?"

"Watch the children set off firecrackers. It's noisy. Listen." He replied, as if he had taken the phone a little farther away and told her to listen to the voices. The noise came through the receiver, and the children's cheers and laughter were echoed in the crackling explosion, which was in sharp contrast to her loneliness and desolation at the moment.

He Yan's heart hatred suddenly lifted up, if not the man on the phone, sitting in front of the TV should be her family of four, or, at the moment, she and Liang yuanze are accompanying their parents on a trip. In any case, it will not be her alone in front of the TV, watching the reunion and excitement of others.

People are more likely to lose control of their emotions under heavy pressure. She almost broke her teeth, which broke the phone in her hand. When he asked her whether she heard her, she said with a smile: "it's noisy enough. Thanks to the fact that firecrackers are not allowed in the city, otherwise you can't watch TV."

Fu Shenxing laughed twice. It seemed that someone called him there. He didn't care to talk to her any more and hung up the phone.

He managed well here. When the New Year bell was about to ring on TV, when his mother suddenly called, he Yan couldn't control her mood. Her eyes turned red. She mumbled her nose and asked her, "why did you call so early? What time are you there?"

"At six o'clock, I don't get so much sleep when I'm old. Your father and I wake up early." He's mother replied and said, "it's twelve o'clock at home, isn't it? I'm afraid I made a mistake. I asked someone to ask me yesterday. Do you keep up with the new year? Come on, pay New Year's greetings to your father and me. "

He Yan didn't want the old lady to step on the phone. It was for this reason that she broke her tears into a smile. She quickly said goodbye to her parents on the phone and asked, "is it fun there?"

"Not bad. That's all." He's mother replied with a little disapproval. She sighed again and said, "well, since ancient times, there are only those careless children, but not cruel parents. If you want to leave you at home alone, your father and I have no mind to play. Don't look at your father's mouth don't say, but that face pulls quickly, has two feet long, who saw all dare not provoke. "

He Yan laughed and made up a lie to cheat her mother, "I'm very good at home. I went out with my friends during the day. They just sent me back, and they made an appointment to go to incense in the morning. You don't have to think about me. Have fun there and pay more attention to your safety. "

She said happily, and his mother believed it, which made her more happy. She told him where they had gone in the past two days and where they were going next. She said, "the plane flies directly to New York in the evening, and stays there for two days, and then goes to Washington."

He Yan knows more about her parents' itinerary than they do. But she still listens patiently and interrupts from time to time to ask. The mother and daughter have been chatting for more than half an hour. He's mother brings her fiance and talks to her daughter. She calls up He Yan's cell phone and ends the call.

The mobile phone in the palm is a little hot, but the temperature also drives out the coolness in her heart. She no longer consumes it in front of the TV set. She turns off her mobile phone and climbs to bed to sleep. She wants to save enough physical strength and spirit, so that she can face the escape after 24 hours.

On the first day of the new year's day, Fu Shenxing was so busy that he didn't even call. When it was dark, he Yan checked her belongings again, put her backpack into the closet, and then sat quietly on the head of the bed, waiting for Liang yuanze's news.

The new mobile phone has been turned on, and the old one is also on hand. She silently ponders the unexpected situation that may happen. Once she receives a call from Liang yuanze, she will delete all the information on the old mobile phone before going out, and then casually throw it to the place where people can pick it up, so as to disturb Fu Shenxing's sight.

The closer the time is, the more difficult it will be. Near one o'clock in the night, the phone call that she had been waiting for finally came. Although Liang yuanze's voice was steady, the tension inside was obvious. "Yan Yan Yan, I have picked up my parents, and the person who is following is still in the hotel and has not been found."

She took a deep breath and said, "OK, I'll go to the station right now. You should hold your parents and tell them the truth after I get out of the car." As she explained, she took out her backpack from the closet and just carried it to her body. Unexpectedly, another mobile phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

In the silent darkness, the voice was abrupt and loud, which made her shiver and almost lost her mobile phone. Liang yuanze obviously also heard the cell phone ringing over there. He restrained his impatience and said in a deep voice: "Yan Yan, don't panic. Let's see who's calling."

He Yan shook her hands and took out the mobile phone. Seeing the words "Fu Shenxing" on it, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom. The bell kept ringing, and it was obvious that the man would not give up until she received the call. Her fingers trembled so much that she could hardly press the key to answer the phone. Fu Shenxing's voice came out of the receiver. "Ah Yan, get up and open the door. I'm outside." , the fastest update of the webnovel!