The call was international, and it was called from Xiguo. The other party said respectfully, "Mr. Fu, I just got in touch with Miss Casey. She and Liang yuanze broke up shortly after leaving Alicante. She didn't know where Liang yuanze had gone."

When the matter is found here, it is recalled that he Yan hid in the bathroom and cried after seeing Tian Tian last time. Fu Shenxing has almost guessed everything. He sat in silence for a moment with a cold face. He suddenly opened the drawer of his desk, took out his weapon, and got up and went out of the study. A Jiang has been waiting for him downstairs. Seeing him coming down, he whispered, "it has been fixed to the position of that number."

Fu Shenxing nodded slightly and continued to go out, but he stopped when he arrived at the porch. What can we do if we kill Liang yuanze? It's just pushing He Yan further away from herself. How could she give up with him with such a disposition? Don't talk about the children at that time, for fear that even her own life would be involved. Then, in the desolation, he stood still in the air.

A Jiang did not dare to speak and waited for his decision in silence.

Fu Shenxing suddenly pulled the corners of his lips and laughed at himself. He turned back to his study.

In the bedroom, he Yan did not sleep. Because there were still two doors between them, it was very difficult for the outside to get in. She had no way to know Fu Shenxing's contradiction, and she did not know that Liang yuanze had been on the line of life and death for a while. She guessed that Tian Tian Tian's sudden appointment to go out at this time was most likely related to Liang yuanze. On that day, their communication was suddenly cut off. If she was Liang yuanze, she would be out of control. In her impatience, she would go to Tian Tian Tian for help regardless of the danger.

Waiting time is the most painful, she did not know how much she turned over in bed, and this only went to the west of the sun. On the contrary, she calmed down unexpectedly, got up and changed her clothes without any hurry, and carefully put on a light make-up for herself, and then she went out of the bedroom. Fu Shenxing was still in the study. As soon as the door opened, there was a choking smell of smoke on her face. She subconsciously raised her hand to cover her nose, frowned and asked him, "when will I leave?"

Fu Shenxing put out the cigarette and looked at her deeply. Then he got up and stood up from behind the table. He bent his lips and laughed at her. He said, "you can do it at any time."

He behaved badly, and when he glanced at the cigarette butts piled up in the ashtray, he Yan was shocked. This man is a heavy smoker, but he always has good self-control. If he is not bored to a certain extent, he would never indulge himself in this way. She looked at him suspiciously and suddenly had the courage to gamble. When he passed by, she suddenly stopped him and said, "some things must be faced, not only me, but also you."

He stopped and looked down at her in surprise.

He Yan, without expression, said: "Fu Shenxing, you and I know that the reason why I can persist is that the people I care about can be safe. Now, I'm pregnant with your child and I'm taking you to see him. If it doesn't satisfy you, I really don't know what else to do

Fu Shenxing suspected for a moment that he had heard the wrong thing. After looking at her for a long time, he asked her, "what do you mean?"

His reaction made her more sure of her guess. He knew that Liang yuanze had come back, and might even have set a trap waiting for them to step in. He Yan's heart is pounding, but calm on the surface, sneering and asking him: "you really don't know what I mean?"

He knew, just some can't believe, can't believe that she will be so frank to himself. Fu Shenxing raised his hand, picked up her hair with his fingertips, pinned her behind her ear, and asked her in a low voice, "ah Yan, are you trying to cheat me again?"

She blocked his hand and lowered her eyes. She said faintly, "don't move him. I'll make him die. I'll leave and never come back." She stopped for a while, and then said: "and Tian Tian, she just said to me, we are right and wrong, do not involve anyone."

Fu Shenxing looked at her silently. Although he was unwilling to do so, he could only nod his head in the end

They went to Tian Tian Tian's date together. Tian Tian saw that Fu Shenxing came in after he Yan. He was really stupid and didn't know what to say. He Yan looks calm and calm, sat down opposite Tian Tian Tian, and then asked her, "it's just that he's OK at night, so he came along with him and didn't say hello to you in advance. Do you mind?"

Tian Tian cares very much, but she doesn't dare to say. She just winks at He Yan.

He Yan turned a blind eye, took the waiter handed over the menu, randomly ordered some things, and then asked Tian Tian: "when to leave?"

"Eh?" Tian Tian Leng for a moment, quickly answer: "in a few days."

Before he Yan said anything, Fu Shenxing glanced at her with a smile and said, "don't forget to inform me and a Yan that we will go to see you off."

Tian Tian reluctantly smile, as if some can not sit still, did not after a while, then said: "you sit first, I go to the bathroom."

Who knows he Yan unexpectedly also stands up with her, light says: "I also go."

Tian Tian's heart is weak and subconsciously aims at Fu Shenxing. He was looking at He Yan, holding her wrist and refusing to let go. He Yan didn't say anything. She just looked back at him quietly. After a long time, Fu Shenxing finally let go of his hand, bent his lips to her and said softly, "come back early."The person you fall in love with first will always be lower, then lower He was so cruel and cruel, just because he cared about her, he became a wild animal bound with limbs and sharp teeth. Even if he was angry, he would only roar and hiss and have nothing to do.

She looked at him, nodded gently, and said, "OK."

Tian Tian was stunned for a moment, and then she was busy following him. She secretly pulled He Yan on her hand and said in a low voice, "did Fu Shenxing find anything? You go back quickly. "

He Yan stopped and turned to look at her and directly asked, "where is he?"

Tian Tian is afraid to be seen by Fu Shenxing. She first glances back and pulls He Yan to the side. Then she quickly replies, "he's waiting for you at the back door of the restaurant, but don't meet this time. You go to the bathroom and go back quickly. Stabilize Fu Shenxing. I'll inform Liang yuanze and tell him to go away."

He Yan was moved by her good friend's righteousness, but hated her recklessness and boldness. She grabbed Tian Tian Tian and said in a cold voice, "don't get involved in these things in the future. It's very dangerous! Fu Shenxing will kill you. Once again, he will really kill you! Tian Tian, you are not a female Xia. It's not something you can do bravely. You can't save me, you just drag me down! "

Tian Tian didn't expect he Yan to say such a thing. He was stunned and looked at her strangely. "He Yan, I just treat you as a friend."

"But I don't want to go to a friend's funeral again!" He Yan said fiercely. She could not help but blush under her eyes. She bit her teeth and said, "Tian Tian Tian, I'm not lucky. Those who are close to me can't come to a good end. You should stay away from me in the future. The farther away, the better."

She said, a push away Tian Tian Tian, turned around and quickly walked to the back door of the restaurant. This restaurant is located inside the building. It is a back door. It is actually a fire escape. He Yan walked very fast, and her high-heeled shoes clattered on the floor. Just as she pushed open the fire door, she reached out a hand in the diagonal stab and pulled her to the back of the door. The sudden change in the light made her eyes suddenly blurred, but the people in front of her were so familiar. He held her face in his hands and lowered his voice, calling her in an urgent voice: "Yan Yan! It's me

A few seconds later, her eyes gradually adapted to the dark, a little bit to see Liang yuanze's face. It's no longer a video captured by a high camera, but right in front of her, within her reach. Familiar and strange, facial features only vaguely left his shadow before, only the same pair of eyes. She raised her hand and approached him little by little, until the trembling fingertips fell on his face before she believed it was true. He Yan thought he would cry, but he didn't want to see a hot and dry, "yuanze?"

Liang yuanze clenched her hand and passionately kisses her fingertips. He said, "it's me, Yanyan, it's me. I'm back!"

"Get out of here! Let's go She tried to keep calm, but her words were still disorderly and somewhat illogical. "Shen Zhijie already knows that you are back. He will kill you at any time, and Tian Tian is also very dangerous. Yuanze, how can you find Tian Tian again? How dare you ask her to ask me out? You'll kill her, you'll kill yourself, you know! "

Liang yuanze, aware of her nervousness and confusion, held her head tightly in both hands, put her forehead against her, and soothed her in a deep voice: "don't be afraid, Yan Yan. Calm down. I've got that bastard's plastic record. It's very detailed. You know what? Not only the data of the bastard before plastic surgery, but also the dead Fu Shenxing. It was he who left a detailed record first, and then the bastard of Shenzhi Festival followed that record. "

However, he Yan was more and more shocked. Liang yuanze got all this. How can Fu Shenxing allow him to live! She was afraid that the wall would have ears, and hastily reached out to cover his mouth, "forget about this! Yuanze, forget about this! You can't fight him. He can do anything. "

"I can fight him!" Liang yuanze couldn't restrain his excitement. He grabbed her hand and stared at her. His eyes were almost fanatical. "Yan Yan, you run away first. I've already arranged it. You hide and wait for me to send that bastard into the guard room and bring him to justice! "

"No, it's impossible." He Yan shakes her head. Fu was rich and generous, and Fu Shenxing was cruel and ruthless. Only relying on Liang yuanze's own strength to fight against the whole Fu family was tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg. Time is pressing. She has no time to talk to him. She just gets close to his ear and whispers, "I have found another way. Yuanze, you believe me, listen to my arrangement. You leave here, forget me, and live well."

"I can't live well!" Liang yuanze suddenly interrupted her, his eyes slowly red, astringent voice said: "I left you with that bastard, one day will be crazy. Yan Yan, do you know how hard I have to remember you? I have to fight against the drugs every day. I have to tell myself that I can't forget it every day. I bear the same headache as bursting to recall our everything, for fear that I will forget it. It's easy for me to remember, but now you want me to forget you and live on my own? "

He Yan was anxious to cry, but she could not, not only could not, but also tried to keep calm and calm. "What do you do then?" She asked him, words like a knife like an arrow, "you so hard to stick to it, just to die in his hands again? And I insist so hard, just to watch you die in his hands? "Liang yuanze couldn't answer. He looked at her quietly. After a long time, he asked her, "live on, watch you marry him, be forced by him again and again, and live like a walking corpse, right? If this is the way I live, what's the point of my life? "

"Meaningful," she replied, trying to widen her eyes, not to let the tears roll down. "You live well, that's what I live for. Yuanze, do you remember what we said? I don't want you to go to hell with me. I want you to wait for me at the gate of hell, and one day you can pull me out

That was the agreement they had, and the only support she had when she was in hell.

In the corridor separated by a door, Fu Shenxing leaned on the wall indifferently and smoked silently. He couldn't sit outside, but when he got here, he didn't dare to step forward or even close to the door. He was afraid of hearing voices and words he didn't want to hear.

That's right, it's self deception. If you don't listen or see, what's happening behind the door doesn't exist. The hand that he hangs to the side of the body, clenched again and again into a fist, but again and again unable to release. Time has never been as long and unbearable as this moment, so suffering, until the fire door was pushed open by her. Fu Shenxing turned his head to look at her. He turned his eyes around her tearful face. At last, he pulled the corners of his lips with sarcasm and asked her, "is it over?"

She didn't seem to think that he would be waiting here, but she pretended to be calm and said, "he has gone and will not come to me again. Fu Shenxing, you must keep your word. "

Fu Shenxing didn't speak a word. He went to her step by step, stood there and looked down at her. He held her face up and wiped the tear marks on her cheek with his finger belly. Slowly and seriously, he wiped it. He said in a soft voice: "go, go back with me."

He Yan's lips trembled slightly and could not say a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!