When he Yan woke up the next morning, Fu Shenxing was no longer there. She dressed and went downstairs. Just after breakfast, his phone call arrived. It seemed that she was in a good mood. She asked her softly, "did you sleep well?"

She said, "OK."

He chuckled on the phone, then lowered his voice and asked, "did you dream? How did I behave in my dreams? "

"What dream?" She asked subconsciously. She was a few seconds late. She couldn't help but feel a little angry and ashamed. She asked him, "Fu Shenxing, do you decorate anything else in your mind except that dirty idea?"

"Still pretending you." He replied with a bad smile. Seeing that she was so angry that she had to hang up, he immediately got serious and said, "someone will take you to the hospital to have a check on your body. Be good. I'm busy today and can't go with you."

She answered, hesitated for a moment, then asked again: "after the physical examination, can I go back to the school park? I also have some things left with my colleagues and want to get them back. "

Across the phone, he seems to feel her cautious, Fu Shenxing does not like this feeling, although it all comes from him. He was silent and asked her in a deep voice, "ah Yan, do you remember what I said to you when I was buried under the floor?"

She was in a coma, but she still heard what he said to her clearly. He said: as long as you are good, I will let you see Liang yuanze and let you go back to your previous life.

Yes, he did take her to see Liang yuanze, but Liang yuanze has met her. He wanted her to go back to her former life, but her life had already been destroyed by him, and she would never return to the past. Her heart was filled with hatred, but her words did not show half of her hatred. She only hesitated and asked him, "can you really believe me again?"

After being cheated by her repeatedly, can he really trust her again? After a long time, he only said, "ah Yan, I want to spend my life with you."

This is really moving. If it is not for her heartache and hatred, she will be moved. She was the only one in such a big room. She looked up and smiling at her imaginary self in the mirror, just like playing a one-man play without audience. She was deliberately silent, carefully savoring his calm but restrained breath coming from the receiver until the breath gradually disordered the frequency, and then quietly replied, "Fu Shenxing, can you give me more time? I'll take my time and walk forward step by step. "

"Good." He answered, stopped for a moment, and then whispered, "I'll wait for you."

He Yan went to the private clinic first. After the review, it was nearly noon. After eating something outside, he asked the driver to drive her to the school park. I don't know if something happened. The management of the school park is much stricter than before. There is no pass, and their vehicles are not allowed to enter the school park. The bodyguard wanted to go down to negotiate with him, but he Yan blocked him and said, "you wait for me outside. I'll come back when I get something."

She got out of the car and walked slowly to the college alone. Several colleagues in the office were all there. She was surprised to see her suddenly. After looking at each other, they came to greet her. Xu is because in the future no longer have interests to fight, we also appear to be particularly enthusiastic. He Yan with a smile and they chat a few words, then follow the best relationship with the colleague to the next door warehouse to pick up the carton she left.

At that time, she left Nanzhao in a hurry, and could not attend to the school park to collect her personal belongings. Later, when she sent her resignation letter back from abroad, she also sent the key of her desk drawer by the way to her colleagues. She asked her colleagues to collect all her things and keep them for her temporarily.

Fu Shenxing also knew about it, so when she told him that she would come to the school park to get things in the morning, he didn't have any doubts.

everything was collected by her colleague in the carton. Her colleague just received a bottle of famous brand perfume from her. He was in a good mood. He moved a big cardboard box from the locked cabinet to the empty table beside him. He laughed and said, "I have locked you all the time. You check it and see what is missing."

"You don't have to check. It doesn't matter at all. Besides, I don't have to worry about your work." He Yan laughs and refuses to check. She waits for her colleagues to urge her, and then she looks at the contents of the carton. Most of them are some small ornaments on her desk, and some books, and then, a few English CDs.

He Yan's fingers from the CD box, in one of them slightly pause, see that the mark on the top has not moved, then know that no one has moved these things. She quietly picked out two CDs and handed them to her colleagues across the way. She said with a smile, "this is my favorite band. I'll give you these two and leave a souvenir for you."

She said goodbye to her colleagues and walked out with the carton in her arms. It is also a coincidence, just out of the building door, met Xu Chengbo who came to hand in his homework. The cardboard box in her arms was too big to block her sight. She tilted herself to look at the steps under her feet, but she didn't notice Xu Chengbo at all. However, Xu Chengbo saw her first, but didn't recognize her for a moment. He only tentatively called out, "what's the speaker?"

He Yan hears the sound and turns her head to see him.

Xu Chengbo was more surprised than she was. She was stunned to see her. Then she came to pick up the carton in her arms and said, "master he, it's really you! I didn't even recognize you just nowOver the past year, her change is really great, no wonder he would say so. He Yan faintly smiles and says with disapproval: "change a kind of style, change a kind of mood."

Seeing her smile, the young man also showed a simple smile and asked her, "where are you going? I'll see you there. "

He Yan didn't polite to him. He Yan only took the bag of homework in his hand into his own hand, so that he could hold the box and say, "go to the gate of the school park. If you are OK, help me to move the box."

"It's OK. It's OK." Xu Chengbo said repeatedly.

He took the carton and sent He Yan to the gate of the school. After a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. He, have you really resigned?"

"Well, I quit." She nodded, and a faint smile, "I won't have to call me the speaker in the future."

He seemed to be unable to accept it. He was reluctant to smile. He was silent for a moment, but he still called her to speak. After hesitation, he said, "Mr. He, the girl named Chen Heguo has visited you many times."

He Yan smell speech not feel frown, "when the matter?"

"In the first half of last year." Xu Chengbo replied, carefully observing He Yan's face, and then said, "I've been looking for me twice, pestering me for your contact information. I said I didn't, and she still refused to believe it."

Hearing that it was last year's event, he Yan didn't care much. Seeing Xu Chengbo's look, she realized that the big boy had a small mind to say this. She not only laughed, said: "I just came back from abroad, a lot of things have not been decided, and I will give you contact information when I decide."

Xu Chengbo's careful thinking was found out by her. She was embarrassed. She grinned and said, "OK." Speaking, the school gate is already in sight, he hesitated several times, and finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart, "master he, is that Fu still pestering you?"

He Yan was silent for a moment and didn't know how to answer. Unexpectedly, he misunderstood her meaning and explained, "don't misunderstand me, master ho. I don't mean anything else. What's more, I don't think you've done anything wrong. No matter what the reason is, when you say no, it's his fault to pester him again. "

She was surprised, turned her head to look at him, and simply asked, "what do you mean by that? Have you heard any gossip? "

Xu Chengbo utters Chi, a little do not know how to say this. When Chen Heguo came to him for the last time to ask him about the contact information of He Yan, the two people said that they quarreled. He scolds Fu Shenxing as a bully, but Chen Heguo defends Fu Shenxing by saying that a slap can't make a sound. Even if Fu Shenxing is an asshole, he Yan is not a white lotus flower. If she hadn't provoked Fu Shenxing first, how could he have entangled her!

That time, Xu Chengbo almost beat Chen Heguo.

He didn't know how to tell he Yan about it. However, he felt that no matter how he was a boy, it had been a long time since the incident happened. He should not have passed on his words to He Yan, making him like a gossip woman. So he just gave a stiff smile and said, "no, it's just a casual remark."

He Yan smiles and does not continue to ask.

The car sent by Fu Shenxing was waiting outside the school gate. When the bodyguard saw he Yan come out, he rushed forward to take the big box from Xu Chengbo's hand and asked him, "Miss He, can I put it in the trunk?"

He Yan nodded, turned to see Xu Chengbo, handed him the homework bag in his hand, and said with a smile, "I'll go first. You go back. Remember to study hard!" When she finished, she got on the car. When she looked back, she found that the big boy was still standing on the side of the road.

In fact, no need to ask, she can almost guess things, Xu Chengbo can go and say who he himself is just Chen Heguo. It is also conceivable how Chen Heguo, who was deceived by Fu Shenxing, would evaluate her. For that girl, he Yan has been completely indifferent at the moment. There are always some people in the world who can't see the coffin or shed tears. If they can't be saved or protected, they can't let her go.

Even though she thought so, she still had some disagreements in her heart. When Fu Shenxing came back at night, she deliberately put on her face to show him. Fu Shenxing saw that he Yan was not good-looking. He pulled off his tie, took off his suit and threw it on the sofa casually. He came over and sat down beside her and asked, "what's the matter?"

There was a faint weariness in his voice, and he also used the word "you".

He Yan can be regarded as a very good person. She turned her head to look at him. Instead of mentioning Chen Heguo, she gradually softened her face, obviously hesitated for a moment, and asked him, "is there a lot of things in the company?"

Fu Shenxing lost too much time in the south, and the company naturally overstocked a lot of things. Even if he was busy all day, even though he was physically and energetic, he could not help feeling tired. In particular, the company's business is different from those in the south that can't see the light. Even though he has made great efforts in this respect in recent years, he still feels that he can't do it.

He didn't want her to know about these things. Fu Shenxing, with a faint smile, habitually reached out to pinch her ear beads and replied, "it's OK."

He Yan, however, seemed to see his heart and squinted at him with a smile. As she continued to sort out the items in the carton, she said, "hard work is hard work. What's so hard to say? Don't say you're a semi monk. Even if the former" genius "is there, I'm afraid he can't carry all the bright and dark things on his shoulders."She said, flicking his hand, holding a pile of CDs and putting them on the hard disk shelf over there. Then she turned back and continued to clean up her newspapers and magazines. Naturally, she raised her head and asked him, "can you spare a small room to make a study for me?"

Fu Shenxing leaned lazily on the sofa and watched her busy nearby. Hearing her ask, Fu Shenxing said with a smile, "just put this thing in my study."

The whole second floor is his domain, with a large living room and bedroom, and the independent study with bulletproof door. And that study is not allowed to enter at will, that is, the daily cleaning, all by ajiang. You can almost imagine what was hidden there. She smiles and shakes her head, "forget it, melon fields, or pay attention to it."

She was too transparent and too measured, which made him happy, but also made him feel a faint loss. He got up and went to him. He hugged her gently from behind and asked in a low voice, "when I came back just now, did you have something that you didn't like?"

When she heard the speech, she raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at him sideways. "Do you see that?"

He said with a smile, "tell me, who has offended you?"

He Yan thought for a while, frowned unconsciously, and turned to face him. He couldn't help laughing at her serious and serious appearance. He put out his hand to touch her eyebrows and said, "if you have something to say, frown."

"It's Chen Heguo. I'm not happy about Chen Heguo." She suddenly said, raising her hand to block his hand, and slightly darkened her face. "Fu Shenxing, since we have decided to go forward, we should talk about everything in front of us. I'm tired of fighting with people, whether it's people or things. If you want to touch a young girl, I don't care, but don't make her come to my eyes. I'm tired of all this mess. "

Fu Shenxing didn't want her to suddenly mention Chen Heguo. She frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "you don't have to argue, whether it's people or things." Although he said so, he was somewhat guilty. After a pause, he asked, "how could he suddenly talk about her?"

He Yan pursed her lips and replied, "I met Xu Chengbo when I went to pick up things in the school park today. Chen Heguo didn't know what to say to him. He asked him to say some inexplicable words, which made me very embarrassed."

"Xu Chengbo? The boy in love with you He asked her in a rather bad tone.

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