The leader's wife's smile was more intense, and he Yan indicated that he Yan would go there with her. It seemed that she wanted to introduce other female guests to her. He Yan hesitated a little, subconsciously turned back to see Fu Shenxing, and looked at his smiling jaw head. Then he followed the leader's wife. Along the way, people often say hello to the leader's wife, who smiles and nods in return, and occasionally stops to introduce people to He Yan.

He Yan can see that the leaders and wives introduced themselves to more important people. Most of these people do not understand Chinese, so they have some special skills. They also have a strong local accent. Yu Yan sounds like a foreign language. She did not understand, so she chose to listen with a smile, cooperate with the reaction of the people around her, and occasionally change a lower facial expression.

When she turned her head accidentally, she found Fu Shenxing in the distance also looking at her in the crowd. Their eyes collided with each other. He was stunned at first and then cocked up the corner of his lips. He Yan micro Zheng next, the facial expression does not have the ground to turn back, but again to those women, but lost before calm. Although she didn't turn her head to look, somehow, she felt that he must still be paying close attention to himself.

This feeling called He Yan uncomfortable, so she left the crowd by going to the bathroom and walked into the house alone. There is a small bathroom on the second floor. She hides in it, locks the door from the inside, and relies on the sink in front of her. Yesterday's small five words gave her too much inspiration, almost all things need to think over from the beginning. Before that, she tried every means to prove that "Fu Shenxing" was "Shen Zhijie", and thus brought "Fu Shenxing" to law, but she ignored the most important point, that is, no matter "Fu Shenxing" or "Shen Zhijie", as long as she can catch evidence of his violation of the law, he can be brought to justice.

In fact, she has been drilling the tip of the ox horn, or a small five sentence awakened her, he said: "there is no one who cuts the top of a tree, you should cut it from the root."

Where is the root of Fu Shenxing? Fu Shenxing's roots are in Fu's family, while Fu's roots are here. In this seemingly paradise like land, he Yan did not know much about this place before, but also heard of some things. The money of the Fu family was not clean, whether it was in the past or now.

But who is Xiaowu? Why should she be reminded of this? Is Fu Shenxing's trial on her, or is it true that he has ulterior motives? For a moment, he Yan was not sure. She was a little absorbed in the thought. It was because she was so absorbed that she could not pay attention to the sound of shooting outside. She was suddenly awakened by the sound of shooting outside.

He Yan startled Leng for a moment, subconsciously want to go out to check the situation, but stopped when holding the door handle. Judging from the sound coming from the outside of the door, it should be very chaotic outside. I'm afraid it will be safer to stay in the closed bathroom at this moment. She steadied her mind, loosened the doorknob, and after a moment's consideration, she pushed back two steps to open the door and hid herself in the inner corner of the sink.

The fighting outside was very fierce, and the shooting kept banging, and soon there was a bigger explosion. The whole house was shaking violently, and the ceiling of the building fell down one after another. He Yan doesn't understand this. I don't know what kind of weapon it is. It will be so powerful. She was more flustered in her heart, and some of them could not decide whether to continue to hide here or to run out. In a moment of hesitation, she could hear someone calling her name faintly outside, mixing with the sound of shooting and explosion, showing anxiety and anxiety.

She recognized that it was Fu Shenxing's voice. The shouts rang a few times from far to near, and then went up to the high place. Supposing that he could not find her on the second floor, he continued to look for her on the third floor. He Yan hesitated for a moment, quickly got up and opened the door to run outside. As soon as she ran to the small hall, she met Fu Shenxing running down from the third floor. He saw that she was surprised at first, and then he was furious. He rushed to her and grabbed her. He said angrily, "where have you been?"

He pulled her and ran downstairs. She staggered and ran with him, and she called out, "where are you going?"

"Air raid shelter." He replied coldly, "the other side has heavy weapons."

But before he ran down the stairs, another rocket hit the house. He Yan has no time to respond, and people are Fu Shenxing protection in the arms of the fall in the past. The deafening explosion seemed to ring in my ear. The house collapsed. In the whirling of the sky, she was held by him and fell down with the stairs.

He Yan leg did not know what hit, the pain hit, just feel a black in front of her eyes, a sudden coma in the past. When I woke up, I didn't know when. It was dark all around, and there was still a lot of shooting outside. Fu Shenxing repeatedly patted her face with his hand and called her name anxiously, "a Yan? Ah Yan

She groaned in pain, but Fu Shenxing was overjoyed. Her hand was close to her face and asked her, "where is the pain? Where did it hurt? "

He Yan's brain is still a little confused, her ears are also like a thick cotton block, for a while, she can't hear Fu Shenxing's words. Until he even asked her several times, she seemed to react to come over, difficult answer: "leg, thigh pain, as if by what hit."

"Where?" He asked, the voice line is a little tight, because the body is trapped, can only go down to touch her leg. I didn't want to touch it, but her hands were sticky and wet. Obviously, her wound was bleeding all the time. Fu Shenxing's body was obviously stiff for a moment, but he quickly reacted. He took back his hand and tore off his shirt, trying to bandage her wound.The two were trapped in a narrow crack by broken stone slabs, and their movements were extremely difficult. His other arm was pressed under her body and could not even be pulled back. Only one hand was unable to bandage her leg. He went to touch her arm on the same side and asked, "a Yan, is your hand hurt? Can you move it?"

"No She replied.

He clenched her hand and said in a deep voice, "listen to me, cooperate with my hand, and let's stop your wound first."

After this time, he Yan has gradually calmed down. She knows that there are many arteries and veins on the thigh. Once injured, it is easy to cause a lot of blood loss and lead to death. She doesn't want to die, at least not here. "Was it an artery or a vein?" She asked calmly.

Fu Shenxing didn't want her to be so calm at the moment, but he was proud of her. This is his ah Yan, the woman he likes. In the dark, he felt the torn half of the shirt, tore it into several centimeter wide strips of cloth, and put one end into He Yan's hand. Only then did he care to answer her, he said casually: "it should not be the artery, otherwise we should hear the hissing sound of blood now."

"Then it should be tightened at the far end, shouldn't it?" She asked in a deep voice.

"No, just bandage the wound." He reached out and groped for her wound, estimated the injury, and then pressed the cloth strip on her wound, wrapped it around her thigh for several times, and then directed her, and the two people worked together to tie the cloth. After bandaging her injured leg, Fu Shenxing could not help sweating. He quietly wiped the blood on his own body, and then raised his hand to touch her face and comforted her: "don't be afraid."

The sound of shooting outside gradually faded away, and then someone was heard shouting. After listening to it, Fu Shenxing said, "the enemy has been defeated, and they are going to pursue it."

She didn't know whether the pain was too much or her leg was paralyzed. She didn't feel how painful the injured leg was for a moment. Listening to Fu Shenxing's words, she couldn't help asking, "what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, someone will come to help." He replied.

But they didn't know how deep they were buried, as if the whole house had been blown up, and they were buried at the bottom. Fu Shenxing yelled a few voices, but there was no response from the outside. I don't know whether no one heard it or people didn't pay attention to it. He Yan did not make a sound, until Fu Shenxing could not bear to be impatient, and reached out to push the stone slab above, she said in a voice: "don't toss about, or wait patiently, so that the house will collapse again, and then there will be no such a small space."

He had no patience to wait, her leg was injured, and even had been bleeding. If not treated in time, her life would be in danger. His voice was hoarse, so he had to touch a stone from his side and tap the stone on top of his head, trying to signal people outside. I don't want to be still unresponsive.

"Where's ajiang?" She asked softly.

Fu Shen Xing was silent for a moment, and then he replied faintly: "maybe it was buried in some place."

The attack came suddenly, and the earliest rocket landed in the courtyard. The guests were seriously injured and frightened and ran around. A Jiang wants to protect Fu Shenxing to the air raid shelter, but Fu Shenxing gets rid of him and rushes into the house to find he Yan. A Jiang has to follow him in. The two of them separated to find he Yan. He rushed straight up the second floor, but ajiang stayed on the first floor.

Without seeing him, ajiang will not escape alone. Then, he should also be in this house. His life and death are unknown.

Fu Shenxing was silent for a long time, and then suddenly found that he Yan in his arms did not move for a long time. As soon as he was nervous, he quickly reached out and patted her cheek, calling her, "ah Yan? Ah Yan

She seemed to be a little tired and sleepy. She said to him in a low voice: "hmm?"

He could not see her face clearly, so he could only reach out to touch her injured leg. Sure enough, the blood was still seeping out, and the tattered shirt wrapped there had already been soaked. Fu Shenxing couldn't help being flustered. He Yan's face was held in the palm of his hand, and she was coaxed with a soft voice: "hold on, a Yan. Someone will come to save us soon."

He didn't speak in a disorderly way. As expected, voices were heard outside. Someone asked in a loud voice whether there was anyone below. Fu Shenxing responded in a loud voice. When he got the response, he quickly patted He Yan on the cheek, "don't sleep. Talk to me."

He Yan gave a vague "um" and stopped for a long time. Then she said to herself, "I want to call Liang yuanze and listen to his voice." , the fastest update of the webnovel!