Chapter 80 - Chapter 80: Chapter 79: Immortal Eternity_1

Chapter 80: Chapter 79: Immortal Eternity_1

Translator: 549690339 |

Fortunately, Chi Xulong and his group were seasoned veterans, they wouldn’t leak any information about the demonic sect while imprisoned, else Master Chu would have to consider keeping them silent permanently.

Master Chu sent a message for Lu Yang and the two others to come to Yanjiang

Rudder for the official initiation ceremony.

As for those fools, they would have a good ten days in the dungeon to cool their heads.

Master Chu, lounging lazily on his jade throne, looked up at the trio and complimented, “Your barbecue restaurant is a great idea, keep it up. It’s a channel for us to establish contact with the officers.”

Master Chu dismissed the attendants, who were all beginner members of the sect. They hadn’t been tested, they weren’t qualified to know the inner secrets of the sect.

“Let’s go, I’ll show you the Immortal Eternity.”

Master Chu led the three to another floating stone. The buildings on the floating stone were clearly from another time, they had collapsed under the ravages of Suiyue. The place felt weighted with history.

Even someone as educated as Meng Jingzhou couldn’t determine the age of

these buildings.

These were certainly not buildings from the hundred thousand years of Great


Meng Jingzhou was quietly shocked. These buildings must have at least a hundred thousand years of history!

“Could it be from the Great Yu dynasty?”

According to history, the last emperor of the Great Yu dynasty was infamous for his debauchery, which led to the fragmentation of the dynasty and chaos throughout the lands. The ancestors of the Meng family and Emperor Xia rose to power and dominated the Central Continent.

The Seek Dao Sect was established 120,000 years ago, during the time of the Great Yu dynasty. Yet, the dynasty was at its peak and no one could challenge its status.

At the end of the buildings stood a roughly four meters tall statue. It was exactly like the one seen in Qin Yuanhao’s house, with blurred facial features and a robe that made it impossible to distinguish its gender. This was Immortal


Master Chu held up three lit incense sticks, bowing to the Immortal Eternity, then turned to the trio and said, “Meditate for an hour to clear your minds.”

The scent of these incense sticks was not ordinary, and the fluttery heart slowly calmed down as they smelled it.

Clearing the mind represented a fundamental skill for the three. Seeing them settle quickly, Master Chu nodded in approval.

Even with the help of the Treasure Incense, this was a quick speed of calming down. Most cultivators from the Demon Path are restless and do not cultivate their minds. These three were indeed rare.

It seems they had received some kind of opportunity somewhere.

If he knew about this opportunity in the past, Master Chu would spare no effort to make it his. But these three were different, they were the focus of the Master’s attention, and he didn’t dare to do anything.

An hour later, the three woke up and followed Master Chu’s instructions to pay homage to Immortal Eternity.

After the complex rituals, they officially became followers of the Eternity Sect.

Master Chu said with his hands behind his back, “Before joining our sect, you probably only knew of us as Eternity Sect, worshipping the Immortal Eternity and the promise of extended life. But you likely know very little about Immortal Eternity.”

The three nodded. They basically knew nothing about the Immortal Eternity, this was the only Immortal they’ve ever heard of.

Master Chu spoke reverently, “The existence of Immortal Eternity is taboo. He has lived as long as heaven and earth have existed, witnessing all the ups and downs of the world. Even if his physical body is destroyed and his immortal soul corrupts, so long as someone still remembers him, he can resurrect on the spot, eternal and undying!”

Lu Yang and the others were taken aback, unsure of how much of what Master Chu said was true and how much was a lie.

As long as someone remembers the existence of Immortal Eternity, he is undying and indestructible. Such a thing has never been heard of even in myth! Such a miraculous existence. It’s not inappropriate to call it an “Immortal .

Master Chu continued, “He achieved immortality in ancient times, knowing secrets from all ages. The power he controls is beyond what we ordinary mortals can challenge.”

“With the arrival of the Great Era, the ancient creatures buried deep within the wilderness are slowly crawling out from their coffins. To survive in this era, we must resurrect Immortal Eternity to protect us!”

Lu Yang hesitated a moment before asking, “How do we resurrect Immortal Eternity?”

“He became immortal through war and killing. He loves slaughter. We must stir up a bloody catastrophe in this world, pleasing Immortal Eternity with the death of millions of humans. That’s the first step. The next steps are not for your kind to know.”

“Millions of humans dying?!” Meng Jingzhou was shocked. How many deaths would that amount to? Corpses strewn across the field would be an understatement!

“A lot? Not at all.” Master Chu shook his head. Most people would react similarly upon hearing that number. But think about it calmly, the Central Continent is vast and the number seems large, but if you average it out, it’s only one death per few thousand people.

“Do you know how many people die each year from the hardships of life? From suicide caused by unbearable pressures? From illness? From malpractice by quacks? How many unclaimed bodies does the Great Xia dynasty find each year?”

Master Chu sneered, “Do you know? Of course, you don’t. Because the Great Xia dynasty dares not reveal the true data!”

“If we don’t resurrect Immortal Eternity, who will protect the vast Central Continent? When the old monsters start to awaken, there will be far more deaths.”

“Is the Great Era really that terrifying?” Lu Yang’s heart was chilled.

Without a word, Master Chu motioned for the three to follow him.

Master Chu circled around the statue of Immortal Eternity, traversed through a field of ruins, saying as he walked, “These remains have come down from ancient times and deteriorated over time. Ten thousand years ago, our founding patriarch accidentally discovered this place and learned of the existence of Immortal Eternity.”

“Immortal Eternity’s existence is too ancient, the world has forgotten the Immortal who once protected it. Our founding patriarch brought Immortal Eternity back into the world!”

“The patriarch made a copy of the ruins to keep at each stronghold. This place is one of them and has a history of ten thousand years.”

Meng Jingzhou thought, so this is a copy of ancient ruins. No wonder he couldn’t tell. Very few things from ancient times have been preserved to this day.

Master Chu stopped in front of a stone wall, “Here. This depicts an ancient ritual scene.”

The first thing that caught their eye was the figure of Immortal Eternity, with open arms, on the stone wall. Within the arms of Immortal Eternity held countless orbs of different sizes. Some orbs were surrounded by ring-like objects, the purpose of which was uncertain.

There were small human figures kneeling on each orb, offering gifts to Immortal Eternity.

“What are these orbs, and why are people standing on them?” Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu were confused and baffled.

Lu Yang’s pupils shrank slightly at the sight of the mural. These orbs look a lot like the planets from his previous life. The rings around the planets are made of asteroid dust.

Master Chu slowly explained, “These are called planets. In ancient times there was no Central Continent. Every race lived on planets.”

“At the end of ancient times, an unknown entity refined all the planets into today’s Central Continent!”

Upon hearing this, all three were shocked!