A few days later, it was the Christmas holiday. He Yan and Liang yuanze took a car to the supermarket to buy things at a discount. They didn't come back until it was dark. The bus stopped at the intersection, they got off with things and walked a long way to the door of their home. He Yan's arm was already tired and sour. He Yan was busy idling around and stuffing everything into Liang yuanze's arms. He Yan called out, "hold it and I'll open the door."

She ran to the front steps, took out the key from her purse and opened the door. When she entered the room, she didn't notice anything strange. When she turned on the light, she turned to see the tall man in the sofa. It was like being struck by lightning and settled there. Liang yuanze followed her and entered the door. Seeing her suddenly motionless, he could not help saying, "what's the matter? Yan Yan. "

He Yan didn't answer. He looked along her line of sight, but he was also stiff. When he reacted, he immediately threw the items in his arms and pulled He Yan out. Unfortunately, it's too late. A Jiang did not know when to the door, strong body blocked the door tightly. He held a gun in his hand, and the black muzzle of the gun was on Liang yuanze's forehead. He said in a cold voice, "go back."

Liang yuanze refused to retreat, so he took another step out with his teeth clenched against the muzzle of the gun. He Yan stares at the weapon that has been fitted with a muffler. Seeing that the insurance has been removed, he realizes that ajiang is not here to scare people. He will really shoot and kill Liang yuanze with one shot.

"Yuanze!" She suddenly grabbed him from behind and croaked, "let's go back."

She first broke away from Liang yuanze's hand and slowly turned to Fu Shenxing, who was sitting in the sofa.

He was looking at her, too, resentful and greedy. She had changed so much that he could hardly recognize her. Her white face was bleached to wheat, and her long curly hair had disappeared. Instead, she had short flaxen hair, which was beautiful and capable.

Perhaps in the street, he will even meet her, do not know, brush past. Fu Shenxing couldn't help but hook the corner of his lip and sneered. Then he slowly said, "it's been a long time, he Yan."

It was as if it were coming from hell, with a chilling chill in every word. More than half of He Yan's brain has been frozen, and only a little bit of reason left is turning a crazy idea: to live, we must find a way to make her and yuanze live, especially yuanze and Liang yuanze!

But she couldn't think of a way. She had already used all the methods. To show weakness, to please, to deceive, to deceive, to threaten with death, she has used, has used! He Yan looks at Fu Shenxing calmly, but her heart is almost broken. She doesn't know why he can find her. She has cleared away all traces, but why can he still find her?

Liang yuanze on the side of her body seems to be aware of her restlessness. Despite the threat of a Jiang's weapons, he stands forward and wants to protect He Yan behind him. This action made Fu Shenxing's eyes cold for a few moments. He pulled the corner of his lip viciously, opened his thin lips, and told ajiang to say, "ajiang --"

He Yan, who knew Fu Shenxing too well, interrupted him at the same time almost without thinking. "Fu Shenxing!" She suddenly exclaimed, breaking away from Liang yuanze's protection, and facing Fu Shenxing, she said, "ask ah Jiang to go out, let's talk about it." As soon as she said this, she suddenly calmed down, looked at Fu Shenxing calmly and added, "there is one thing I think it's better not to have other people know about it."

Fu Shen was a little surprised and raised her eyebrows slightly. She glanced at Liang yuanze maliciously. Then she looked at He Yan again and asked her frivolously, "only the two of us? And Mr. Liang? "

"No, he will stay, because he knows about it." He Yan said without changing her face.

Fu Shenxing pulled the corners of his lips, sneered and asked her, "He Yan, do you think you will have a chance to escape, do you?"

She really thinks so. Even if she knows that even if Fu Shenxing is the only one in the house, she and Liang yuanze are far from his rivals, but at least they have a little more vitality, don't they? He Yan gnawed her teeth and refused to admit it. She only said, "I didn't want to escape. Not only do I not want to escape now, but also I don't want to. Fu Shenxing, I'm not asking you, but I'm negotiating terms with you. "

Fu Shenxing looked at her with a smile, as if he had seen through all her thoughts. But he refused to expose her, even with her to play this game, want to see what she wants to play mystery. He lifted his chin to the door and told ajiang lightly: "ajiang, go outside and watch."

A Jiang nodded and took a look at Liang yuanze and walked out of the door with his gun in his hand.

Fu Shenxing raised his legs and folded them on the tea table in front of him. Then he leaned back lazily, looked up at He Yan and asked her, "go ahead, he Yan. I'll see what kind of lies your flexible little tongue can make up and see if I'll be cheated by you again."

Such Fu Shenxing is more terrible than he is angry and fierce, because he will be more rational, more cold, and more cruel, so that people can not find the slightest weakness. He Yan unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Liang yuanze, who had been suppressing her anger behind her. She put all her eggs in one basket and said, "yuanze, tell him who we found in the Western kingdom."

Even without eye contact, Liang yuanze already knew her intention. He replied, "Luo Pei? Dr. Adelman. "

Sure enough, he Yan found subtle changes in Fu Shenxing's face. In her mind, she decided not to continue, but to take a message from him, staring at Fu Shenxing and saying, "Fu Shenxing, oh no, maybe I should call you Shen Zhijie. You really think you destroyed the original fingerprint. No one in the world can prove how you changed from Shen Zhijie to Fu Shenxing? Do you think why I come here so hard just to avoid you? "Fu Shenxing's face was not startled, and even showed a smile. He only said, "go on."

He Yan couldn't feel his mind, so she had to go on and tell the lie, "Shen Zhijie, I put all the evidence I collected, including your fingerprint, the photocopy of the file with your fingerprint, and all the information later obtained from Dr. Luo Pei, and even the shady activities that Fu did, I sorted them into documents."

Fu Shenxing sneered, looked at He Yan and asked, "are you going to blackmail me? But, he Yan, are you sure those things you've arranged can really threaten me? "

He Yan clenched her teeth and looked at him unavoidably. She said, "Shen Zhijie, not all traces can be erased by you. Even if you have changed your appearance and scars, some things have existed, but they can't be changed. For example, your lung, which has already been blackened by tobacco, turns black. Even if you don't dare to smoke a cigarette now, even if you can't see any trace on your fingertip, your lung is still black. "

Fu Shenxing's lips of that light a little bit scattered, he looked at her silently, without saying a word.

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